Beyond Blind Faith

© Jack Dawson Painting – used by permission

Do you see the man walking across the log? Do you see his white cane? More importantly, do you see Jesus watching over him? How about the cross on the rock?

I live in one of 14 condo units, placed on either side of a hallway with a Commons area at the end. Some residents almost always have a puzzle in progress there. Many of these puzzles are framed and displayed on the hallway walls. Most of them relate to U.S. or state history, but there are occasional exceptions.

Earlier this year, Nathalie had a puzzle she wanted put together, framed, and hung up across from her door. One had to look carefully to see Jesus in it, but once I found Him, I was awed. Yes, He is with us even when we can’t always “see” Him. Not long after the puzzle was hung up, Jesus took Nathalie to Himself. Her family graciously left the puzzle there. Every time I see it when I take a walk in the hallway, it reminds me of Jesus’ promise to be with us always. We may not always see Him, but He’s there, faithfully watching over us, His loving heart channeling His sufficient grace into our hearts and lives.

“And be sure of this:
I am with you always,
even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20b NLT
“For God has said,
‘I will never fail you.
I will never abandon you.'”
Hebrews 13:5b NLT

Recently, I looked up the author’s name in the corner and found out it was titled “Beyond Blind Faith.” Finding out more about it has deepened the meaning. I hadn’t noticed the man using a white cane. I just figured it was a man balancing himself and walking across the log, taking it as meaning we sometimes have to go through risky trials, but we need to trust Jesus is watching out for us. When I realized the man was actually blind… Wow! Isn’t that how it is? Blind faith. Uncertain. Afraid of taking the wrong step, because we can’t see it. Depending on Jesus to guide us in the right way.

The website for this painting describes it:

“It would be almost impossible for this blind man to walk across safely to the other side.  Many times we feel like we are walking in uncertainty and confusion, without hope.  But just as Christ is seen watching over the blind man in the painting, He watches over us as we walk “Beyond Blind Faith,” in confident hope and faith in Him.”

The following 1-minute video about this painting is inspiring:

“Beyond Blind Faith”
by Jack E. Dawson

Sometimes in the midst of loss and troubles, we don’t see that Jesus is with us. We don’t feel Him warming our hearts with hope. But He truly is with us, no matter what situation we are in, because He is faithful to His promises. He is never going to leave us or abandon us! We may flounder in our trust and faith and may even fall and feel like we’re drowning, but He will always pick us up again!

“God Is With Us”
by Casting Crowns

“Love is raining down on the world tonight
There’s a presence here I can tell
God is in us, God is for us, God is with us, Emmanuel
He’s the Savior we have been praying for
In our humble hearts He will dwell
God is in us, God is for us, God is with us, Emmanuel”


  1. So beautiful, Trudy. Tears are forming in my eyes. What a stunning piece of art. I’m so sorry for your loss of this lady- so thankful to hear she’s gone to be with our LORD.

    My One Word this year has been “Delight”. As I did some research on it at the beginning of the year – looking at its Hebrew roots – it scared me. Because it had a lot more to do with stripping and dressing of wounds to enable joy. And it has been that kind of year. Its required living into this truth:
    “But He truly is with us, no matter what situation we are in, because He is faithful to His promises.”
    As I hung onto His Word through the pain of speaking truth, leaving my church and ending friendships He asked me to I have seen Him open my eyes in my blindness – to His Presence with me and to what He is doing in my midst. Much stripping has indeed taken place as I’ve had to look my sins in the eye and repent – its in those moments we are called to suffer for Him that He also burns off what is not of Him.

    Living into His Promises I’m seeing them being brought into reality, even now. He just needed me to trust Him blindly – to do what He asked without me understanding why at the time. Praise Him! Emmanuel – the God with us always and forever, even when we can’t see Him in our blindness as He calls us to exercise the gift of faith He’s given us. Thank you for so beautifully encouraging me to look back and honor God for HIS work in my life.

