Bloom With Love Wherever God Plants You

Inspired by Quote: “Bloom Where You’re Planted” ~ Mary Engelbreit

We’re all planted in the garden of life. In the exact spot where God wants us to be. But sometimes we rebel against it. I know I do.

When the effects of past abuse and chronic illness sometimes drain the life out of me, I complain in my heart. I wish I was in a field where shame and insecurity didn’t taunt me. Where I didn’t feel so insignificant and worthless. Where a lack of physical health didn’t limit what I can do.

I see others who are more beautiful, fruitful, and significant than I am. Others who seem to make a much greater difference than I do in this hurting world. Others who bring much more light into the darkness of lives. And I grumble. I get jealous. I covet.

I recently read a devotion that reminds me of how easily I fall into that comparison trap:

An ancient legend tells of a king who walked into his garden one day to find almost everything withered and dying. After speaking to an oak near the gate, the king learned that he was troubled because he was not tall and beautiful like the pine. The pine overheard their conversation and added that she, too, was upset, for she could not bear delicious fruit like the pear tree. The pear tree heard his name and began to complain that he did not have the lovely odor of the spruce. And so it went throughout the entire garden.

daisyNear the very edge of the garden grew a little daisy. As the king approached, he noticed her bright little face, full of life. “Well, little flower,” said the monarch, “I’m glad to find that there is at least one happy face in my garden.”

“Oh king,” she said, “I know I’m little, and not many people notice me, but one day I realized that if you planted me here, you must have had a good reason. So, your majesty, I’ve determined to be the best little flower I can be!” (Read more – Bloom Where You’re Planted – George Whitten)

God has planted us where He wants us. We may feel choked out by losses, troubles, and negative emotions. But if we don’t accept where our Gardener has placed us and what He has given us, we will wither, not bloom as we were intended to.

When complaints, grumbles, and envy churn up in my heart, I feel so sad. I see Jesus with tears in His eyes. He has given me so much, He has a purpose in planting me where I am, and He is using me to make a difference, however limited my world may be. And the very things that get me down are what bring me nearer to His heart. They mold me more into His likeness. His likeness of love poured out.

When I fall into the comparison trap, I lose sight of the purpose I am here for in the first place – to bring God glory. It’s not about what I “do.” It’s about “being.” Being rooted in the depths of His purpose, not my selfish desires. Opening my heart to drink from His bottomless pool of renewing grace. Allowing the sunshine of His love to nourish me to bloom His love to others.

Sometimes our focus gets skewed in the muck and messiness of life. We start thinking everyone else is better than we are instead of remembering God uniquely created each of us with a special purpose. Each one of us is needed in His garden. None of us is insignificant in His eyes.

The Gardener delights in each of His plantings. He places each plant in such a way that it will compliment the other in the grand scheme of things. Where one serves a purpose to some souls, someone else brings what is needed to other souls. Plants are placed exactly where God can give the best nourishment to each and they can in turn pass on that nourishment to others.

We are in it for God. To His glory. And we can’t do that if we concentrate on another’s purpose in the garden instead of our own. As the little daisy said, “I know I’m little, and not many people notice me, but one day I realized that if you planted me here, you must have had a good reason. So, your majesty, I’ve determined to be the best little flower I can be!”

How is it possible to be the best little flower we can be? Accept where God has planted us, open our hearts to His nurturing love and grace, and let His love bloom in our lives for others to take comfort from.

Every seed of kindness we plant,

However small, noticed or unnoticed,

Can bloom hope in the heart of a hurting soul,

A soul aching to be loved and cared about.

Every tiny seed planted will grow

And sprinkle seeds to others,

Making a difference in the lives of many.

“Three things will last forever —
faith, hope, and love —
and the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT

“Not to us, O Lord, not to us
but to Your name give glory,
for Your mercy and loving-kindness and for
the sake of Your truth and faithfulness!”
Psalm 115:1 AMP

“Bring all who claim Me as their God,
for I have made them for My glory.
It was I who created them.”
Isaiah 43:7 NLT

“I am the Vine; you are the branches.
The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit,
for [otherwise] apart from Me
[that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing.”
John 15:5 AMP

A Child's Trust

“Love’s Where It All Begins”
Inspiring Song About Love



  1. I definitely relate to the envy and comparison. It is easy to look at others and think they are better than we are or they are achieving more, but sometimes appearances can be deceptive. I like the story- it is important to accept that God has created us as we are and put us in the place we are in for a reason. We don’t always see it, but it’s better, as you say, to focus on being the best flower we can be, than to be distracted by others or wishing things were different. You are a beautiful flower, Trudy, and I think you make more of a difference for God than you realise.


