GOD is Big Enough and You Have a Purpose

he-handpicked-you_500Dear Readers,

My hubby and I will be on vacation next week, so I will not be posting, answering comments, or responding to emails. I hope to have a rest away from the computer, and above all, a much-needed soul rest as I soak up God’s wonders of creation.

I will leave you with these two graphics/messages to ponder over. I know it’s not easy, especially when troubles within and without bombard us and beat us up, but I hope you can truly believe that God is big enough and there is a purpose in your being here. Always remember you’re still thought about much more than you know. 🙂 I hope you have a week of joy in Jesus Who loves you so, so much that He even died for you.




  1. Rest well, dear Trudy. Your posts will be missed but the need for a soul break, spiritual restoration and refreshment are more important than anything else. Enjoy your holiday! May it be the just what you need it to be and may God meet powerfully with you in the space you have created to be quiet. Thinking of you. Love and prayers. Xx ❤


    • Your loving prayers bring me to tears, Joy. Thank you so much. I am feeling overwhelmed lately and like I need this soul rest. Please pray also that I won’t get sick. We’re going now when there’s less people and less chance of smokers. If I even get a whiff of any kind of smoke, it can set me back big time. My lung doc put me on higher doses of Prednisone to at least help me have more energy and hold back more inflammation. Praying for you, too, Joy, that God will give you strength and joy for each new day! Hugs! 🌹


      • Trudy, those healing tears need to flow. When we feel overwhelmed they sit so close to the surface and are a sign of needing to pause a while to see and sense where they are coming from. Praying for you to remain as well as possible and not to be anxious for anything. God has got this time covered and will take good care of you. Thank you for your prayers. I really appreciate them! Be blessed, my friend. *Hugs* Xx 🙂


  2. Trudy, enjoy this time to pause, be still, and simply know. He Loves You. He cares about every detail. He holds you close. Praying you sense His peace and comfort as you rest in His arms, admiring the beauty of His creation. Have a quiet and refreshing time. You will be missed. ❤


    • Thank you for such kind and loving thoughts and prayers, Michelle. I appreciate them so much. I will miss you all, too. I have been greatly blessed these past months with new friends and their inspiring posts. We have such a BIG GOD, don’t we? Nothing is too little to escape His notice. 🙂 I’m looking forward to some time in Lacrosse, WI, with a steamboat tour on the Mississippi River and soaking up God’s creatures and the beautiful designs in His creation. The fall colors should be coming out in all their glory, singing praises to their Artist. Praying for peace and comfort for you as well! 💗

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