God Whispers “Rest, My Child”


I started three different posts before this one, but I got stuck. I kept praying, “Please help me, Lord! Help me to know what to write!” But the words still didn’t come.

Finally, I had to go on an errand to help our landscaper pick out some perennials for between our condo and our neighbor’s. Since I had to travel to a small town where a wholesale nursery is, I hoped I might see some new-born calves skipping about in the country, so I took my camera with me. I didn’t see them, but I did spot a Great Egret on my way home.

I was so excited, because I rarely see one of them, but there it was, next to a pond not far from where we live. I parked along a side-road, walked towards it, and zoomed in on it. It was awesome! Thank You, God, for sending me another sign of Your love!




In the pond, some geese and their little ones floated peacefully along.


As I headed back to our van, bone weariness and brain fog closed in on me and my chest ached, all signs that it was time to rest my body.

God sweetly whispered, “Rest, My child.” An understanding filled me that sometimes I have to rest in spirit, too. To rest from being vulnerable in my writing. To give myself a break from those deep emotions that ravage my soul. To just stop and soak in how God still faithfully brightens life with His blessings, even in the midst of all the death, darkness, and pain in this world.

Then I knew God had answered my prayer as to what to write. There is a time for being vulnerable, but too much too often can tax us emotionally. We need to also allow ourselves to step back sometimes, to nurture our minds and spirits, to let the fuel of God’s love and grace replenish us again.

One of the ways God does that for me is by immersing myself in His creation. He uses it to reassure me that He is in control of every situation. That His power can work through any of our impossibilities. His creatures call out to my spirit, “God is faithful! He will take care of you! He will never abandon you!”

What does God use to replenish, revitalize, and refresh your spirit?

Bath Time right outside my office window
A baby house finch is being brave and venturing out of his comfort zone.
Baby mourning doves
It seems they are posing for me.

“You are worthy, O Lord our God,
to receive glory and honor and power.
For You created all things,
and they exist because You created what You pleased.”
Revelations 4:11 NLT

“What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin?
But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground
without your Father knowing it.
And the very hairs on your head are all numbered.
So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God
than a whole flock of sparrows.”
Matthew 10:29-31 NLT

“Look at the birds, free and unfettered,
not tied down to a job description,
careless in the care of God.
And you count far more to Him than birds.”
Matthew 6:26 The Message

“God Is Great”
by Hillsong United




    • Welcome to this little corner of the blogosphere, Pam! I’m so glad God nurtures your soul through nature. It’s so calming and rejuvenating, isn’t it? 🙂 May he further nurture and enliven us in Him! Hugs!


  1. Good morning, Trudy … this invitation to rest is ALWAYS one I want to say ‘yes!’ to. We truly don’t know how weary we are until we finally cease all our striving.

    And yes, sometimes the words don’t come and the best thing we can do is close down the screen, walk away, and go live our lives. I love your story today!


    • Good Morning, Linda. It’s always so good to “see” you here. 🙂 How true it is that we realize how weary we are when we cease striving. May we learn to quit striving and surrender to rest in Jesus! Hugs!


  2. God knows us better than we do ourselves, doesn’t He? Rest from being vulnerable: oh yes, how I recognize that. Spiritual rest: yes. Running in the forest and dunes is my resting time and I experience exactly what you describe. Beautiful words, beautiful photos and a beautiful Spirit speaking through it all to us. Thank you for leaning into our God: you’re blessing us in doing so.


    • Thank you, Anna. Yes, God definitely knows us better than we do ourselves. It’s a comfort to know He watches over us and takes care of us, isn’t it? I’m sure there were plenty of times you needed to rest from being vulnerable as you wrote your book, right? I’m so glad God has given you the strength to get through all you have. The forest and the dunes sound so peaceful. May we rest in Jesus who knows us so well and cares for us so much! Hugs!


  3. Hi Trudy! I have also heard from the Lord, that ‘now is the time for rest’. You know what? That’s HARD for me! I think moving and doing is the only worthwhile thing for me, but I’m so wrong. It reminds me of a passage in Psalms where David says something like: Why are you awake all night, when God is moving even when we sleep?” I love that.

    Rest is so important to hearts and souls. I just wish I was better at it. He wants to lead me to still waters…and not to swim laps!




    • Hi Ceil! I’m so glad God told you that it’s time for rest. I’m sorry it is so hard for you. I know the feeling. Sometimes my health forces me to rest my body, but my mind keeps going 100 miles an hour. I tell myself my mind is still capable to be “doing.” I love the Psalms passage! Also your “He wants to lead me to still waters… and not to swim laps!” May we learn to rest at the still waters of His love and grace! May we learn to stop “doing” and just “be” who He created us to be! Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great story and great photos. The message of rest is one that God speaks to me often. My body tires easily and needs rest – this I’ve accepted. But sometimes I forget that my soul and spirit also need rest, and they come from being in the presence of the Lord.