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    • Oh my, Anna! I can see why the word “delight” scared you. I never knew that the Hebrew roots of it have more to do with stripping and dressing of wounds to enable joy, so thank you for sharing this deeper meaning. I guess it makes sense though. It’s through the stripping away of all that is of us that we can find deeper delight in Jesus, isn’t it? It’s so hard to give up what God wants us to though, isn’t it? It warms my heart that you have been encouraged to look back and honor God’s work in your life. May we keep trusting Him blindly, knowing His promise of His faithful Presence will stand forever!


  2. Dear Trudy,
    Oh thank you so much for this beautiful post today! These words: “We may flounder in our trust and faith and may even fall and feel like we’re drowning, but He will always pick us up again!” are so similar to what a friend and I were just discussing this morning. I sent her the link here, because Jesus is so good to meet us right where we are! I pray that the Lord is blessing you this Season with Presence, Trudy! You are such a blessing to so many here! Love & Hugs! xoxo

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    • It truly is amazing how Jesus meets us right where we are, isn’t it, Bettie? I’m so grateful God reconfirmed to your heart what you and your friend were discussing. We are such flounderers, aren’t we? It’s such a comfort that Jesus will always pick us up again. I pray the Lord is blessing you with His Presence as well! Love and hugs to you, too! May our hearts truly trust Jesus will never abandon us and will always lift us up again when we fall!


  3. What an amazing picture! And it’s such a powerful illustration of how Jesus is always with us, even though we might not see that he’s there. It’s definitely comforting to remember when he calls us to step out in faith. Thanks for sharing this!

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    • Yes, it’s such a powerful message, isn’t it, Lesley? I’m still comforted each time I pass that puzzle in the hallway. May we step out in faith, trusting He is with us always and will guide our steps as He promised!

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  4. Oh, wow, Trudy, this certainly is an amazing painting! It took me a little while to find Jesus, but I finally did.
    We are asked to walk by faith, not by sight. This is a tremendous reminder that our faith in Jesus will get us through, every time, even when we are unsure of where we are headed. He knows, and He is right by our side.

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    • It takes some searching, doesn’t it, Martha? I finally had to point Him out to a couple of grandkids. I love your reminder that we are to walk by faith, not by sight. So true. May we cling to our Savior who is right by our side and will get us through every situation, no matter how unsure we are!

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    • Your words here are like a soothing balm to my heart, Linda. I love your reflections. Yes, tenderly, powerfully, as we navigate the frigid waters, the perils deep. I hear His whispers. Thank you! May we open our hearts to His whispers!


  5. Wow. And how so great that the family kept the puzzle painting in the common area. She continues to minister even after she is gone. This line resonated with me a lot today: Afraid of taking the wrong step, because we can’t see it. Depending on Jesus to guide us in the right way. I can be so afraid to take the WRONG step so don’t even step on to the path! But the blind man did. Very inspiring story. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so glad you were inspired, Lynn. Nathalie had a blood disorder and heart problems, and she went through a lot. She has often been so close to death, and yet God pulled her through again. I still remember her sharing with me a few years ago after a hospital stay how disappointed she was that God didn’t take her. Then she said, “I guess God isn’t done with me yet.” She lived to be in her 90s. I love that you see how God is still using her today. 🙂 It’s really hard to even take a step when we feel so afraid of taking the wrong one, isn’t it? I need more of that deep dependence on Jesus to guide us in the right way. May God help us to step out blindly, trusting He’s got us and will lead us in the right way!

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    • Hi Karmen! It’s good to see you here. When this comment said, “Trudes,” I knew it had to be you. 🙂 It makes me smile. 🙂 I’m so grateful this encouraged you. We need this reminder every day, don’t we? It’s so easy to forget He is with us even when we can’t see Him. Thank you for passing on the encouragement to a friend. I hope you are making meaningful friends out there. I think it was Washington where you moved? May God heal us ever deeper and help us to trust Him fully and freely!


