God Remembers and Cares About Our Tears

“You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in Your bottle.
You have recorded each one in Your book.
Then my enemies will retreat on the day when I call.
This I know: God is for me.”
Psalm 56:8-9

Sad and alone. Sitting on a step with my arms crossed and leaning on my knees and my head hanging, I felt a lick of sympathy on my face. Someone had noticed my pain. Our dog had wriggled his way underneath my arms.

He comforted me like no one else did or could do at the time. As a kid growing up on a farm, dogs often were my best friends. They sat with me. They didn’t have to say a word. They just soaked in my sorrows as if they were crying with me.

Yes, dogs have the amazing God-given ability to sense when something is wrong and to comfort us. To be our faithful and devoted companions. It can never compare with the comfort God is ready to give us, but in hindsight I now believe that it was His way of caring for me even when I didn’t know He cared.

Every single tear we shed has meaning to Him. Whether they run from our eyes or make pools in our hearts. From birth to the present and on into the future. Every. Single. Tear.

God remembers our every sorrow as if He kept each tear in a bottle. He records each and every one in His book of remembrance. And I believe God adds His own tears right alongside ours. He cares that deeply.

God may not have a literal bottle or book, but He remembers every single thing that happens in our lives, including our suffering. He is a tender-hearted Father to us, a God who feels with us and weeps with us (Exodus 3:7John 11:33–35).

We are not alone, even when it feels like it. Many times in my life, I wondered where God was when I needed Him. But looking back, I now realize He was with me all along. Crying with me. Yes, He could have stopped bad things from happening to me. But He knew I would learn a deeper compassion and empathy if I personally experienced suffering myself.

God is for us. Always. He knows each of us better than we know ourselves. He knows what we need to experience in order to better empathize with others who suffer.

I wasn’t always aware of this. There have been more fist-raised or curl-up-in-a-ball moments than I can count. I could see no purpose whatsoever in people violating me. But God is helping me to realize that if I hadn’t experienced the pain, I could not cry with others like He cries with me.

Do you feel sad and alone? Like no one cares? It may feel like it, and surely, the devil wants us to believe that. But it’s not true. I know it’s a rough road to recovery. When our trust is so shattered, it’s not easy to believe anyone cares, even that God does. We may become terrified to open our hearts to anyone, out of fear of being hurt again. But there are those who do care. If you are hurting, please know I care.

Above all, there is One who has unconditional love and endless compassion towards us. He yearns for us to run to Him and freely confide in Him. He will never, ever hurt us, condemn us, or reject us. He will lovingly apply His healing balm to all the hurts in our hearts. He never misses a tear we shed but cares and collects every single one in His bottle of remembrance, adding His own with them.

“He Knows My Name”
by Maranatha Singers

“He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
and He hears me when I call.”


  1. I love that verse, Trudy! It is comforting to know that God sees our hurt and our tears even when no-one else does, that he weeps with us at the pain of this broken world. The fact that he collects them says that our tears are valuable, and I also love your insight that it is our own times of pain that can develop compassion and empathy for others. Beautiful post!

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    • It’s amazing how much God cares, isn’t it, Lesley? It took me years to realize (truly in my heart, not just in my head) how God uses our pain to develop compassion and empathy for others. This life certainly isn’t easy, but it’s a comfort to know God collects every single tear, not only our own but of all the hurting in this world. Yes, He weeps with us at the pain in this broken world. May we keep passing on the comfort God gives to us!

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  2. Such beautiful words to remind us how much God loves us Trudy, and that we are never alone. I feel He just whispered to me again those words–you are not alone. Recently my bible study homework showed that is still a rooted lie I can default to–I am alone. It can sure feel that way and seem that way at times especially when single and even just doing the dishes alone, again. 🙂 I’ve had a tough week and fear began to consume me, and then went to the Psalms as well, to be comforted by David’s writings to trust, not fear, and God is our refuge.

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    • I’m so sorry you had a tough week, Lynn, and that the lie that you are alone keeps taunting you. The Psalms can be so comforting, can’t they? I love that David shares his pain and fear. It makes us feel less alone and also confirms that God wants us to pour out every feeling of our hearts to Him. But as he progresses in the Psalm, he desperately clings to God as his refuge. Thank you for sharing. Tears pool in my eyes, not only for the tough week you had, but also for how God helped you again. May we learn ever more deeply to trust that we are never alone when we have God, even though it sometimes feels like it!


  3. Trudy, this whole post is just beautiful, but this paragraph especially spoke to me this morning: “God is for us. Always. He knows each of us better than we know ourselves. He knows what we need to experience in order to better empathize with others who suffer.” What a blessing to begin to grasp this truth … that our trials and suffering have purpose in God’s loving plan for us AND other people. I’m so thankful for your willingness to be used by Him through your writing! Love and hugs to you this week!

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    • I’m so grateful some of these words spoke to your heart, Lois. And thank you for your always-kind words and encouragement to me. Love and hugs to you, too! I know you have been through rough times this past year, and I’m certain I know only a small fraction of it. But God knows! God truly has used your trials to encourage me through your writing. No matter what happens in our lives or the lives of our loved ones, may we ever more deeply trust God’s loving plan!

