Book Giveaway: A Confident Heart

Precious in His Sight

Do you wake up in the morning condemning yourself? Do you feel like you’re never good enough? Does it feel like your life has no purpose or value?

Jesus knows our pain, fears, and doubts. He cries with us. But He wants us to go beneath the surface to understand what is going on in our hearts that is eating away our confidence and security. He longs to heal those wounded places. He desires that we find our identity in Him, not in all the negative voices that bombard and overwhelm us.

One of my favorite books that has helped me to deal with insecurity and to lean more on how special and valuable I am in Christ is Renee Swope’s A Confident Heart.

Renee knows by experience how insecurity can paralyze us and keep us from living a full and free life in Jesus. In her book, she helps us to find our identity in Christ and to see His Word is sent “like love letters from Heaven to fall fresh on our parched and tired souls.”

Chapter by chapter, A Confident Heart will help you:

  • Learn to fail forward even when life or sin sets you back
  • Live confidently in your God-given purpose, passion, and personality
  • Break free from people-pleasing and performance-based living
  • Exchange “against me” thoughts with scripture-based God is “for me” thoughts
  • Trust the certainty of God’s promises in the uncertainty of your circumstances and emotions

Powerful scripture-based prayers are at the end of each chapter, along with Bible study questions and a chart with thirty-one different promises to overcome our most common self-doubts.

With heartfelt thanks to Renee for her generosity, I am offering a free copy! All you need to do is post a comment answering this question: What is insecurity keeping you from doing in your life? If you are uncomfortable posting online, you can
Email Me, and I can post for you anonymously.

On September 30, I will announce a winner, so please check back!



  1. Many things actually. A simple example is that I want to learn Chinese, but I’m sure I’ll ever be able to learn it and if I’ll have enough time to dedicate to learning it. I also almost rejected a great internship offer because I thought I won’t be good enough for the position. I’m glad my sister was there to talk me into it. I love it now 🙂
    I’d love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway!


    • Thanks for sharing, Curious Daisies. 🙂 I’m so glad you have a sister who believes in you and is confident of your God-given potential. Congratulations on accepting the internship. 🙂 I hope you also gain the courage to tackle Chinese.


  2. Insecurity has actually kept me from realizing and accepting the love of our God. My own feeling of worthlessness has held me back in so many ways, and it has caused me to calculate the worst rather than expecting, anticipating or hoping for God’s best.


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