A Revolution of Tenderness

I usually write my blog post during the week before, tweaking it several times. Last week I couldn’t seem to wrap my mind around words to write. I prayed for words, but they wouldn’t come. I wondered if it was because I was dealing with a stomach flu most of the week and felt worn out. Or because of the brain fog and the jumbled thoughts about different things.

I cried out, “Why does my mind feel clouded, Lord? Why won’t the words come? Don’t You want me to write?”

Then a quiet whisper told me, “It’s ok to not have words. It’s ok to just share encouragement from others. It’s even ok to skip a week.”

I’m often too hard on myself. But it’s Satan’s lies that condemn me. God never condemns me. He never condemns you either!

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 8:1 NIV

So this week I’m sharing a couple of quotes from Pope Francis in a TED Talk. Thank you, Lisa, for bringing this to our attention. We need these reminders.

“Each and every one of us is irreplaceable in the eyes of God. Through the darkness of today’s conflicts, each and every one of us can become a bright candle, a reminder that light will overcome darkness, and never the other way around.”

“The third message I would like to share today is, indeed, about revolution: the revolution of tenderness. And what is tenderness? It is the love that comes close and becomes real. It is a movement that starts from our heart and reaches the eyes, the ears and the hands. Tenderness means to use our eyes to see the other, our ears to hear the other, to listen to the children, the poor, those who are afraid of the future. To listen also to the silent cry of our common home, of our sick and polluted earth. Tenderness means to use our hands and our heart to comfort the other, to take care of those in need.”

May we be given eyes like Jesus who loves and cares so much for every irreplaceable person in this world, regardless of their difference from one another. May we overthrow all prejudice and hatred with love, compassion, and tenderness. May we notice and remember the forgotten ones, the broken-hearted, and the suffering. May all those who feel so alone and forgotten know the love of Jesus who is with us always.

“Give Me Your Eyes”
by Brandon Heath

“Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see”


  1. So sorry to hear you had a stomach bug, Trudy, but glad you are on the mend!
    God told me the same thing He told you about words – you don’t always have to have them to show others His great love and compassion – His tenderness. Your post here today offered me the exact comfort I need at this time.
    And thank you for the lovely, sweet card! Never did see the e-card, but I know that was sent with love, too. Glad you enjoyed my book!
    Blessings to you!

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    • Thank you, Martha. I love that God gave both of us the same message! I’m so glad God gave you the exact comfort you need at this time. I was able to find the ecard I had sent, so I emailed a copy of it to you. Thank you again for the generosity of sending me the first book. Now you’ve got me wanting to read more! Blessings to you, too! May God clear up the infection your husband has and give both of you strength for each day!

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  2. Sorry you were feeling ill last week, Trudy. I hope you’re feeling better now! It is easy to put pressure on ourselves to do certain things or have the right words but I love that God never puts us under that pressure. The quotes you shared are great and I agree, tenderness is revolutionary. It would make a big difference to see everyone we encounter through God’s and see his love for them. I love the words of the chorus of the song- such a great prayer. Love and hugs to you!

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    • Thank you, Lesley. I am feeling better, though at times my stomach still feels kind of sore, but not even close to what it was. 🙂 Love and hugs to you, too! I love it, too, that God never puts us under that pressure. But I do have to remind myself of that truth often. Wouldn’t that be amazing if we could all see everyone through God’s eyes of love? May God give us tenderness and compassion for every irreplaceable person we encounter!

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  3. Dear Trudy, I’m so sorry that you had to deal with that virus. It seems to be especially hard to have an extra bug added in to an already weakened immune system! I’m so thankful that our Lord understands when we feel the weakness, and He’s right there so quickly to bring comfort. Your words (even though you felt like you had none) were so perfect today. The song and your prayer touched my heart and spoke so much truth! May I allow Jesus to keep my eyes seeing the way He sees! Prayers, Blessings and Hugs for you today, my friend! xo

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    • Thank you for your kind words, Bettie. I’m so grateful the song and prayer touched your heart. Prayers, blessings, and hugs to you, too! I am so thankful, too, that our Lord understands and comforts. We could never get through anything without Him, could we? May we together allow Jesus to give us His lens of tenderness and compassion towards others!