    • Thank you for your kind words, Carly. You are a beautiful flower, too! Yes, God has created us just as we are and put us in the place we are for a reason. It may not always be easy, but He has promised to be with us and get us through anything. I hope you have been able to process through the memory triggers that have been popping up lately. May God give us ever deeper healing and help us to bloom more brightly for Him! Hugs!

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      • Thanks, Trudy. I still have some things to process which is partly why I’m doing the “Journey to Heal” study but I’m feeling a lot more positive about things again.


    • Glad to hear you’re feeling more positive again, Carly. Hang in there! I just won a copy of that book and am looking forward to reading it (and yet fearful as well). Possibly doing the study, too, if it’s not primarily on Facebook. Blessings and hugs to you!

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  2. Ah..Trudy, I definitely understand the comparison trap! I struggle with the ‘I should’ statement more than I want to admit too, feeling like not doing enough and wasting time. It really is about being content and thriving in the place we are planted, learning what we need to learn NOW, to be prepared for the next growth phase. A flower doesn’t open it’s petals until it lets it’s seed sprout! Thanks for this today. Always refreshes me when I come to visit.


    • Thank you, Lynn. It blesses me to hear you are refreshed when you visit. That “I should” can certainly be persistent, can’t it? I love your thoughts about learning what we need to learn NOW to be prepared for the next growth phase. It really is a process, isn’t it? And it starts with letting the seed of Jesus’ love sprout in our hearts. May His love continue to grow within us so that we can better bloom for His glory! Hugs!

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  3. What a lovely post and such an inspiring devotion you shared Trudy! I love what you said about being rooted in God’s divine purpose. That verse in Isaiah 43 gives me chills..I want my Savior to be pleased with how I am growing in Christ. That is the reason I believe He gave me the name for my blog. I want to continue growing where He has me and trust Him in everything so my growth is not delayed. So nice to meet you today via Jaime’s site. What a beautiful blog you have here. I hope you have a wonderful week and may God bless you and yours!


    • Thank you, Horace. I’m so glad you were inspired. It is amazing how God creates us for His glory, isn’t it? I think we often forget that. I love your longings of continuing to grow where God has you and trusting Him in everything so your growth is not delayed. Me, too! I was just reading about you on your site. God has planted you more solidly in His love and grace through the troubles in your life. I’m sorry you had a stroke, but it sounds like God taught you your life is about Him and what He wants. Now He is using your pain for a purpose. May God use us to His glory! Blessings to you!


  4. Love, love, love the gardening analogy, Trudy. I can’t even pick a line or two to highlight … it’s all so well said and full of truth! I think the word that comes to mind when I think of the little daisy is contentment … what a rare gift that is! Hugs to you, my friend.


  5. Such truth. And I so recognize the struggle to bloom where we are planted, as you saw from my post today. This is something I’ll need to repeat to myself: “Accept where God has planted us, open our hearts to His nurturing love and grace, and let His love bloom in our lives for others to take comfort from.”

    But Trudy, you have no idea how life-giving and encouraging your words have been to me lately. God has planted you to bless others through the suffering you have endured. Your heart of compassion and empathy have blessed me so much this past while. You are already shining brightly.. which is why the enemy is working hard to have you believe otherwise: thankful God roots us in His Truth to break these awful lies. Hugs, big huge hugs.


    • Thank you for your kind and caring words, Anna. I rejoice that you have found encouragement here. I know I am blessed to have “met” you, too. Your post today about the struggle of those lies really resonated in me. They can be so strong, can’t they? God is using you as well. I really want to read your book. It’s on my wish list at Amazon, but I’m waiting until I have more of an order so I can get free shipping. 🙂 I pray God will give you confidence in speaking about your book to others, regardless of any criticism you may receive. You wrote it for His glory and that’s what counts! Because of that, He will use it! May we cling to our identity in Jesus! Hugs!


  6. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts, Trudy! It seems that your thoughts are always just what I have needed to hear! This line from Elizabeth Browning in my own devotional today reminds me of you: “The least flower with a brimming cup may stand, And share its dewdrop with another near.” You are such a precious giver of dew-drops to all who read your words! May the Lord bring you more of HIS life-giving dew to speak what HE gives you! *Hugs*


    • How kind of you to compare me to that quote, Bettie. You have moved me to tears. A giver of dew-drops. I believe you are one as well. And we can’t do that without “HIS life-giving dew!” I know your health limits you and has forced a life-change, but you are still a vessel of that life-giving dew. May we cling to who we are in Jesus and bloom wherever He plants us! Hugs!


