Prayer For Rest in God’s Rhythms of Grace


“A life of holiness is lived in gratitude for the grace God has shown you.
Legalism looks at fulfilling the law, hoping to gain favor with God and men.”
~ Dan Milette

Prayer for Rest
In God’s Rhythms of Grace

Lord Jesus, I am so tired

so worn out, so weary of

legal chains that tell me

to do this or don’t do that

in order to gain

Your approval and favor

chains that bind me

and relentlessly tell me

that You are an

unforgiving God

That You are not

a God of love

and redemption

Teach me, Lord,

to surrender this yoke

that still makes me

a slave of legalism

rituals of “you should”

feeling guilty of

not doing enough

not being enough

not caring enough

I want to be joined

to Your yoke, Lord

Your yoke is padded

with love and grace

and You invite me

to willingly join You

to allow only You

to be my Savior

to allow only You

to carry my burdens

to allow only You

to lead me in this life

with Your unfathomable love

with Your unlimited power

with Your unconditional forgiveness

To walk along with You

with heart wide open

to learn from You

Your rhythms of grace

unforced and steady beats

of Your unearned love

and freely-given favor

I’m tired, Lord,

so worn out and weary

I surrender

all my striving

to make myself

acceptable to You

I rest within

Your beating heart

Teach me, my Lord,

to live unbound

by legalistic guilt

to live freely

to live lightly

to live triumphantly

giving only You

all the glory

for now and forever

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?
Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life.
I’ll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with Me and
you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened
[by religious rituals that provide no peace],
and I will give you rest [refreshing your souls with salvation].
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me
[following Me as My disciple],

for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls.
For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30 AMP

“For it is by grace
[God’s remarkable compassion and favor drawing you to Christ]
that you have been saved
[actually delivered from judgment and given eternal life]
through faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves
[not through your own effort],
but it is the [undeserved, gracious] gift of God;”
Ephesians 2:8 AMP

“He has qualified us [making us sufficient]
as ministers of a new covenant [of salvation through Christ],
not of the letter [of a written code]
but of the Spirit; for the letter [of the Law] kills
[by revealing sin and demanding obedience],
but the Spirit gives life.”
2 Corinthians 3:6 AMP

A Child's Trust

“Rest In Me”
A Song of Hope and Encouragement
by Todd Vaters


Linking up with: 

Holley – Coffee For Your Heart 

Jennifer – Tell His Story 

Kelly – Cheerleaders of Faith

Barbie – Weekend Whispers

OneWordCoffee Linkup


  1. Dear Trudy,

    Just read this and listened to song. Am going to use the song tomorrow for my Hopekeepers’s meeting! Hope to read them the Prayer of Rest too; it is not only beautiful but true! We all need to hear and be convicted of God’s great never failing unabided LOVE for us. We get so tied up with this worldly life that we all have seasons of leaving God with our burdens and trying to carry all our heaviness on our own backs! Then, when we become so so tired and weary, we begin to work ourselves back to Him, his grace, mercy, peace, and, most of all, His, the greatest LOVE we will ever know.

    Why it takes so long (for me) to understand that God is always there and not to always rush in where I am not supposed to be. I am doing that this long past 4-5 weeks with my son. My heart breaks for him: I miss him so very much. My heart is so lonely to just see him, touch him and hug him. But the situation is a prayer that God will take somethng pretty bad and turn it into something good for him and our family. I really struggle to stay out of God’s way in this. I want to fix it, as usual. But I am ill, my husband is *done”( for now) so I am literally forced to rely on God. Not proud of that but its the truth. And people at church and friends are saying how good I look and am I feeling better. No; I believe its God’s LOVE andHis strength shining through my heart and soul into my countenance! Does that make sense? And my church is nowwhere close to legalism: they are very very close to God and his word! I am blessed. Indeed, to God be the Glory!

    Thank u, dear Trudy, in all u do for the mighty Kingdom of GOD!

    Be blessed,

    Patty D.