  4. This was a needed reminder for my heart today, Trudy! I feel like I often come to the point where I am pressured to produce something, to have words that come out of my heart with great insight. But you are so right, there are times when it is okay to not have words and rather focus on the ones that others have shared. Thank you for this reminder! Blessings to you!

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    • Welcome, Ronja! That pressure to produce something with great insight can be so hard, can’t it? I am glad this was a timely reminder. We’ll have to help each other remember it is ok to not have words. Blessings to you, too! May God help us to remember that He just wants us to be who He created us to be and He never puts pressure on us to perform!

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  5. Absolutely irreplaceable you are! And, yes it is okay to take a week off! I admire those who get their posts done earlier, and then tweak them. Honestly, often I am writing mine Wednesday early morning to post that day. Somehow that works better for me. So no matter how God has you wired to write, to share your gifts, it’s okay because you are uniquely and wonderfully made!

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    • Your comment brings tears to my eyes, Lynn. Sometimes I envy those who can write like you. Thank you for reminding me that no matter how God has wired us to write, it’s ok because we are uniquely and wonderfully made. I need to remember more often that it’s God who wires each of us. What works for some doesn’t work for others. Thank you so much. You are absolutely irreplaceable, too! May we lovingly share our gifts in whichever way God has wired us!


    • Thank you, June. I’m sorry you’re fighting a bug there as well. It’s not fun. My husband had it, too. I hope you both get to feeling better! May God give us daily strength and a quiet trusting in His will through all we must go through!


  6. Trudy, wow. Those words from Pope Francis, and your meditations on them, are powerful.

    And this: “Tenderness means to use our eyes to see the other, our ears to hear the other, to listen to the children, the poor, those who are afraid of the future.”

    In order to be tender, compassionate, we have to look beyond our selves, our lives, and really see others, don’t we? I’ll be meditating on this, my friend.

    And that Brandon Heath song . . . perfect for this post!

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    • Thank you, Jeanne. I felt the same about Pope Francis’ message. I’m still meditating on it, too. And your post is still warming my heart. Yes, we are loved! May we with all our hearts, eyes, ears, and hands show love and tender compassion to those around us!

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  7. It’s absolutely fine to have no words, to give ourselves grace and space, to free ourselves from a self-imposed schedule.

    Take time to refill and refuel, friend. All will be well.

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    • Thank you for always understanding, Linda. Giving ourselves grace and space. I need more of that! May we lean into Jesus and rest in Him and His unconditional love and grace!


  8. I had never heard the song but I will be listening to it again and again. Our eyes will affect our hearts if we see through the blood of Jesus. What we see will change our lives and we will never be the same.

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    • I’m glad this song touched you, Betty. Yes, our hearts are affected when we see through the blood of Jesus. May the tenderness and compassion of Jesus fill our hearts and spill out to others!


  9. I love this post, Trudy. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling well and know just what it’s like to struggle for words. And then for this to come from it … so encouraging! This was one of those weeks for me, too … Like you, I usually get my posts done well in advance, but this week I wrote mine yesterday. You are not alone, my tender-hearted, irreplaceable friend!

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    • Thank you for your kind words and reminding me I’m not alone, Lois. I do treasure your friendship. You have had a rough week. I’m so glad your husband’s procedure went well, and I hope remaining issues will get resolved. May we rest in God and leave all our cares in His loving and gracious hands!


  10. Trudy,
    Even when you have no words or little share, we still love hearing from you and knowing that your presence is with us in spirit! Hoping you are on the road to recovery and I know the words will start flowing again! (But I’m with you — I do a lot of revising and letting the words settle before I hit publish so if I don’t have that time, it’s a bit alarming to me!) Much love to you! xoxo

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    • Thank you for your understanding, Valerie. We all have unique ways of what works best for us, don’t we? I like letting the words settle first, too. My presence is certainly with you even when I miss a week or so. I missed yours last week, so I guess it was one of those busy times for you. Much love to you, too! May God direct all our paths and show us the way to go!


