Safety Under God’s Wings of Refuge

Courtesy of Heartlight

A mother bird blackened and dead. Rangers were checking out the damage of a forest fire and were sickened to find such a sad and devastating sight. One bumped the bird with a stick, and three little chicks came scrambling out. Mama could have flown to safety, but instead she covered her little ones and sacrificed her life for theirs.

I heard this story many years ago. While surfing to find it, I found it used as an example in some devotions. But other sites claim there is no proof this really happened. Whether it’s truth or fiction, I don’t know. However, I do know and have witnessed in my life how a mother hen will gather her little ones under her wings to hide and protect them from danger. Danger from any lurking predator seeking to harm them.

A hen is almost defenseless herself, and yet she will never abandon her chicks when danger comes. If necessary, she will even shield her chicks with her own body and sacrifice her own life to preserve their lives.

It paints such a moving picture of what God has done and still does for us, doesn’t it?

Jesus placed Himself between us and the fiery judgment we deserved for our sins. He died so we might live. Only He came to life again, because He is the God of limitless power over all our enemies.

Satan will continue to lurk about us to destroy us. But because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, he will never be able to devour our souls. But still, he is going to keep trying.

God doesn’t promise there won’t be danger or struggles in our lives. He doesn’t promise He won’t allow Satan to try us. He doesn’t promise our lives will be free of fear and suffering. But He does offer His wings of refuge and wants to cuddle us to Himself in the warmth of His love and safety.

Under His Wings

(Author Unknown – If anyone can find out who wrote this, please let me know.)

My way was filled with danger
And I felt so alone
The enemy had singled me
Out to do wrong
And when he drew near
My heart filled with fear
Then I heard someone dear
Calling me to His side

And I ran under His wings
There He covered me, and now I can see
The enemy still looks for me
But what he can’t see
Is that I’m under my Lord’s wings
Under His wings

The thunder rolled
Dark clouds hung low
I was out in a storm
I was shivering in the coldest night
No safe retreat from harm
And there blew strong winds
Would this be my end?
And then I heard my Friend
Callin’ me to His side

And I ran under His wings
There He covered me
And now I can see
The storm still rages
Oh, but in the Rock of Ages
We’re resting warmly here
Under our Lord’s wings

Under His wings, Under His wings
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings My soul shall abide
Safely abide forever!

“He will cover you with His feathers.
He will shelter you with His wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”
Psalm 91:4 NLT
“Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy!
I look to you for protection.
I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings
until the danger passes by.”
Psalm 57:1

“Jesus Died My Soul to Save”
by HeartofChrist

Jesus loves you more than you know!


  1. I can’t think of a better image of how much God loves us than being gathered under His unfailing and protective wings, Trudy. He certainly held me close last week when I needed Him more than ever. More about that in Friday’s blog post.

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    • It’s such a comforting image for me, too, Martha. I’m so glad He held you close last week in a trying time. As you write, His wings are “unfailing and protective.” He is never going to abandon us and has already fought to the death for us. I’m looking forward to hearing more of how He held you close. May we always remember He will never fail us or abandon us!

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    • I’m so glad this gave you a great start to your day, Lynn. It’s so amazing that the same God who covers us under His wings also gives us strength to soar like eagles. Your thoughts give me pause to reflect. It’s so tempting to cuddle under His wings all the time and never come out, but we also need to grow and take risks and learn to fly in His strength, don’t we? To trust His love and faithfulness. He so gently and patiently teaches us, doesn’t He? May we daily open our hearts to the great love He has for us!

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    • Thank you, Lois. He is so tender towards us, isn’t He? I didn’t know this song before either. I love the “depth of love” and the “reach of grace” Jesus shows towards us. It’s so incomprehensible. I hope this week is going better for you, Lois, and you are allowing yourself to feel your feelings. May we cling to the depth of love and reach of grace Jesus has for us always!


