God Can Breathe Life Into Your Voice

A Child's Trust
Joining Faith Barista’s writing prompt:
Finding Your Voice

I’ve been struggling with this writing prompt. How can I write about finding my voice when it sometimes feels like it’s still trapped inside of me?  I really don’t know how to describe it, but sometimes it feels like there is this pressure deep in my soul crying to get out, to be the real me. But when my voice starts peeking out, that’s when the lies hammer me even more persistently. And I want to shut down again. 

I was about to give up writing this post until I read Bonnie Gray’s post: The Top 5 Lies of Perfectionism, and she encouraged us to take the Love Dare Challenge. To just take the next step that reflects only on the unconditional love of God for us. To let ourselves be loved.

So even if this post sounds as mixed up as my “real” voice does sometimes, I’m going to take the Love Dare Challenge and write anyway. I’m trying hard to JUST BE ME and not feel guilty about it. To not feel selfish if I nurture the true voice of my soul. To not feel I don’t deserve to be healed.

Deep down in my soul there are seeds.

Unique seeds God planted that make me different.

Seeds that have a special purpose in His plan.

Seeds that are meant to grow and bloom.

Seeds that have been smothered with negative words and actions.

Seeds that I’m trying to allow God to breathe life into again.

There is hope in the story of the dry bones in Ezekiel 37. The Spirit of the Lord brought Ezekiel to a valley of dry bones. A jumbled up mess of dead, dried up bones with not a speck of life in them. But what happened?

Feel the shaking of the ground. Hear the thundering and rattling as thousands of bones connected to each other. Then muscles and tendons, flesh, and skin covered those dry bones. But they still needed God’s breath to come alive.

“Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath and spirit to enter you, and you shall live.” (Ezekiel 37:5)

God breathed a spirit of life into dead, dried up bones.

So I tell your heart and mine…

You sometimes feel your voice is so buried,

That it will never come to fullness of life.

Take courage in this story.

God can bring dry bones to life,

And He can resurrect your true voice

To fully live and love as He created you.

Truths About Legalistic Christianity

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” ~ Steve Jobs



  1. Good for you, to write on this subject, even though it was hard at first. I love how Bonnie encourages authenticity, and writing from our hearts. Good thoughts here, and also a great quote at the end. Thanks for sharing!


    • Thank you, Cherry. Yes, Bonnie really encourages us to be “real,” even though it’s hard sometimes. And I’m certain God wants us to be authentic, to become the women He created us to be. 🙂 Your post on finding our voice really touched my heart.


  2. Trudy,
    Thank you for putting into words what so many of us feel sometimes. We have a voice, yet we are simultaneously finding our voice and how to express the thoughts of our hearts. I am grateful that you articulated this longing and fulfillment here.


    • Thank you for your kind words, Patty. I’m grateful these thoughts resonated in your heart. I enjoyed your post about finding your voice in the silence with God’s Word. We’re in this battle together to not let our wounds make our voices retreat!


  3. Those pesky old lies are the worst aren’t they? The ones we tell ourselves and believe more times than anyone else’s lies. We have to learn to stop listening to those, myself included. I”m glad you shared today.

    The dried bones reference made me think of a Gungor song about that. http://youtu.be/3Ljf-s-msY0


    • For sure, we’ll just need to keep encouraging each other not to listen to those lies. In your answer to my comment at your post, you said you cling to that promise that God will restore the years the locusts have eaten. Thank you for the reminder, April. It gives me hope. Thanks also for sharing that moving song. Yes, “These dry bones cry out for You…”


Your voice matters! Please feel free to share your thoughts!