Failure Doesn’t Make Us Less Cherished By God


Do you ever feel like a failure? Like no matter how hard you try, you’re always insufficient or falling short? Like you’re a disappointment to everyone, especially to God?

When I was a child, my dad said to me, “You never were much of a daughter to me.” Though later in life he did say that wasn’t what he meant and I forgave him, the words still engraved themselves in my heart. I didn’t realize it at first, but I applied it to every role I have ever played in life – wife, mom, grandma, sister, friend, teacher, writer, etc.

When I don’t meet the expectations of others, including myself, I think I have failed. When what I say or do doesn’t make someone feel better, I think have failed. When I start a project and don’t finish it, I think I have failed.

But what I often forget is that those “I’m a failure” thoughts are lies. Even when I do fail at something, that doesn’t mean I’m a failure as a person. It just means I’m learning an important lesson.

Remember that failure is an event, not a person. ~ Zig Ziglar

Most importantly, Jesus’ love is unconditional. It doesn’t depend on what we do or don’t do right or perfectly. It depends on what He has done for us!

“For by a single offering He has forever completely cleansed and perfected those who are consecrated and made holy.” (Hebrews 10:14 AMP)

A Child's Trust

“Holy God, I am Your child – loved, cherished, sought after, justified by Your own sacrifice. I want to live my life as a person adopted and loved by God. Life gets messy, though, and sometimes I don’t do that. Forgive me for trusting other people more than You to define myself. Help me to hear You even when life is very loud. Help me to listen and live according to Your truth. Amen.”      (Prayer from The Search for Significance Devotional Journal: A 60-day Journey to Discovering Your True Worth)

Soul Rest Sunday


  1. I love that Zig Ziglar quote! Isn’t it amazing that God’s love is unconditional. We don’t have to do anything to earn it. How awesome to live in His love. I’m visiting from Bonnie’s linkup.


  2. Hi There, Trudy,

    I am over at SOul Rest and thought I would check in and visit here, since we seem to be the few at the moment! A beautiful thought to start the week, grateful that our failures don’t limit His grace, or love. Amen!


  3. Loved this post. It’s something I constantly struggle with even though I know that God loves me no matter what. Those old tapes are hard to erase. You’ve motivated me to become part of the link up. I took a break from my blog and I’m feeling like God is calling me back to it. Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂


    • Thank you, Sandee. You have warmed my heart today. Yes, those old tapes can be so relentless. They keep us from blossoming into the women God created us to be. It’s a daily battle, but we have to keep trying to replace those lies with His truth. In Jesus’ eyes, you are so cherished and valuable! I’m so glad you are getting back to your blog. 🙂 And joining the link-up. There’s also a Thursday one.


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