  2. Psalm 91 is one of my favourite chapters in the Bible. I love the image of hiding in the shadow of God’s wings, that he protects us as a hen protects her chicks, and that we can go to him and find refuge. Love and hugs to you!

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    • Yes, Psalm 91 is so comforting to me as well, Lesley. He is such a faithful Refuge to hide in. It’s just so unfathomable that He suffered and died for us to protect us and free us, isn’t it? Love and hugs to you, too! May we daily remember what a faithful and life-giving Refuge He is!


  3. Dear Trudy,
    What a beautiful picture and story to illustrate the safety Jesus gives to us! And, I love it that you can attest to the Mother-Hen-instinct of those hens that you took care of. I do not know the source of the beautiful poem you shared, except that the final stanza is part of a beautiful hymn that I have loved over the years:

    What a precious reminder today, as I pray over my own children. He gathers them under HIS wings, now that they have long flown the “nest” here! He is so trustworthy! Blessings Love and Hugs to you Dear Encouraging Friend! xoxo

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    • Thank you for your blessings and love, Bettie. I’m so glad you were encouraged. Thank you for sharing that hymn. It’s quite something how the last stanza is exactly the same. I wonder if the author, William Orcutt Cushing, wrote this poem, too, or if he got that last stanza from someone else’s poem. I just read about his life. After 27 years in the ministry, he lost his voice and God led him to write more hymns. It’s an encouragement to think for us, too, that even when we lose health, God still has plans to use us for His glory.

      That’s a comforting thought that even though our children have flown the “nest” here, God still gathers them under HIS wings. I need to trust Him more. So often I worry over my kids and grandkids and have to keep reminding myself to give them over into His hands. There is no better place for them to be! May we daily entrust our loved ones and ourselves to Jesus who even gave His own life to keep our souls safe under His wings!


  4. What a beautiful picture of refuge, Trudy. Not that we run into a strong place (which we know is one way “refuge” is described in the Word), but that Someone comes between us and danger. The image of the mother bird reminded me of something I read years ago. There was an art contest. The idea was to paint a picture that depicted peace. Many artists created idyllic paintings that were beautiful. But the painting that won? It showed a mother bird in her nest with her chicks, covering them from a huge storm of rain and wind. That’s peace, isn’t it? Knowing we’re protected in the storms?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, Jeanne. I love that the painting with the mother and chicks was chosen. Yes, that truly is peace to be protected in the storms. Under His wings, we will always be warm and protected. May we always remember to stay close to Him who can still the storms!


    • I’m so glad you were encouraged, June. I love how you bring out His longing for us to accept His protection. I imagine myself as a wandering chick who wanders away and thinks she can do it on her own. We so need to accept His invitation, don’t we? May we cling to Him who will never, ever abandon us!


  5. Trudy,
    What a powerful and beautiful image of God as our refuge…such sacrificial love, especially as we contemplate his love before Easter…I saw a duck cover her babies under her wings, just like your described…love and hugs to you 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement ❤

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    • I’m so glad you were encouraged, Dolly. Isn’t it fascinating to watch those mamas gather their little ones under their wings? Even more amazing is how Jesus sacrificed His life for ours. Such a depth of love for us! May we ever more deeply internalize the sacrifice Jesus made for us!


  6. Hi Trudy,
    As we contemplate God’s sacrifice for us during this season of Lent, these words are so timely to consider his love and care for us. I think of all the examples of love God has designed through his creatures as a picture of himself — lambs and shepherds, sparrows and birds of the fields — and how that resonates with all of us! The creatures I encounter out on my walks in the evening always make me smile (as long as they stay outside, of course!) and I wonder at the details a loving God gave us as he created them to remind us of him! xo

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    • Yes, Valerie, I find it so amazing, too, how God gives us such examples of His love through His creatures. It’s so soul-refreshing to walk in nature, isn’t it? By the way, what kind of creatures do you see? Is it mostly birds, or do you see some four-legged ones? How about frogs? 🙃 (Just had to throw that in…) May we understand ever more deeply the depth of God’s love for us!


