May Hope Whispers

God Promises

“Such hope [in God’s promises] never disappoints us,
because God’s love has been abundantly poured out
within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Romans 5:5

When I checked out what posts readers are drawn to the most so far this year, I was surprised to see the top three dated back between 2014 and 2016.

God’s Plan Is Greater Than Ours

“However messed up or painful our lives are, God has a plan of love towards us. We will suffer troubles on this earth, and often we will not understand. But He is never going to leave us in them. He will help us through them. And when the pain is so deep, He can go to those deep places in our hearts and heal those broken, hurting places. The incomprehensible suffering He went through for us and His triumph over all evil will get us through whatever suffering we must go through in this life. And someday we will see the bigger picture and see how God’s plan is the most beautiful design we could ever imagine.”
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Bloom With Love Wherever God Plants You

“Sometimes our focus gets skewed in the muck and messiness of life. We start thinking everyone else is better than we are instead of remembering God uniquely created each of us with a special purpose. Each one of us is needed in His garden. None of us is insignificant in His eyes.

The Gardener delights in each of His plantings. He places each plant in such a way that it will compliment the other in the grand scheme of things. Where one serves a purpose to some souls, someone else brings what is needed to other souls. Plants are placed exactly where God can give the best nourishment to each and they can in turn pass on that nourishment to others.”
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God Knows Us Better Than We Know Ourselves

Questions we sometimes ask God and His answers.
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Do You Feel Burned Out?

What We Learn From Burnout – Jennifer Renee Watson

I applaud Jennifer’s courage to bring out the hard things about mental health and faith. We need more of that, so we can help remove the shame many are burdened with.

Beat Burnout – I don’t listen to many podcasts, but I’m glad I listened to this important talk by Suzanne, Holley, and Jennifer.

“The past year has left many of us with a weird kind of burnout. We put words to those feelings, talk through what helps, and share next steps.”

When Your Heart is Bummed Out, Burned Out – Suzanne Eller

“Burnout isn’t just about busyness. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, or spiritual exhaustion.

And that’s when it hit me. That’s where I am. I’m burned out. Burned out from the weight of hurtful discussions in our world. Burned out from trying to make sense of all of it. Burned out from feeling protective over friends walking through such hard places. Burned out from isolation. Burned out from the pandemic and all that it means.

Maybe you feel that way too.

Don’t push down that feeling or make a list of why you shouldn’t feel that way.”

Nature Retreat

“If you look into the mirror of nature
and cannot see yourself in it,
then you are too far away.”

by Camillus Lopez (O’odham Master)

Thank you to my brother John
for these stunning photos.
🙂 Please respect copyright laws. 🙂

Mama Mallard is so proud of her babies.
Common Gallinules
Acorn Woodpecker
Bell’s Vireo
Black-Headed Grosbeak
Long-billed Dowitcher
Greater Short-horned Lizard
Male Rattlers Fighting Over a Female
Cat-faced Orbweaver


  1. So many of us do feel bummed out and burned out after a year and more of Covid, but in God, we can always find hope and healing. Boy, have I need to be reminded of my word for the year, hope, these past several days, Trudy. The uncertainties keep piling themselves on my doorstep. But God . . .
    Thanks to your brother for another round of marvelous photos – they lifted my spirits!

    Liked by 1 person

    • But God… So much powerful hope. God knew you needed the word “hope” more than ever, Martha. I’m so sorry for all the uncertainties piling up. I’m so glad my brother’s photos lifted your spirits. 🙂 I hope and pray God will give Danny more healing and strength to both of you! May our hope be built on nothing less than Jesus and His righteousness!

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  2. Dear Trudy,
    Thank you so much for being such an instrument of hope. Reading your older words brought tears to my eyes tonight, as I remembered the ways that you brought such encouragement to me right from the beginning of my blogging. And you have remained such a constant blessing through these years. I pray that I would remember that HE has placed us right where He wants us to be, and His hope will never disappoint us. Love and prayers for you tonight dear friend.