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  4. Dear Trudy,
    Thank you for being so faithful to share God’s precious heart within you. It’s not easy to offer our own woundings to be part of the Lord’s comfort that He would bring to those around us, and I am so thankful that you are doing that. Your words are like a balm when I am in a weak and weary place too. He does hear us, and He does call us to Himself. And yes, I believe that He does use those little creatures, especially those loyal dogs, to bring His comfort to us. I know that He has used them for my own comfort. Love and Blessings and Hugs to you my dear friend! xoxo

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    • My heart overflows with gratitude that these words are like balm to your weak and weary heart, Bettie. Above all, that God watches over us so lovingly. His tears are right alongside ours as He collects ours into His bottle. It’s so incomprehensible how deeply He loves us, isn’t it? Do you have a dog, Bettie? Before we moved here ten years ago, we had a lovable Bichon named Cuddles. They don’t allow dogs here in these condos. 😦 I still miss her! Love, Blessings, and Hugs to you, too! May God’s loving Word and faithful care keep applying balm and strength to our weary hearts!


      • Trudy, no we don’t have a dog either now. I grew up with many different family dogs, and we had a precious Pomeranian mix for the first few years of our marriage. Now we just “puppy-sit” with our Grand-dog, Pepper-the-Schnauzer, and several other special friends’ dogs. They are such a gift!

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        • I’m so glad you still get to puppy-sit, Bettie. 🙂 Yes, dogs truly are a gift! It’s kind of funny, but they do allow us to do that here. We sometimes take care of our son and his family’s Shih Tzu, Biscuit. 🙂 My brother once said that maybe he should buy a dog, and we can take care of him for a few years. 🙂 I hope you have a pain-free night tonight!

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    • Same here, Lisa. I never tire of hearing it either as my heart can be so forgetful and it’s such a wonder that He never, ever tires of being here for us. May our hearts remember, even in the most difficult circumstances, that He is for us and never against us no matter what!

      P.S. Enjoy your new granddaughter, Grandma!


  5. I will never get tired of hearing and reading that God is for me. What a promise to hold close especially on those days I struggle with the weight of the world. I also love that your canine companion comforted you when you were sad. It’s just like God to make sure we have someone or something nearby to comfort us.

    God has always been with you. Thank you for the reminder that we are loved and cared for even when we are facing life’s challenges. Love and hugs!

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    • I will never tire of hearing and reading it either, Mary. Yes, when the weight of the world weighs upon us, it surely is a promise to hold close. God is for us! God is with us! Always! Yes, even in our darkest night when we can’t always “feel” His arms holding us, God is with us. Because He is faithful. And oh, how He loves us and collects our every tear! Love and hugs to you, too! May we cling to His promises of His faithful Presence and remember He is still the King of the world even when we see and hear all the chaos that goes on!

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  6. I so admire your courage and willingness to share your own sorrowful experiences with others who may be hurting, and need to know of God’s unfailing love for them, Trudy. Yes, He is always, always for us, no matter what we are going through. And sometimes, it is those moments of grief and sadness and hurt that transform us to trust in Him more, and to encourage others in their afflictions.
    Blessings, my friend!

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    • Martha, what you write about it being “those moments of grief and sadness and hurt that transform us to trust in Him more” is so true. And by His grace, He transforms us to be more like Him, to spill out His hope to other hurting souls. Blessings to you, too! I pray God gives you strength and wisdom for each day with the changes in your household! May we cling to our God whose unfailing love will never, ever leave us!

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  7. I’ve had a rather rough week, so I am sitting here finally going through emails and comments and I see your comment. (and I use the link to find your post) . This post is the very best reminder for me. Oh, thank you for this post, this verse in particular! Even reading the comments here is the encouragement I need. Thank you!!!

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    • I’m so sorry you had a tough week, Anita. I know your health issues are such a cross for you. May God wrap you in His loving arms and carry you through! He collects your tears into His bottle, and He cries with you and for you. I’m so grateful you found encouragement here. That verse is so special, isn’t it? May we cling to the Truth that God cares so much and He is for us, never against us!


  8. Absolutely beautiful truth, dear Trudy. Thank you for this reminder! I know no better place to run when the tears fall than into Abba’s arms! Love the Maranatha song! So thankful for you. You are a gem. I treasure your friendship here online. God bless you big time. Love and hugs! ❤ ❤

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    • Blessings, love, and hugs back at ya, Lynn! I’m so glad you, too, have learned there is “no better place to run when the tears fall than into Abba’s arms!” It has been a process of learning to trust Him as a tender, loving Father who won’t hurt me, and I am still a work-in-progress, but He is sooo patient with me. 🙂 I’m so thankful for you, too! May we daily run with abandon into our Father’s loving arms of mercy!


  9. Beautiful post, my friend.This line was especially inspiring to me, “Whether they run from our eyes or make pools in our hearts.” We don’t always show our pain to others, do we? But God knows. Thank you for offering encouragement to others despite your own pain. Blessings.