    • Thank you, Ready Writer. I’ve been trying to find your actual name, but it isn’t in the profile. It feels like I’ve seen your face somewhere? Do you have a website? I so understand what you’re saying here. Because of chronic illness, my body tires easily, too. And I also forget that my soul and spirit need rest as well. May we learn to rest and lean into Jesus! Hugs!


      • My name should be at the top of the post. It’s Barbara Robbins. I don’t currently have a website, but am hoping to start one soon, probably after an upcoming spinal surgery in about a month. I’m a regular contributor on http://www.God-livingwithchronicillness.com
        and their closed Bible and book study group God-Living Girls. These are both groups specifically for Christians with chronic illnesses, and emphasize growing in our relationship with the Lord.


    • Actually, it just says “readywriterbr.” Thank you for commenting back. Now Barbara and chronic illness ring a bell. 🙂 Forgive me for not remembering your name. I’m better at faces than names. I just subscribed to the site you mentioned, so I hope to read some of your posts. May your spinal surgery be successful and may God give healing! Hugs to you, Barbara!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for your response. Sounds like I need to add revising my WordPress profile to the growing list of tasks I need to finish before my surgery.

        I hope you enjoy the posts on the God-Living with Chronic Illness website. The five of us in the contributors group each do one website post per month on different aspects of a set subject. I also occasionally post articles from different authors that fit well with the material we’re currently studying.

        I actually do more posts on the God-Living Girls study group page, usually several short posts with graphics per week. The lady who is in charge of both of these, and also a smaller prayer group where we pray for one another’s needs, is Laurie Shoquist Miller. We are currently doing the Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study, with our group acting like one of the small groups but focusing on how what we read applies to our struggles with chronic illness. This study ends next week, and then we’ll take a short break before starting the next one, Come With Me: Discovering the beauty of following when He leads, by Suzanne Eller. If you are interested in doing this study, let me know and I can put you in contact with Laurie.


    • Hi Barbara. I’m remembering now that you invited me to that Bible Study before, but I’m not on Facebook, so I didn’t join. Thank you for welcoming me again though! God bless you and keep you! Hugs!

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  5. I love the photos, Trudy, and that God used nature to restore you. That’s something that always makes me feel better too. The reminder to rest is important- I have a tendency to just try to keep going but it is so important to find that rest and to let God restore our souls.


  6. Trudy,
    I’m not sure where my other comment went. Great photos and I’m happy to read how God nourished and restored your soul. Nature and birds also bring me soul rest. Love and blessings to you 🙂


    • As you see, Dolly, I received both your comments. 🙂 I don’t know why, but I had to approve them first before they showed up here. Usually for those who have commented before, I don’t have to approve again, but it does happen once in a while. I’m so glad you are able to post here again. It was so thoughtful of you to take the time to send me an email the times you couldn’t get in to post here. 🙂

      Nature can be so restful, can’t it? I am especially revived by birds, too, and butterflies. 🙂 May we rest our weary hearts and lean into Jesus! Hugs!


  7. Trudy, I love your photo of the baby finch trying to be brave and “venture out of his comfort zone.” God uses His Creation to speak Soul Rest to me also! The words and photos in your post brought tears to me eyes today, as the Lord is calling me out of my own comfort zone, and into HIS place of speaking comfort in new ways. Thank you for sharing, even when you weren’t sure if there were any words to share. *Hugs*


    • I rejoice that the baby finch photo spoke to you and comforted your heart, Bettie. I couldn’t help but think how it compares to us stepping out of our comfort zone. That warm and safe nest was right behind him. He sat perched there much of the day. It got cold out that night, so I think he must have slipped back into that comfort zone. A couple of days later, I saw him perched sideways on the morning glory trellis that rests against the house below the nest. He stayed there a while, too. It was like he was trying to convince himself, “I can do this!” He reminded me so much of myself – hesitant, afraid, but longing to take the next step forward. Nature can teach us so much, can’t it? I pray God will give you special strength to answer the Lord’s call in to HIS place! May He help us cling to His hand to lead us safely onward! Hugs!


  8. Oh the sweet rest of our souls. It is so refreshing and so needed. I know we have discussed this before but being outside and soaking in the beauty of all God has created renews me. In fact, after seeing your beautiful photos, I realize I have not taken that opportunity for myself in a long time. The weather here has not been very cooperative but I am hoping that changes soon. Praying you feel refreshed as you rest and allow God to fill you with His sweet renewal.