  7. Trudy, so grateful for this reminder… comparing and complaining, they surface so quickly in so many instances. Learning to keep finding my identity and worth in Him alone!
    Grateful to be your neighbour over at #TellHisStory! Blessings!


    • Thank you, Christine. Blessings to you as well. Yes, we can so easily fall into that comparison and complaining trap, can’t we? With you, I am learning to keep finding my identity and worth in Christ alone! May we daily be enlightened how precious we are to Jesus! Hugs!

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  8. I too am guilty of looking around more often than I look up. Those seeds of discontent can often rob us of the wonder of God that is all around us. I try to remind myself to run my race – that what God has set before me is what He wants me to focus on first and foremost. We can trust that is portioned perfectly for us by His loving hand. Great encouragement, Trudy. xo


    • Thank you, Tiffany. I’m so glad you were encouraged. How true that those seeds of discontent can rob us of the wonder of God all around us. And we can trust that God perfectly portions for us by His loving hand. Thank you for your encouraging thoughts, too. May we keep our eyes on Jesus and run that race He has set before us! Hugs!


  9. “Plants are placed exactly where God can give the best nourishment to each and they can in turn pass on that nourishment to others.” I love this, as it describes the ripple effect of contentment and obedience. It is so bigger than us! When I look to the right or left, instead of looking up to the Gardener – it’s so easy to find myself in the comparison trap. What beautiful imagery here, seeing that beautiful garden where we are all in our spot, blooming with LOVE! Blessings to you, Trudy!


    • Thank you, Michelle. Yes! “It is so bigger than us!” We never know what God will do with that ripple effect, right? By the way, you had a great interview! I’m so glad God is giving you the courage to step out and be brave about informing people about sexual abuse and where our hope can be found. May Jesus heal us ever more deeply and help us to bloom with love for Him and through Him! Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Dear Trudy … in this season of tilling and working the soul and seed planting, your theme is right on.

    May God continue to bring healing streams to your soul. You bless us by your heart-words, friend …


    • Thank you, Linda. I’m glad you were blessed. Healing streams. I love that. We need that, don’t we? An ever-flowing stream of His love and grace. May God fill us with it and may it flow through us to others! Hugs!


  11. Hi Trudy,
    What a lovely post to compare our seasons and lives to the beauty of a garden! And I love the little snippet you shared about the trees and flowers in that garden story, too. We go through what we go through because God has a purpose for it all and even if it doesn’t seem obvious to us, someday we’ll see that it truly was a beautiful plan! Thank you for these words, friend! xo


    • You’re welcome, Valerie. Yes, God has a purpose for it all even when we can’t see it, and someday we’ll see it as a beautiful plan. It’s hard though sometimes, isn’t it? We want to see and know why. This makes me think of something I read yesterday – When we don’t see His hand, we can still trust His plan. Something like that. May our trust in His plan grow ever deeper! Hugs!


  12. I love the verses at the end! Words straight from the Gardener Himself. Promises to hold onto when I get grumpy and discontent. I also like 2 Samuel 22:32 (I think that’s the verse) As for God His way is perfect, His word is proven, He is a shield for those to trust in. visiting from tellhisstory #7


    • Hi Kristina. Yes, “promises to hold onto.” We get discontent so easily, don’t we? I love the verse you mention, too. Thank you. It is good for us to remember His way is perfect. May we remember, too, that He is our shield against all the roaring enemies of lies that often assault us! Hugs!


  13. I’ve realized it’s difficult when you’re in a situation you’re not comfortable in to bloom, based on experience. But it’s our call and God never promised an easy road. He just promised a beautiful reward.


    • Welcome, Lux. Yes, it can be difficult to bloom in uncomfortable or painful situations. So true that God never promised an easy road but He promises a beautiful reward. He can get us through anything, and He can help us to bloom even in the dark. May we find all our strength and our hope in Him! Hugs!


  14. Trudy, your post really resonates with me today. I found myself shaking my fist and swearing at God today for where I’ve been planted…feeling so frustrated about my inability to do all I’d like to. Thank you for reminding me that He has a purpose for where I am today, and I need to calm down, accept it, and make the most of it! So glad we are neighbors at Holley’s place!


    • I’m so glad this post encouraged you to remember that God does have a purpose for you wherever you’re at. Thank you for being so honest about your anger at God, Linda. It’s hard to accept painful situations we are in, and God understands our every emotion and is so patient with us. I understand from your profile that you deal with rheumatoid arthritis, and that must be so difficult when it takes away your ability to do things you did before and especially enjoyed. May God fill us with His love and help us to accept where we’ve been planted! Hugs!