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    • Yes, God knows, June. We may often put on a smiling face and say, “I’m fine,” when in reality the tears are gushing into pools in our hearts. I know you understand. It’s beyond comprehension that God counts and collects every single tear. He sees beyond the surface and cries with us, doesn’t He?
      Blessings to you, too! May we lean into Him and trust He will one day wipe away every tear!

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  10. Trudy,
    Thank you for this comforting reminder that God cares deeply about all our tears. Our little beagle, Topper, is my “tear licker”. Anytime he sees me crying he is always right there to lick my tears and it does remind me that God is present and cares unconditionally too. The more we go through in life and the more tears we shed, I believe the more compassionate toward others we become.
    Bev xx

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    • Thank you so much for sharing this, Bev. It brings tears to my eyes. I’m so glad you have a tear licker in Topper. A dog’s unconditional love reminds me of God’s unconditional caring for us, too. Blessings and xx to you, too! May we daily fix our eyes and heart on the One who cares for us so deeply, and may His love and compassion spill out to others around us!


  11. Oh, Trudy, you’ve got me wishing I had a devoted canine friend to bury my face in and receive wet kisses in return. But I guess my equally faithful and devoted husband is a close second…lol! 🙂 I love the thought of God taking care of us, even when we’re not aware that He does. I once received a word in prayer concerning the childhood abuse I went through, and in it God reassured me that He was with me then, is with me now and always will be.
    To think that we could have been spared the emotional pain we endured is a challenging thing to ponder, but I draw comfort from realising how it can grow empathy and compassion for the hurting, which is especially evident in what you share here. Thank you, friend, for this beautiful, encouraging ministry you offer. You have a great gift of coming alongside the wounded, broken ones. Blessings, hugs and love. xo ❤

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    • Oh Joy, thank you so much for sharing God’s reassurance to you that He was with you then, is with you now and always will be! I often need that reminder. Yes, He could have spared us the emotional pain, but as you write here, we can draw comfort from knowing it grows more empathy and compassion for other hurting souls. May our brokenness and the healing balm God applies to our wounded hearts give us all the more passion to reach out to other hurting souls! Blessings, love, and hugs back to you!

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  12. Trudy, you made me wish we had a dog. 🙂

    Your words are beautiful. Your compassion is present. Thank you for the reminder that God is with us. That He catches each tear. That He cares for us. thank you for putting a framework on God’s presence in the midst of unjust suffering. It’s a difficult concept to wrap our heads around, you know?

    So thankful for your heart, my sweet friend!

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    • Yes, it certainly is difficult to wrap our heads around the truth that God is with us even in unjust suffering, Jeanne. It took me years of healing to grasp even the smallest fraction of this truth. All the unjust suffering in this world still weighs down my spirit at times. But I am comforted by the fact that God still rules, and one day we will see the entire picture of His plan. Now, about having a dog… Your boys would love having such a devoted companion. As would you. 🙂 I’m so thankful for you, too! May we cling to the truth that God cares so much for us, He catches each tear, and He even cries with us!

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  13. Trudy, thank you for this gentle reminder today. You’re speaking of what I know for sure, yet I always need that reassurance that He does truly get it. And He is able to lead us forward and do more than our limited minds can ask or imagine.

    He loves us so …

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    • Yes, Linda. I, too, always need that reassurance that He does truly get it. And thank you for reminding me that He is able to “do more than our limited minds can ask or imagine.” I often forget that, so I needed to hear it again. Yes, He loves us so! Knowing He cares so deeply that He cries with us is such a comfort. May we rest in His willingness to lead us and His power to break down what feels so impossible!


  14. Hi Trudy! The fact that you can always support and encourage us in our sorrow is proof that the Spirit is alive and working in you.
    I do think that animals have a sense about them that understands when we are happy, and sad too. What a comfort your dog was to you in those low times…God knew what you needed, and if a human wasn’t with you, he could send your beloved pet. What a wonder it is that he thinks only of us.
    I am hoping that your memories of comfort in sadness help you today when you struggle too.
    God’s blessing and peace,

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    • Thank you for your kind and caring words, Ceil. As God heals more deeply, we can learn to see those memories of comfort instead of only the sadness. Yes, it’s such a wonder that God thinks of us, even in those times when we don’t see it. It just popped into my mind what a meaningful title your blog has. Yes, we are surrounded by the Spirit! Within and without. He’ll take care of us no matter what we go through, right? God’s blessing and peace to you, too! May the Holy Spirit lead us into His truth and teach us!


  15. Hi Trudy- I loved this- I read it last week but something sidetracked me before I could comment I think. This is so beautiful, encouraging and comforting to my heart. I too wonder why he didn’t intervene on some hard things in my life and have wrestled through that. Thanks for your honesty and words that bring hope! thankful for you and your ministry here. xoxox

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    • Thank you for returning, Susie. 🙂 I always love “seeing” you here. But i know the feeling of getting sidetracked or being just too overwhelmed to comment on every post. I’m so grateful you found hope here. I’m so sorry for the hard things that happened to you in your life. I still wrestle with it at times, too. xoxoxo back to you! May we both remember that God cares and understands our every heartache and His tears are running right alongside ours!

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