  6. Trudy, what a beautiful visual for the Christian walk. there are times when I’ve felt like I was walking on that skinny branch over the rapids of life, without really being able to see. When we truly trust Jesus to help us take the next step, it’s okay that we can’t see what it is. I’m discovering this with writing, too. There’s a level of trust that comes into writing a story, or a blogpost. When I ask Jesus to write with me, to inspire me, I feel a little like I’m going forth blind. But, when I know He’s going to give me what I need when I need it, It’s easier to not get so worried about the story. 🙂 It’s like that in life too.

    That picture will stay with me. Thanks so much for sharing it, friend!

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    • I have tears in my eyes as I read your comment, Jeanne. I so identify with you. I feel the same thing in my writing a blogpost. I’m so afraid of writing something that isn’t to His glory and to point to hope in Jesus. Even in answering comments. But He is showing me, too, that when I ask Him for the words, even when I feel like I’m going forth blind, I need to trust He will give those words. And yes, it’s like that in life, too. Thank you for sharing this. May we keep leaning into Him for inspiration and guidance even when we feel we’re going forth blind!

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  7. Oh, wow, Trudy… the image of Jesus in the painting is amazing! And what a lovely story about how you came to be acquainted with this painting! I’m sorry for your loss of your friend, Nathalie. But how wonderful that she now sees Jesus face-to-face! I’m so thankful that even though we can’t see our Savior that He is leading us across the difficult “logs” of life and safely home! What a beautiful post this is, Trudy! And then, you have concluded it with my favorite Christmas song, “God is With Us.” I could listen to that song on repeat for the entire Christmas season if my family would allow it. 😉 Your post has truly buoyed my heart today! God bless you as you have blessed me!! Love and hugs!

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    • That song is so meaningful, isn’t it? I love it! Love is raining down on us! God is in us! God is for us! God is with us! Emmanuel! I’m thankful, too, that even though we can’t always see our Savior, He is still leading us across those difficult “logs” of life! I’m so glad your heart was buoyed by His loving Presence today, Lynn. Love and hugs to you, too! Did you check out more of Jack Dawson’s paintings? As a painter yourself, I’m certain you would love them. 🙂 Your paintings also bless me. 🙂 May we cling to the Truth that God is with us always, even when we can’t see Him!


    • It’s amazing, isn’t it? Yes, it’s so comforting to know He is always with us throughout every second of every year. Hugs to you, too, Lois! May our hearts be open to His whispers of peace each day of the year!


  8. Thank you, Trudy, for sharing this delightful story and encouraging us to look for the signs of Jesus’ Presence with us, and to trust where the way seems blind or treacherous to our eyes. A reassuring thought! Our faith rests in a Person who is utterly trustworthy and faithful to His Word, therefore it has a face as such, though we might feel like we walk blind at times. Thankfully, when we are in relationship with God we gradually grow in our awareness of just how much Jesus has done for us. It never ceases to be amazing, as the beautiful song here celebrates! Bless you for being you, a lovely, caring friend, a dear, faithful, prayerful woman of God who loves to offer hope to the hurting, which you do so well in every post you write. I’m always blessed by reading your words! Love and hugs. xox ❤

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    • Thank you for your kind, loving words of encouragement, Joy. We share that call to offer hope to the hurting, don’t we? Sometimes when I get discouraged, I begin to wonder if Jesus is still with me. But as you say, He is utterly trustworthy and faithful. As I grow, I am learning to trust in His faithful character instead of what I “feel.” Love and hugs to you, too! In all our brokenness and blindness, may we continue to cling to the one Person whose faithfulness will never fail!

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  9. What a beautiful, comforting story, Trudy! Thank you for reminding me of this album by Casting Crowns. I haven’t listened in quite awhile. Adding it to my Christmas lineup! May you sense His presence in a very real way today, my friend.

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    • I’m so grateful you were comforted, June. I hope you have hours of reflection and peace as you listen again to that album. Thank you for your prayer, too. That means a lot. I hope you also sense His Presence in a very real way today. May our hearts be humbled and awed by God loving us so much to come down as man to suffer with us and for us!


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