Jesus Will Always Be a Faithful Pilot Even When We’re Afraid and Forget His Past Mercies

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

It’s scary when we feel so powerless and helpless in the storms of life, isn’t it? The coronavirus storm marching like a deadly enemy across the world causing devastating changes and losses for old and young alike. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. On top of other known or hidden trials hitting us as individuals or families.

When the disciples were in a boat with Jesus (Mark 4:35-41), a raging storm whipped up powerful waves that washed over the boat. As the boat filled up, they were sure they would sink into the sea.

Desperation and distress tore at their spirits. Jesus, where are You!?

They cried out, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?”

Jesus got up from sleeping on a pillow at the helm, a pilot’s place. He rebuked the wind and waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Immediately it was completely calm.

Jesus asked, “How can you be so afraid? After all you’ve seen, where is your faith?”

They forgot that Jesus was in their boat, so they had nothing to fear, no matter how strong the storm was. They forgot all the miracles they had already witnessed Jesus perform. They forgot Jesus is a Pilot whose plans are always to prosper them.

We can have such short memory spans, can’t we? I I know I do. I easily remember the fear and devastation of past storms in life and forget God’s deliverance and how He has made me stronger in Him through them.

I easily get discouraged and devastated at all the pain in the world today, and forget God’s Almighty power to rescue us from the deepest pit, to get us safely through the most severe storms in life, and to know and care about every detail of our lives.

“Away despair! My gracious Lord doth hear.
Though winds and waves assault my keel,
He doth preserve it: He doth steer,
Ev’n when the boat seems most to reel.
Storms are the triumph of His art:
Well may He close His eyes, but not His heart.”
George Herbert (1633)

I know it’s not always easy, especially when “winds and waves assault” and blindside us, but God is still a faithful Pilot and “storms are the triumph of His art.” Though there may be times when we feel He doesn’t hear our cries, He is still working behind the scenes. Always. He never, ever closes off His heart of love, compassion, and mercy to us.

Even in our weak and frail moments, His love never fails. His unconditional love that doesn’t condemn us even when fear and anxiety coexist with clinging faith in the midst of the storms of life.

“Because of the Lord’s great love
we are not consumed,

 for His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23

Sometimes It Takes a Storm

by Jessica King

“They were drifting in the darkness,
The sea was all around.
They cried out to the Master,
Please save us or we’ll drown.
Jesus heard the cries,
And mercy stilled the wind.
Sometimes it takes a storm,
To see the sun again.”


  1. Sure can feel like we are in a storm especially with the uncertainties of the future! But God…He knows. Thank you for these encouraging words and your lovely message to me the other day. It truly lifted my spirits, and my heart to Him. Blessing and virtual hugs to you!

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    • But God… Beautiful reminder, Lynn. He’s the One we can depend on and who holds the future in His hands. I’m so grateful your spirits were lifted. Blessings and virtual hugs back to you! May we remember God always has a perfect plan for each of us!

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  2. Amen, Trudy! May we remember that Jesus is not only in our boat, but He’s the captain of our souls! None of what we’re going through surprises Him and He will prove Himself faithful, loving and kind.

    Thank you for all your encouragements in my life, friend. You truly are a blessing to me …

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    • Ah yes, Linda, the Captain of our souls! Amen to remembering that! I love this reminder – “None of what we’re going through surprises Him and He will prove Himself faithful, loving and kind.” Thank you! I hope you are feeling stronger! You truly are a blessing to me, too! I’m so grateful we “met.” May we ever more deeply trust the Captain of our souls!


  3. I love that poem, Trudy! And what precious encouragement you have offered us here along with it. Yes, may we remember that Jesus is right here in the storm with us. He will never leave or forsake us.

    “Away despair! My gracious Lord doth hear.”

    It is so easy, especially in the middle of the night to hear that hiss of despair. But I am so thankful that Jesus hears every cry of our heart. May He continue to bless and uphold you also, dear friend. Love and hugs to you! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • That poem really ministered to my heart, too, Bettie. Yes, that “hiss of despair” can be so strong, can’t it? I’m so thankful, too, that Jesus hears every cry of our hearts! Thank you for your prayers. They mean so much to me. Love and hugs back to you! May we hold to the truth that even when those hisses of despair are so loud, Jesus still hears us and He will give us sufficient grace to get through anything!

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  4. “…doesn’t condemn us even when fear and anxiety coexist with clinging faith in the midst of the storms of life.” Thank you for putting forth these truths. May the Lord uphold us to stand firm and honor Him. Press on sister, stay well. 🌹

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    • I’m so glad these truths comfort you, Lisa Beth. God often uses Romans 8:1 to strengthen my anxious heart. I pray you stay well also. Thank you for your prayers. “May the Lord uphold us to stand firm and honor Him.” Amen!

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    • I’m so glad you were encouraged, Lois. He is still working in the midst of our fears. Love and hugs to you and yours, too! I just read your comment to Linda. I’m curious, too, to what internal and external projects you are working on with your family. Maybe you will share in future posts? May our hearts trust in God and His “kingdom calendar” when ours are decimated!


  5. Yes, it’s so easy to be overwhelmed by the storm and to forget how we’ve known God’s faithfulness in the past. It’s so important to hold onto the fact that he is with us and that his power is greater than any storm we face. Thanks for this encouragement!

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    • I’m glad this was encouraging to you, Lesley. It’s comforting to remember the truth that His power is greater than any storm we face, isn’t it? I”m sure it’s tough when you can’t teach the children like you love to do. May God give you wisdom as you work on a new resource for them! And may we cling to our Faithful Pilot and His plan for our good!

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  6. Trudy, this is so comforting. I’m so glad God sees us in the middle of every one of our storms. This phrase here: “Storms are the triumph of His art:” I hadn’t considered this before. We can always trust that He’s with us in everything we face in this life. When we choose to look to Him and to allow Him to do His will in our lives and hearts, He brings about beauty in and through us . . . the triumph of His art. Thanks for this, friend.

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    • I love that line of the poem, too, Jeanne. And I LOVE the truth you bring forth – that “He brings about beauty in and through us… the triumph of His art.” Thank you! This really warms my heart today. May we always remember our faithful Pilot knows all and will lead us through any storm!


  7. I agree, Trudy. It’s all too easy to forget the continuous mercy, goodness and grace of our God, and His awesome power to conquer storms within and without. As well as His caring, compassionate heart and unlimited love. Yet time and again He grants us deliverance even from storms we have barely noticed happening. Thank you for this hope-filled, deeply encouraging post. It has lifted and brought comfort to my heart! I hope you and your loved ones are keeping as well as possible? Blessings, love, hugs and prayers. xoxo ❤️

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    • I’m so glad this lifted and brought comfort to your heart, Joy. It’s hard not to get anxious amid this virus storm, but God’s “caring, compassionate heart and unlimited love” bring so much hope, right? Blessings, love, hugs, and prayers to you, too! May we lean into Jesus and allow Him to soothe our weary souls!

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  8. By email from Dolly:
    This spoke to me: His unconditional love that doesn’t condemn us even when fear and anxiety coexist with clinging faith in the midst of the storms of life.
    Thank you so much. Love and blessings to you 🙂

    Love and hugs and praying you stay healthy,


    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so sorry you had trouble posting your comment, Dolly. Thanks so much for sending it to my email. 🙂 I’m so glad this spoke to you. God’s unconditional love for us is unfathomable, isn’t it? May we remember God will never condemn us! Love, hugs, and blessings of staying healthy to you, too!


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