  15. Trudy,
    Beautiful and true. Thanks so much for being brave and sharing what we all struggle with in one way or another. This is also what God keeps telling me: “But if we don’t accept where our Gardener has placed us and what He has given us, we will wither, not bloom as we were intended to.” Keep blooming beautifully, my friend 🙂


    • Thank you, Dolly. It’s not always easy to accept where our Gardener has placed us, but even when we can’t see His hand in it, we can still trust His wise plan. I have too often let myself wither, but in Christ Jesus we can and will bloom when we open our hearts to Him. You keep blooming beautifully, too. 🙂 May God lead us ever deeper into His love for us that we will trust He has us just where He wants us! Hugs!


  16. Trudy,
    What an incredible post! And look at all the wonderful comments! You reached into the hearts of so many and encouraged that place inside each of us that struggles with comparison. I know it was a place in my heart that needed these words today. This week has been one that seems to feel attacked on every side and I’ve walked away doubting my ability, purpose, and worth. Thank you for this reminder:
    When I fall into the comparison trap, I lose sight of the purpose I am here for in the first place – to bring God glory.
    To bring Him glory with the little or much I have. This week, it seems to be the little, but its all I’ve got! And I am so very thankful He takes that little and calls it wonderful!

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful hope with us at #MomentsofHope!

    Love you, friend!


    • Thank you so much, Lori. I’m so sorry you’re struggling this week. The devil loves to whisper lies, doesn’t He? He doesn’t want us to see our worth and purpose in Jesus. I rejoice that this encouraged you as to what our main purpose is – to give God glory. I have to remind myself of that so often! Yes, He can take our little and make it wonderful. 🙂 May He help us to refute the lies with His Truth and to cling to our identity in Him! Hugs!


  17. You are making a difference, friend! Watering seeds that others have planted, planting seeds that others will water – all for His glory. You are unique and special, and I’m so thankful to call you friend 🙂


    • Thank you for your kind encouragement, June. I believe you are making a difference as well. I’m thankful to call you friend, too! May we cling to our Gardener for His living water and the sunshine of His love! Hugs!


  18. Oh, Trudy, if only you knew how significant you are! How your words and actions touch others. How thrilled I was to receive your lovely card! And how blessed Barbie and I are to have you in our community. You are significant. And adored. ((Hugs))


  19. Hi Trudi! This is so good and is making me think tonight- i just read valeries post and it was a similar message to receive your life as it has been given to you- Together these posts are speaking to my heart just where i need to be spoken to tonight! Thanks so much for these beautiful words and thoughts! xoxo


    • Thank you, Susie. I’m so happy our posts are speaking to your heart. You are exactly where God wants you. You are making such a difference, my friend, right where you are. I hope you had a relaxing time at the beach with your family. May we open our hearts more and more to God’s nurturing and strengthening grace! Hugs!


  20. What beautiful words, Trudy! Thank you for sharing openly. The devotional about the daisy is precious and points us right back to God which is where we need to be. Everything about this post spoke to me today. Have a beautiful week!


    • Thank you, Mary. I’m so glad this spoke to your heart. I, too, love how the daisy points us right back to God where we need to be. May God help us to be surrender our all to Him and be content with wherever He leads us! Hugs!


  21. “When I fall into the comparison trap, I lose sight of the purpose I am here for in the first place – to bring God glory. It’s not about what I “do.” It’s about “being.” Being rooted in the depths of His purpose, not my selfish desires. Opening my heart to drink from His bottomless pool of renewing grace. Allowing the sunshine of His love to nourish me to bloom His love to others.” I love this paragraph. May God continually bless you. Keep your blog posts coming. Looking forward to reading it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your prayer and encouragement. 🙂 Keep up with the encouragement at your site, too! I can’t find your name anywhere, but I know God knows it. 🙂 I’m so grateful this blessed you. Always remember you are never a “nobody” in Jesus’ eyes. You are wonderfully made and so very special to Him! May God help us to open our hearts to drink from His bottomless pool of renewing grace! Hugs!


  22. […] The Gardener delights in each of His plantings. He places each plant in such a way that it will compliment the other in the grand scheme of things. Where one serves a purpose to some souls, someone else brings what is needed to other souls. Plants are placed exactly where God can give the best nourishment to each and they can in turn pass on that nourishment to others.”Read More… […]


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