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    • I thank God for the hope you have brought to me over the years, too, Bettie. You have often inspired me with your testimonies of Jesus’ love in the midst of your painful struggles. Yes, He has placed us right where HE wants us to be. I have to remind myself of that often. Love and prayers to you, too! May our hearts remember He is with us no matter what!

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  3. That Orbweaver is something! I so agree that burned out is not necessarily from busyness! I’ve made more of an effort to stay away from the news lately to help my mind-state. I love the Lopez quote you shared! We are part of nature-one of God’s natural creations. I’m always pleased to see your post show up in my email, Trudy. Thanks for bringing natural sunshine and hope to my day!

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    • It warms my heart that the Orbweaver fascinates, you, too, Lynn. 🙂 Though I wouldn’t want spiders in my home, I find their God-given ability to spin such intricate webs amazing. 🙂 Too much of the news surely does put a strain on our minds, doesn’t it? Sometimes it’s like it sucks the energy right out of us. Thank you for your kind encouragement. I’m so grateful you found hope here. May the sunshine of God’s love warm our hearts and spill out to all around us!

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  4. So good to see you writing again, friend! Thank you for sharing the theme of hope. Yes, May has been a hopeful month and oh how we needed that encouragement!

    May June be peaceful and lovely, warm and relaxing for you …

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind words, Linda. What would we do without hope in Jesus? I pray June will be that for you, too! May we allow ourselves to rest and relax in the faithful love of God whose mercies are new every morning!


  5. Trudy, this really spoke to me today: “The Gardener delights in each of His plantings. He places each plant in such a way that it will compliment the other in the grand scheme of things. Where one serves a purpose to some souls, someone else brings what is needed to other souls.” Such a beautiful analogy of how God has a unique purpose for each one of us. Thanks for your sweet card, my friend … love and hugs to you this morning.

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    • I’m so glad that touched your heart today, Lois. I need to remind myself more often of God’s unique purpose for each of us. Love and hugs to you, too! May we more and more accept where God has planted us, open our hearts to His nurturing love and grace, and let His love bloom in our lives for others to take comfort from!


  6. Glad to see your post today, Trudy! I was thinking of you just the other day and hoping you were ok. I’m sorry you’re feeling burned out. I relate to that too at the moment, so I’ll be taking a look at the links and podcast you shared. I love that Danny Gokey song, and I agree, it’s interesting to look back and see which of our posts have drawn the most people to them. I can see why these ones have been popular!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for thinking of me, Lesley. And for your kind words. I did have a bout of sickness this month, and that also fogs my thinking. Those links and podcast did help me identify burnout. I wondered what was wrong with me. I figured burnout came to those with busy schedules, but I so identified with the way Suzanne felt. I hope you may soon get into the work that energizes your spirit. Face to face. May we continually fuel up at God’s endless refreshing well of grace!

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  7. We’ve had an unusual number of baby birds in our neighborhood this spring; several geese families and duck families. It gives me hope! And visiting you also brings me hope too, Trudy. I appreciate your spirit of encouragement.

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    • Oh fun, Lisa! That always gives me hope, too. I’m so grateful you find hope here, too. Thank you for your kind words. I’m sure you’re enjoying your new grandson. 🙂 He is so cute! So are your granddaughters. May our hearts open wide to all the hope God gives in the gifts He gives us!


  8. Trudy, such a beautiful post. I appreciated what you shared about the podcast on burnout. After a crazy 15 months for our world, I imagine most of us are facing some degree of burnout. I’m learning that one of the first steps to navigating through it and beyond is to acknowledge it and begin to take steps to give ourselves rest. I loved reading glimpses of your past post. So much wisdom in them, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind words, Jeanne. I really appreciate that podcast on burnout, too. Yes, there are so many facing it. And even though things are opening up more, so much has changed. I love what you say about acknowledging it and beginning to take steps to give ourselves rest. Thank you. May all this cause us to lean more into God and His unchangeable love and goodness!


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