You Are Special

you are special

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood,
a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people,
that you may set forth the wonderful deeds
and display the virtues and perfections of Him
Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:9 AMP

“What does ‘special’ mean?” my 7-year-old granddaughter asked when I called her for her birthday and told her how special she is.

I told her “awesome,” and she knew what that meant. But after I hung up, she really got me to thinking… What does “special” actually mean?

As I looked through dictionaries, I found several descriptions: especially important or loved, held in particular esteem, designed for a particular purpose or occasion, unique, extraordinary, exceptional.

And just think, God calls us His “own purchased, special people.” We are so special to Him that He even purchased us with His own blood. We are especially important to Him. We are especially loved by Him. We are especially designed by Him for a particular purpose. We are unique. No one else in this whole wide world can match the special importance He places on each of us.

I have such a short memory when it comes to remembering this. I often tell other people they’re special, and I sincerely believe it. But when it comes to myself, I don’t always believe it means me, too.

I don’t know if you’ve ever read the children’s story by Max Lucado – I Am Special. If you haven’t, I hope you will. It applies to us as adults, too.

The Wemmicks are small wooden people created by a wood carver, Eli. They’re always sticking either stars or ugly, gray dots on each other. The pretty and talented ones always get stars. But the ones who have chipped paint or can do little get the gray dots.

Punchinello was covered in ugly, gray dots and was really down on himself, but Eli helped him to feel better about himself no matter what the other Wemmicks may think. He tells him, “You are special because I made you and I don’t make mistakes.” It was hard at first for Punchinello to believe it, but Eli said, “The more you trust my love, the less you care about their stickers.”

Perhaps in your life you’ve been told you’re a mistake. Perhaps you are covered with negative labels others have thought of you, labels that cling to you like leeches. But to God you are no mistake. And no matter what others think of you, God cherishes you just as you are. You are special!

As Punchinello realized how special he was in his wood carver’s eyes and how much Eli loved him, the ugly, gray dots began to slide off. The more grounded we become in our Master Craftsman’s great love for us, the less we will care about the labels others have pinned on us. The more we see ourselves as He sees us, the more we will view ourselves as a loved, special, and beautiful creation with a specific purpose in God’s plan.

“You weren’t an accident. You weren’t mass produced.
You aren’t an assembly-line product.
You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted,
and lovingly positioned on the earth by the Master Craftsman.”
~ Max Lucado

Scripture Lullabies – Wonderfully Made (Hidden in My Heart)

Jesus, please help us to believe
how special we are to You!



Linking up with: 

Holley – Coffee For Your Heart 

Jennifer – Tell His Story 

Kelly – Cheerleaders of Faith

Bonnie – Faith Barista’s Beloved Brews


  1. Blessed to be your neighbor at the RaRa Linkup today. “Fearfully and wonderfully made” we are indeed. I love that children’s book by Max Lucado. It really is a book meant for all of God’s children…all generations. And by the way, you are special!!! 🙂


    • Thank you, Tara. You are special, too! 🙂 Yes, it’s a wonderful book for all of God’s children, no matter what the age. 🙂 Praying Jesus will fill your heart and life with His love! Hugs!


  2. Such beautiful affirmation, Trudy! These words made me cry in recognition:”Perhaps in your life you’ve been told you’re a mistake. Perhaps you are covered with negative labels others have thought of you, labels that cling to you like leeches. But to God you are no mistake. And no matter what others think of you, God cherishes you just as you are. You are special!”
    As a child born out of wedlock, product of an unhappy union, I soon discovered what a “mistake” I was, and my mother’s rejecting behaviour only served to confirm those thoughts to me. When she ran away with another man it felt like the ultimate rejection, even though I was just entering the cusp of my teens. The sexual and emotional abuse I experienced played its part in making me feel worthless too. I’ve been fighting this issue all my life and God has brought a large degree of healing to me. You, my very special friend, are helping the process enormously with the wonderfully uplifting words you share here. Thank you so much! Blessings, love and hugs. Xox ❤


    • I’m grateful these words help the process of healing and have uplifted your heart, Joy. My heart aches for what you went through as a child. You are NOT a mistake. YOU are special! Praying Jesus will keep on healing you deeper and deeper! Hugs!


  3. This is one of my favorites by Max Lucado and it fits us no matter what the age! I have read this story to my grandchildren and they have loved it and when I have read it from my office chair as a counselor to adults, I saw their eyes well up in tears as it touched a place so deep inside they had not words to express it.


    • Thank you so much for sharing this, Pam. I love this book, too. It’s so awesome that you use this book as a counselor. Even as adults it does touch a place deep inside, especially when we can identify with Punchinello and his gray dots. Thank you for the work you do for hurting souls. Praying God will abundantly bless you! Hugs!


  4. We have that book, too. Loved reading it with my kids. I’m saving it now for one day when I have grandkids, Lord willing. 🙂

    “But when it comes to myself, I don’t always believe it means me, too.” Ouch. Yes. Thanks for reminding me to think differently, Trudy!


  5. Trudy,
    You are so right that we often tell others they are special, without thinking that we are special in God’s eyes (I do this all the time with my niece, too)! Why is it so hard to believe what God says about us, yet we can so freely tell others how important they are to God? I’ve begun asking God how he sees me and when I started listening for his words, I started noticing them — words in a sermon at church, on blogs, from my friends — and it’s been so tender the way God reveals how he sees me! I’m praying this for you, too, Trudy! xoxo


    • Thank you for praying for me, Valerie. I have to start taking more notice. You are such a wonderful auntie! Praying for you, too, that God will keep revealing to you how He sees you! Hugs!


  6. A wonderful childrens book but definitely a great message for all! 🙂
    I think we’ve all walked through seasons of “ugly gray dots” in our lives. I know I have. It’s true that we can tell others how special they are and mean it but when it comes to telling ourselves we tend to shy away (guilty!). Personally, I sometimes don’t think i’m worthy of it but I know that is a lie right from the devil.
    Thank you for this great affirmation that we are all so very special through His eyes. 🙂



    • Oh, Krista, I know what you mean. I think that’s my problem, too, that I don’t feel I’m worthy. And yes, that certainly is a lie from the devil. Praying Jesus will hold you close as His own special beloved. Hugs!


  7. I love this post and that book is a favorite in our house!! I can really relate to feeling others are special and not thinking the same of myself!! Thanks for this wonderful post!! xo


    • Thank you, Susie. I can easily see why this book is a favorite in your house. It seems like there are more of us who can relate to feeling others are special but not ourselves. We’ll have to remind each other, right? 🙂 YOU are special, Susie. Praying Jesus will wrap you in His tender loving care! Hugs!


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