  11. Trudy, as someone who also prefers to let her words settle, rest and find their timing, I truly sympathise with how you feel, and am so sorry for the bug making you sick this week. There are times when we feel out of words, thoughts and energy, but we can still be inspired by Holy Spirit to share something of beauty, hope and encouragement to others, just as you have done here. A perfect message and song to inspire us all!
    These words arrested my attention: “And what is tenderness? It is the love that comes close and becomes real..” because of all they imply of our Lord’s infinite tenderness with us. He is full of mercy, grace and compassion and can help us to live out His love in the way we react and respond to others. Thank you for always making me think here, as well as encouraging my heart. Blessings, love, prayers and gentle hugs to you! May you recover quickly, yet still give yourself permission to rest and recover as much as you need to. We can wait. Your health may need some extra time off though. 🙂 xox ❤

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    • Thank you for your empathy and prayers, Joy. Blessings, love, prayers, and hugs to you, too! I am actually on top of that bug now. I had to thank God that again He proved He gives sufficient grace. 🙂 I’m so glad you found hope and pause for reflection here. Isn’t it amazing how tender God is with us? May His tender and compassionate love fill us to overflowing so that it will spill out to those around us!


  12. Dear Trudy,
    So sorry you were sick. I pray your stomach bug is gone and you’re on the mend. And yes, it is fine to skip a week. I’m glad you heard God’s tender whispers to rest. God loves you so much, my dear one. His heart is only ever tender and kind toward you and me. This is what God has been imprinting on my heart lately. xoxo

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    • Thank you, Dolly. Thankfully, it is gone now. Oh, how true that God’s heart is only ever tender and kind towards us. So amazing! I’m so glad God is imprinting it on your heart. May He daily and more deeply imprint it on both our hearts!


  13. Hi Trudy !:) I am so sorry you have been sick! I hope you are feeling better now. I can so relate to not being able to think of what to write, have been in a slump for a while now and feel like I have brain fog too. Thank you for the encouragement! Praying you feel better soon! xoxo

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    • Thank you for your concern and prayers, Susie. I am feeling better. I’m so glad you were encouraged here. I’m sorry you’re in a slump right now. I do miss your poems. May we rest in Jesus whether or not we have words to write and trust He has a purpose!

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  14. I’m learning it’s okay to skip a week, or take a break and not beat myself up for it too. Sometimes the hardest place to practice grace is at home. Glad that you took an outside the box approach this week. Hope you’re feeling better too!

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  15. Trudy, this is beautiful! May we all be tenderhearted and ready to help and encourage one another. So sorry to hear that you had a stomach bug. Hope you are better now. Thank you for your beautiful, inspiring prayer. Blessings to you! xo

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    • Thank you, Gayl. I’m so glad you felt inspired. Yes, we surely need tenderheartedness, don’t we? Blessings to you, too! May we become more and more like Jesus, tenderhearted and full of compassion!

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  16. I have so many thoughts and the words won’t come either. My physical therapist always reminds me to be kind to myself. That doesn’t come easily. Words don’t either. This post is so perfect….putting my trust where and in Who I should. Such good reminders in a day I keep thinking about the things I “should” do. Grace…it is amazing isn’t it?

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    • Your therapist has good advice, Anita. It is so hard to be kind to ourselves, isn’t it? We put too much pressure on ourselves to perform, don’t we? I love your photos. That is truly a gift to be able to take photos like that. May we rest in His amazing free grace and unconditional love that never pressures us to do more!


  17. Thank you for choosing the beautiful quotes from Pope Francis to share with us. I hope you are feeling better. It is hard to write when we are feeling poorly and our brains are in a fog.

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  18. Hi Trudy! I love Pope Francis, he always looks so happy and peaceful. His message of tenderness really hits home for me, as I just returned from being with my daughter and her family. She just had her fourth child, and let me tell you, her kids missed her when she was in the hospital. They needed a ton of tenderness from the grandma’s!
    Are you feeling better? The flu is the WORST. Yes, you can have time to yourself my friend. You know we’ll all be here waiting patiently for you to return.

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    • Thank you for your kinds words, Ceil. Blessings to you, too! And congratulations, Grandma, on your new grandson! I’m so glad all went well and you could be there with your tender loving care. May we be a light to all around us of the tenderness of Jesus’ heart!

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