    • Yes, I remember that seeing the beauty of God in His creation renews you, too, Mary. I hope the weather gets better so you can again be outside and soak it all in. Perhaps God will even use it to speak to your heart as to what His plan is for you next. I pray He will! May our souls rest in Him and may He guide us step by step into His plan for us! Hugs!


  9. Trudy… I felt rested just reading along with your words and your images… it’s true, opening ourselves up to readers week after week has it’s own kind of tiredness, we can only do so much before we need filled up with Him too! Thankful you are my neighbour today at Jen’s #TellHisStory!


    • Welcome Christine. I’m so grateful you felt rested by the words and photos. Yes, opening ourselves can be tiring. I so often forget God wants us to take care of ourselves, too, and fill up again. May He fill us and restore us with His love! Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I love these pictures, Trudy! The bird in his bath is my favorite. What a perfect shot. I find rest and refreshment through nature. Birds, mountains, beaches… all help me see God more clearly. Thanks for taking me there through your beautiful photography, my friend :).


    • Thank you, Candace. I’m so glad you find rest and refreshment here. I love the robin in the birdbath, too. I never tire of watching them. I love trying to catch the water droplets flying through the air. 🙂 I love how you say nature helps you to see God more clearly. His faithful character and beauty glow from His creation, don’t they?

      I’m so sorry you’re having a harder time lately with depression. May Jesus hold you so close to His heart that you hear the rhythm of His faithful love for you! May we remember that even when it hurts, even when it’s hard, He will love us every step of the way! Hugs!


  11. “To just stop and soak in how God still faithfully brightens life with His blessings, even in the midst of all the death, darkness, and pain in this world.”
    It is like just stopping for a moment and not worrying about what is worrying you and focusing on how He is faithful even in the darkness. That is something I want to try. Better yet focusing on His faithfulness through scripture. visiting from #tellhisstory #20


    • It’s so hard to do though sometimes, isn’t it, Kristina? When the darkness is so thick and pain weighs us down, it can be so hard to focus on Jesus and His love for us. I am trying to focus on the truth that He always keeps His promises and will never abandon us. He is with us even those times when we don’t “feel” Him. May we cling to Jesus and the Truth He gives us in His Word! Hugs!


  12. It is so true that God wants us to have joy and fun too, I believe. Sometimes we need to tell ourselves not to take ourselves so seriously! And then we radiate and shine His love through our peaceful presence and smile. Thanks for smiles today though your words and pictures!


    • Thank you, Lynn. I rejoice that this added smiles to your day. It’s hard for me to break away from seriousness. I even have a hard time understanding if something said is meant to be a joke or not. But yes, God wants us to have joy and fun, too. And He wants us to take care of ourselves by getting soul rest.

      I hope the fires are quieting down in Canada. So much devastation. My heart aches for all the displaced people. They will never be able to recover everything they lost. And it’s going to take so long to rebuild. I just can’t imagine their pain. I’m so glad you are safe from it, but I’m sure you experience the pain up closely. God, please help! May we trust His love through the darkness of troubles! Hugs!


  13. Hi Trudy,
    Your photography ability impresses me! 🙂 What great shots of the egret (a bird I see around these parts often)! How right you are that sometimes we need a break from our own introspection and thoughts and instead put our hearts and our minds at rest. Then we can emerge on the other side with a fresh perspective and new vigor, don’t you think? Love this post — it was full of thoughts, but the restful kind! xoxo


    • Thank you, Valerie. I love photographing nature, but I really should learn more about lighting, etc. I thought of you when I looked up the egret as it said they are more plentiful in Florida. 🙂 Yes, rest certainly does give us a fresh perspective. May we remember God is on this journey with us wherever He leads us! Hugs!


  14. Trudy, I find rest and refreshment in your beautiful photographs of God’s creation. They remind me to look outside, to not take the scenery for granted (limited though it may be), and to look for grace hidden within the commonplace. That’s what I try to do when I take images of very ordinary things. Poetry seems to swell inside as I contemplate the extraordinary they also reveal. Your post spoke to me in numerous ways, these words especially: “We need to also allow ourselves to step back sometimes, to nurture our minds and spirits, to let the fuel of God’s love and grace replenish us again.” Oh yes and Amen! I think I’m in that place of very soon needing a blogging break. The flow is stalled and fatigue sits heavy. We can only do so much before God whispers close to us. And then try to heed those words of loving wisdom and concern He brings. Thank you for another lovely dose of good soul food! Blessings and hugs. Xox ❤


    • Thank you, Joy. I rejoice that you found “soul food” here. Your poetry and writings so often paint ‘photos” that are also consoling and refreshing. I love how you “look for grace hidden within the commonplace” even in the midst of limitations. I’m so sorry the fatigue sits heavy. Please take care and rest. Like you said, we sometimes need to try to heed God’s whispers of love and concern. I have been dragging more this week, too. I was just resting and felt I needed to get up and get more done, but He whispered, “It’s ok to rest.” I should try to heed those whispers, too. I think I’d better take a break from the computer the rest of the day and quit worrying about starting next week’s post. One day at a time, right? May we lean into Jesus and open our hearts to His whispers of love and grace! Hugs!