  7. Hi Trudy! I have never heard of that story of the mother hen, that is so touching. And to think that this is only a shadow of how much Jesus loves us and wants to protect us when danger comes. Truly he speaks through everything he has created.
    Yes, Satan will keep on trying, but I always have his wings as my protection.

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    • Oh Ceil, how true it is that the love a hen shows her chicks is “only a shadow” of how much Jesus loves us and wants to protect us. Satan tries hard and knows our vulnerable spots, but Jesus has already gained the victory! May we always remember how His wings are spread wide open to receive us!

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  8. So grateful for this truth: “But He does offer His wings of refuge and wants to cuddle us to Himself in the warmth of His love and safety.” A group I’m in was just discussing this yesterday. We can’t avoid the battles of this life, but we can always run home to Father!

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    • I love that your group was just discussing this, Lisa. “We can always run home to Father!” I love that. His arms are always ready to receive us. Thank you for sharing it. May we always remember in the battles of this life, we always have a safe “home” in the Father’s arms!


    • Me, too, Linda. Yes, that is where our peace lies! All cuddly warm and safe. “Protected by His love, grace, and mercy.” That is where I want to be, too! May we always remember the refuge of His wings He offers us so willingly and lovingly!


  9. Hi Trudy- This is such a beautiful and encouraging post! I just love this image of God. It shows Him to be a protector and so gentle and kind. Such beautiful pictures here too- and my favorite verses! Thanks so much for these thoughts tonight. Thats where I want to be- cuddled up next to his heart! with much love and hugs tonight!

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    • Thank you, Susie. I’m so glad it encouraged you. That’s where I want to be, too! You put it so beautifully – “cuddled up next to His heart!” Much love and hugs to you, too! May we find warmth and safety under His wings listening to His heart beating with faithful love for us!


  10. This is such a beautiful reminder, Trudy. Jesus really did cover us and protect us from fire just like a mother hen. That is something to be incredibly thankful for every day. It’s so easy to get caught up in daily drama and forgot the importance of His sacrifice. Thank you for sharing this encouragement, my friend!

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    • Thank you, Candace. How true that we so easily forget the importance of His sacrifice. May we more deeply and personally know what incredible love He has for us and the importance of what He has done for us!


  11. Beautiful, encouraging words, Trudy! How easily we forget we are covered by God. How little we understand He is Rock and Refuge, Peace and Provision, Safety and Security, Fire and Cloud, Lion of Judah and Mother Hen, to name but a few of the roles God has in our lives. This is such a comforting post, especially at the tail end of my day when I give thanks and praise for my sore, hypersensitive eyes finally being able to use a screen, read, write and comment! I’ve missed being as engaged as I want to be online, and hope this ability will last a while. Thank you for this haven of hope and peace. Blessings and hugs to you, sweet friend! xo ❤

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    • I’m grateful you were comforted here, Joy. Yes, we so easily forget how much we are covered by God in so many different ways. I’m sorry you have hypersensitive eyes. That must be so difficult. But I rejoice with you that they are some better today. Blessings and hugs to you, too! May it sink ever deeper into our hearts how much we are loved and covered by God!


  12. There is so much hope and reassurance in your words. I want to believe your story about the bird and her chicks because as a mom I know I would do anything to protect my sons. Jesus is our protector and the shadow of the cross is where we find our hope and redemption. Blessings!

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    • I’m so glad you found hope and reassurance here, Mary. Blessings to you, too! I want to believe the story, too. I have for years, and I felt kind of bummed when I read it probably isn’t true. But I’ve seen how Mama hens are and I know how, like you, I would do anything to protect my children. So in essence I say it is true. 🙂 Above all, it still points to the sacrificial love of Jesus. May we moment by moment find all our hope and redemption in Him!


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