January Hope Breathers

Help me, Jesus,
I’m so afraid
For our loved ones
For our country
For all the hurting in this world
Help us, Jesus,
You alone are
Our Anchor of Hope
Our Firm Foundation
Our Refuge and Strength
When the world crumbles
When our hearts tremble
When our minds lose focus
Your powerful hand
Your unfailing love
Your endless compassion
Can pull us up again
Can hold us firmly in Your grip
Can guide us to keep taking one step at a time
You send Your light and Your truth
You are with us always
You will never abandon us
Thank You, Jesus!

❤️ “When I thought, ‘My foot slips,’ Your steadfast love, O LORD, helped me up. When the cares of my heart are many, Your consolations cheer my soul.” 
Psalm 94:18-19 ESV

❤️ Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken. Psalm 62:5-6 HCSB

❤️ “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble in dread before them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 AMP

“I’ve seen love come and
I’ve seen love walk away
So many questions
Will anybody stay?

It’s been a hard year
So many nights in tears
All of the darkness
Trying to fight my fears
Alone, so long alone

I don’t know who I’d be if I didn’t know You
I’d probably fall off the edge
I don’t know where I’d go if You ever let go
So keep me held in Your hands…”

“I want to sing like the birds sing,
not worrying about who hears or what they think.”

~ Rumi

Thanks to my brother John for these
unique bird photos
and some amazing facts.

Rufous-capped Warbler, a rare visitor in the US
Black-crowned Night Heron
Cooper’s Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
The Peregrine Falcon can drop out of the sky at over 200 mph as it tries to knock its prey to the ground.
The Peregrine Falcon and the Red-tailed Hawk were fighting over a dead bird.


    • I’m glad they instilled hope, Michelle! Happy New Year to you, too! How are you? May God keep working through you to the encouragement of hurting hearts!


  1. That first poem truly resonated in my heart, Trudy – beautiful and so true! And of course, I enjoyed the inspiring photos taken by your brother. They always remind me of God’s creative hands being visible in all His wondrous works. Stay hopeful because of Jesus!

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    • I’m glad it resonated with you, Martha. It’s a trying time, all the more reason to cling to our only Source of Hope and Help, right? I’m glad, too, that my brother’s photos inspire you. 🙂 Blessings to you, too! Yes, may we stay hopeful because of Jesus!


  2. Dear Trudy, Thank you for sharing your open-hearted poem prayer! I find myself uttering such similar words when I lie awake at night. But truly it is right there where He meets me with His presence–He never leaves us alone! And oh, such beautiful photos from your brother again! I was so touched by the feathers all fluffed up in the Cooper’s Hawk, right next to those powerful talons! It was an amazing picture of how God hides us under His feathers of safety! Blessings and love to you dear sister in this New Year! ❤️❤️

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    • It’s so true it is in those deep groans of our hearts where He meets us with His presence, Bettie. It is such a comfort He never leaves us alone, isn’t it? Thank you for sharing how the fluffed up wings are “an amazing picture of how God hides us under His feathers of safety!” Such a precious Truth to lean into! Blessings and love to you, too, my sister in Christ Jesus! May we cling to the Truth of God’s amazing love, faithfulness, and protection!

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  3. Oh Trudy … your poem is beautiful and heartfelt. I’m sure many of us can relate to these thoughts. The verses are so comforting too … Deuteronomy 31:6 is my daughter’s favorite in the Bible. 🙂 And that’s an amazing fact about the Peregrine Falcon dropping to earth so fast! Always love to see your posts in my inbox, friend. Love and hugs to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s a trying time, isn’t it? I’m glad your heart was comforted, Lois. And thank you for sharing that the Deuteronomy verse is your daughter’s favorite. 🙂 Love and hugs to you, too, my friend! May we cling to our faithful God who will never fail us or abandon us!
      P.S. I noticed I missed the period on that verse, so I added it or it would bug me. 🙂 And I know it would you, too. 🙂


    • I’m so grateful God comforted your heart today, Susie! Sending much love and hugs your way, too! May we cling to the truth that God will never let us go and He folds our hand into His!


    • So true, Mary. Calling upon God is the best thing we can do. I’m so grateful you find peace and hope here. May we bring all our needs to God who is always in control and loves us so much!


    • Wow, that hawk’s behavior is unusual, Lisa. I’m glad you are encouraged here. Thank you. I am as well as can be expected. 🙂 I hope you’re doing well, too! May God give us the grace to stand on His unfailing love and promises to get us through!

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  4. Yes, you are a hope-friend. Thank you for pointing right back up to Him, our Saviour, Redeemer, and Friend. This is exactly the kind of post we need right now, full of grace and truth. I thank God for you.

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    • “Our Saviour, Redeemer, and Friend.” Yes! I can’t imagine life without Him! Thank you for your kind words, Linda. I thank God for you as well! May we become less and less and Jesus become more and more in our hearts and lives!


  5. I want to camp here for awhile and rest! Filled with hope rooted in God’s word, and filled with God’s beautiful creatures captured with photography by your talented brother, your post wants me to stay here to breathe in all it’s goodness. How do you enjoy Bonnie’s podcast? I’ve been taking her Soul Care School classes, and been very blessed with her teachings that has me diving more deeply into God’s word—restfully.

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    • Your kind words warm my heart, Lynn. I’m so happy you find this a restful place filled with hope rooted in God’s Word. My brother surely captures some awesome poses, doesn’t he? I’m not a big podcast person. I’d sooner read. But perhaps I should try it again? I get Bonnie’s email letters and I love them. So restful. I’m happy to hear you have been blessed in her Soul Care classes. May we rest in God’s faithful, loving care for us!


  6. Such a beautiful post, dear Trudy. I have never seen the world in the shape it is now. I must continually refocus my eyes on dear Jesus. He is our only hope. As long as my eyes are on Him, I am at peace. May He bless you continually!

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    • Thank you, Cheryl. Yes, we are in bad shape. “I must continually refocus my eyes on dear Jesus.” Me, too! May He bless you, too! May we steadfastly cling to our only HOPE!


    • That is fine, Adelheid. And you’re welcome. I’m grateful you feel these pleas in your heart, too. Without Jesus, we have no hope to cling to, do we? May we keep crying out to Jesus, our only way, truth, and life!

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  7. I know I’m very late to your post (again) but I’m so glad I read this today. The Bible verse at the top and the prayer are so encouraging in light of things I’ve been considering today. When so much seems like it is crumbling and decaying, God’s love and faithfulness remain. I always appreciate your brother’s photos too!

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    • I’m so grateful you are encouraged, Lesley. Yes, so much seems to be crumbling and decaying. It can be heartbreaking, right? There is such hope that God’s love and faithfulness will always and forever remain. May we hide ourselves in our Refuge and Strength in the storms of life!

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