  15. Great post, Trudy! I love to recharge outdoors… especially at “the river,” which is a place we frequent often during the summer months. We swim, go boating, and watch the amazing sunset. Blessings!


  16. Oh Trudy, Rest. This recovering perfectionist gets in a tiz when I can’t seem to find the words. I love to sit on my back porch and relax. Or, on a beach. Now that’s some good rest. Thank you for your encouraging words my friend.


    • Thank you, Carmen. I’m so glad you’re encouraged. I think I fit that “recovering perfectionist” category, too. It sure can stop that free flow sometimes, can’t it? Sitting on your back porch or on a beach sounds so relaxing. What a blessing if you’re near to a beach! I’d love to sink my bare feet into the sand and listen to the waves splashing up tunes to God’s glory. 🙂 But I’m far from any beaches, so I’ll just have to imagine. 🙂 May God help us to let go of the perfectionist and rest in whatever way works for us! Hugs!


  17. trudi- thank you so much for this post! I am so tired and rest sounds so good. I have similar feeling about nature and how God speaks to me through it ! Thanks so much Trudi- Blessings and love!


    • You’re welcome, Susie. I’m sorry you are so tired. I hope you get rest and relaxation in every way at the beach with your family. I hope you have some quiet moments of soul rest with Jesus. May we lean into Him and rest our weary souls on His strength! Hugs!


  18. “Thank You, God, for sending me another sign of Your love!” I love how God will send us signs of his love and give us spaces to rest when we seek him. Thanks for sharing these, Trudy! Reading and looking at the pictures slowed me down to more appreciate God in my own day.


    • Thank you, Lisa. I’m so happy this helped you to slow down and appreciate God and His beauty and grace. Yes, isn’t it amazing how He sends us signs? And yet we have to slow down and take time to really see and appreciate them, don’t we? May we take those times to rest in His love and goodness towards us! Hugs!


  19. Trudy, I needed to read these words today! Because of my health, I am now finally recognizing when I need to physically rest and understand my limitations. However, I don’t give myself a break from the vulnerable very often, and when I do, I feel guilty! Goodness! I need to stop doing this! Thank you, sweet friend, for gently speaking truth to me today!

    And thank you so very much for coming alongside me at the Moments of Hope link up and sharing the Hope of Jesus with others! It makes my heart smile to see you there!
    Blessings and big hugs,


    • Thank you, Lori. It makes my heart smile to see you here as well. 🙂 I’m so glad this encouraged you to consider resting from the vulnerable sometimes. I know what you mean about feeling guilty though. It sounds like we both need to quit being so hard on ourselves, right? I, too, deal with health limitations. It’s hard to accept our limitations, isn’t it? May we together allow ourselves to lean into Jesus and to rest in Him! Hugs!


  20. Trudy, what you’ve shared here made me think of Francesca Battistelli’s song “Find Rest” (from her latest CD). Have a listen … I think you’ll like it. Hoping you’re having a restful weekend! 🙂


    • Thank you, Lois. I just listened to the song, and I love it. 🙂 May we cling to the hope in Jesus and find our rest in Him! I hope you have a restful weekend as well. Hugs!


    • Thank you so much, Amy. I’m so glad it encourages you. Birds always remind me of God’s faithful care over us. May the Lord bless and refresh you, too!

      I just checked out your blog and read your last post. I can so identify with that comparison trap and with beating myself up. I did subscribe to your blog, but since I’m taking a break, you probably won’t hear from me this summer. However, I look forward to reading more of your posts when I return. 🙂 God be with you and keep you!


      • Thanks Trudy! So wonderful to hear from you. I’m just beginning this blogging thing so I’m sure there’s a lot I could learn from you. Like you, my hope is that it will encourage others and point them to Christ. I want to keep my focus right and write as if writing to/for the Lord…the statistics are good/bad…although I know it’s not about that, they can be a bit distracting…my prayer is that God will use my words how He wants to and that I’d be a vessel of His grace and love as He guides me in my writing. May the Lord bless and keep you also!

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        • It sounds like we have the same desire, Amy. I long also to be a vessel of God’s grace and love. I pray God will give you wisdom and guidance with your blog. May we keep our eyes focused on Jesus! I forgot to mention earlier that it’s so neat that you dedicated your blog to your mom who always pointed you to Jesus. I’m so sorry you lost her. I know how hard that can be. I will look forward to reading your blog more at the end of summer!


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