    • Thank you, Patty, for your kind remarks and for sharing this message and your heart. I’m so sorry about your son, and I pray God will fix what is broken. It’s so hard not to try to “fix” situations ourselves, isn’t it? My heart aches for you. Yes, it definitely makes sense as you write – “God’s LOVE and His strength shining through my heart and soul into my countenance!” We may look better than we actually feel physically, but it’s God’s love and strength that get us through, right? Without that, our conditions would be so much worse, wouldn’t they? May God’s love, grace, and strength uphold us day by day! Hugs!


  2. Hi Trudy! I love the part of your meditation that says that Jesus’ yoke is padded with love and grace. What a great image!
    I think it’s a good point that many get bogged down by rules and regs, and Jesus wasn’t too much into that. Just the ‘big two’. Love Him, love our neighbors. That about covers it.
    When I am worried, and really happy, I know I can rest with the Lord. The peace and love and support I get is priceless. Just as you said, we do get tired and weary. Where does my help come from? Only in my faith in Him who saves me.
    Blessings to you, you have inspired me today!


    • Hi Ceil! I’m so glad you were inspired. 🙂 I first struggled with the term “yoke” as it actually is tied with slavery and imprisonment, but as I researched, I realized the yoke of Jesus is not like that. Never harsh and binding and forceful, but padded with love and grace. What a blessing that we have a Savior who delights to give us rest in His grace. Yes, that “peace and love and support” from Him certainly is “priceless.” May He again and again lift our weary hearts to rest in His love and grace! Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Trudy!! 🙂
    Such a beautiful prayer and much needed! There really are days when I want to pull out my white flag and say “Ok God, I’m done trying to do, be ,think, feel, act, etc… like everyone else thinks I should.. I surrender!!!” 🙂
    BIG(((HUGS))) 🙂


    • Thank you, Krista. I, too, want to be done with all that. Saying “I surrender” with our mouths is so much easier than with our hearts, isn’t it? But we have to start somewhere. So let’s wave our white flags together. 🙂 May God give us the power to surrender fully and freely! Big hugs to you, too!


  4. Oh, all those not enough’s! You capture why we need to surrender over and over to His love, His complete acceptance of who we are, not for what we do. And that His Grace and Mercy are endless, and His yoke is easy. You write beautifully!


    • Thank you, Lynn. I love your insight here. Yes, we not only need to over and over surrender to His love but also to “His complete acceptance of who we are.” Not because of what we’ve done, but because of what He’s done. May His grace and mercy penetrate ever deeper into our hearts! Hugs!


  5. Trudy, I’m too weary in every way to write much here today. I just want to say a heartfelt and grateful thank you to you for making this place a harbour of hope and a haven of rest for weary souls. I loved the prayer and song. God is truly using you. Blessed to call you friend. Xx ❤


    • “A harbour of hope and a haven of rest for weary souls.” I love that, Joy. Thank you for your continual encouragement. It is so what I want this place to be. I am blessed to call you friend, too! I’m so sorry you’re feeling so weary. I always appreciate your presence, but please don’t ever feel pressured to comment. I want you to take care of yourself, ok? May Jesus hold you closely to Himself and soothe away all your weariness! Hugs!


  6. So beautiful, Trudy – I love the MSG translation of this verse. It feels like a much needed respite – like a mini-vacation. Thanks for sharing your lovely words – a breath of grace and fresh air.


    • Thank you for your kind words, Tiffany. I’m so grateful you found this “a breath of grace and fresh air.” You have such a beautiful way with words. I love that MSG translation, too. 🙂 It’s what prompted me to write this. May His restful rhythms of grace continually refresh us! Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Trudy, i never thought about the fact that legalism is, at it’s core, about trying to live up to man’s standards and approval. There’s no rest in that, is there? Once again, the verses you’ve included are sweet refreshment to my heart today … 🙂


    • Yes, so true, Lois. There will never be any rest in trying to live up to man’s standards and approval. I’m so glad your heart was refreshed today by God’s Truth. May His grace and love reign in our hearts! Hugs!


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