Despised Ones Are Invited and Welcomed by Jesus

They were unwanted, unappreciated, and unnoticed by society. Despised, disapproved, dirty. Yet God knew them by name. He wanted them. He appreciated them. He noticed each and every one. He even chose them to be the first ones to hear the awesome news of our Savior’s birth.

Shepherds lovingly kept their flocks safe from thieves and wild animals and guarded them from straying and getting lost. Yet society regarded them with contempt. Their occupation was despised. They were denied civil rights of holding a judicial office or being a witness in court. Jewish leaders even commanded no one should buy by-products of their sheep or goats directly from them. (“Shepherd Status” by Randy Alcorn)

They were continually reminded of their insignificance. They must have felt so worthless at times. Yet the King of all kings regarded them from on high. He gave the message of HOPE first to them, not to the high-ranking officials, the rich, or the famous.

The darkness of night robbed them of light, and yet God knew exactly where the shepherds were. He sent an angel and the sunshine of His glory. So glorious that it terrified them. The angel said:

“Don’t be afraid, for look,
I proclaim to you good news of great joy
that will be for all the people:
Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord,
was born for you in the city of David.
This will be the sign for you:
You will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth
and lying in a feeding trough.”
Luke 2:10-12 HCSB

Then suddenly, a vast heavenly choir joined the angel in praising God:

“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and peace on earth to people He favors!”
Luke 2:14 HCSB 

What an exciting message! The shepherds hurried to see their Savior with their own eyes. Where? Not in a castle or a palace, but in a stinky stable. Not wrapped in royal robes, but swaddled in tattered cloths.  Not lying on sheets of silk, but in an animal’s feed trough. But by faith, the shepherds saw their Savior, their Rescuer, their Peace-Giver.

Do you feel unwanted?

Jesus says, “Arise, My darling, My beautiful one, and come with Me.” (Song of Solomon 2:8-10) We are beautiful in His sight. He was born for us and invites us to hope in Him.

Do you feel unappreciated?

Jesus recognizes our worth. He was born because He values us so highly. We are precious and honored in His sight, and He loves us so deeply. (Isaiah 43:4)

Do you feel unnoticed?

Jesus notices us! We are wonderfully created by Him. His thoughts towards us are precious and can’t even be counted. He sees us, no matter where we are, even in the darkest of nights. He knows the innermost pain in our hearts. (Psalm 139)

Praying the Greatest Gift May Fill
Your Hearts This Christmas and Always!

“Unto Us”
by J.J. Heller

“Love wrapped in swaddling clothes
Born to bind up our wounds
Weary souls will rejoice
When they hear the good news…”

Thank you all for visiting this year. I appreciate each of you, whether or not you comment. You remain in my heart and prayers. God knows who you are, each and every one. He cares about every little detail of your lives. He invites you into the hope, healing, and freedom that is only possible in Christ Jesus.
I hope to post again on January 2, 2018! Meanwhile, never forget how special you are in Jesus’ eyes!


  1. Oh, Trudy, you have expressed the love Jesus has for us perfectly here! No matter what our status might be in society, He treasures each and every heart. What a comfort that brings!
    I, too, am on a holiday hiatus. May you enjoy yours, my friend, and have a very Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Martha. May you have a very Merry Christmas, too! Yes, it is such a comfort that He treasures each and every heart, no matter what our status in society is. May the Truth of His unconditional love fill our hearts this Christmas and always!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for this beauty today! Loved these words —>They were unwanted, unappreciated, and unnoticed by society. Despised, disapproved, dirty. Yet God knew them by name. He wanted them. He appreciated them. He noticed each and every one. He even chose them to be the first ones to hear the awesome news of our Savior’s birth.

    You could have left me with just those words because they say so much. God chose us!!! Amen!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! God chose us! I rejoice that God comforts you with this Truth, Mary. It’s incomprehensible to what depths His love for us goes, isn’t it? We may feel insignificant in this world, but we are loved and appreciated in His eyes always. May we always remember what a rich gift it is that He chose us, no matter what!


  3. So grateful that God loves “the unwanted, unappreciated and unnoticed.” Thank you for this beautiful devotional! Such a wonderful reminder of God’s love for us, no matter who we are or how we feel. Merry Christmas, dear Trudy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me, too, Lynn! It’s such a wonder that He loves us, no matter who we are or what we feel. Merry Christmas to you, too! May we find “still” moments to ponder on the miracle of His bottomless love for us!


  4. I think it’s only a few years ago I realised how the shepherds were looked down on and disregarded by others. It is so encouraging to know that and to see that God let them be among the first to know to make the point that the good news of Jesus is for everyone no matter how we feel or how others see us. Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Lesley. I hope you and yours have a lovely Christmas, too! I didn’t realize it until a few years ago either. It deepened the meaning of Christmas for me. Yes, it truly is encouraging that Jesus is for everyone, no matter how we feel or how others see us. May the Truth of His deep, deep love for us give us hope and peace this Christmas and always!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Adele. Merry Christmas to you, too! And thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words. I love your nature photos. They refresh my spirit. 🙂 May our hearts be open to Jesus’ love this Christmas and always!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Trudy, thank you for this beautiful collection of thoughts, Scripture, and song! How amazing our Lord was to come to those most humble shepherds, in such a humble setting Himself. It seems that every year it goes even deeper into my heart: what a humble place He allowed Himself to take for us. God-with-us in the truest way. Your words have brought me to that pause again this year. May you and your family be deeply blessed this Christmas, my friend! Love & Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Bettie. I pray you and your family will be deeply blessed, too! And love and hugs to you, too! Yes, every year it goes even deeper. I feel the same way. And at the same time, I have such a longing that it will go deeper still. May the wonder of His unlimited love and Presence be with us all through the year!


  6. I didn’t know that about shepherds in that day, Trudy. They had such an important job but were looked down upon, not equal in society. That they were chosen to receive the good news first shows the love of Jesus years before He started his ministry! Wow. I’ll be pondering this in my heart for awhile! Merry Christmas! You are a blessing to the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Talk about turning social status on its ear, Trudy! I love the truth that the angels made their amazing announcement to the very ones society looked down upon. And what a comfort that is for us now … when we feel unnoticed or unappreciated, or any other time for that matter! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, my friend … you are such a blessing in my life!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Lois. You are a blessing in my life, too! Yes, it truly is such a comfort that God welcomes us into the miracle of His love, no matter how unnoticed or unappreciated we may feel by society. May our hearts be warmed by this Truth this Christmas and beyond! I pray also that you may have special strength through the struggles you are going through!


  8. Ah yes, His arms are open, welcoming us all at this time of year, any time.

    I hope your Christmas has been filled with joy and peace, lovely friend. You are an incredible blessing in the lives of so many.

    Bless YOU!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s such a comfort to know His arms are always open, welcoming us at any time without condemnation, isn’t it, Linda? Thank you for your kind words. I am truly blessed by your encouragement, both here and in your posts. May we keep the wonder of Jesus coming down to us in our hearts all year long!


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