7 Days of Soul Care (Book Review)


Does your spirit feel empty, discouraged, and confused? Does it feel like you’re missing something important in your life? Do lies about God, yourself, or others torment you? Do you long to grasp your identity in Christ Jesus? Do you crave a deeper relationship with God?

Wearying of trying to fit her circle into the square expectation of certain key people, Dolly Lee prayed and asked God to show her how He created and designed her. God answered her prayer and led her on a deeper experience of His love.

The journey was far from easy. Through valley lows and mountain highs, God led her on a journey of self-discovery and a deeper experience of His love that can transform and redeem brokenness to beauty.


Dolly’s personal battle with anxiety, depression, and  PTSD, and God’s transformation through His love and grace has birthed a book that will resonate with many. 7 Days of Soul Care: A Guide to Letting God Do the Extraordinary With Your Ordinary “invites readers to surrender fear and to courageously embrace the journey of living more fully into his or her amazing true identity as God’s Beloved.”

Through creative (and some vulnerable) stories, Scripture, soul-searching journal questions, and heartfelt prayers, Dolly gifts us with highlights of what she learned over the past 17 years and continues to learn. With love and compassion, she invites us into a deeper relationship with God.

The top three takeaways Dolly wants readers to take to heart are:

  1. God created you in love and for love.
  2. God sees you as a masterpiece.
  3. We won’t be able to fully receive God’s love when we believe lies about God, ourselves, or others.


Some of my favorite quotes, one from each day, are:

Being exceptional begins with our connection with God. It has taken me decades to learn relationship with God begins first with our “being” and not with our “doing.”

We have worth because we are created in God’s image.

When I admit and experience my own brokenness and my failure to love well, I see in contrast God’s tender love and grace welcoming me back home. He calls me to rest my weary head on his chest. I don’t need to live by my own limited strength.

The more I remind myself of God’s unconditional love for me, the more I walk in freedom from people–pleasing and perfectionism.

Remember that the cross and not your circumstances are the measure of His great love for you.

I travel away from God whenever I forget I have all I need in him and instead seek my soul’s fulfillment elsewhere.

It isn’t selfish to make time to care for our minds, souls, and bodies.

Life can get so busy, but that’s all the more reason to rest and nurture our souls. Our time will not be wasted as we read this book slowly and carefully so we can soak in refreshment for our thirsty, weary souls.

“I am the Vine; you are the branches.
The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit,
for [otherwise] apart from Me
[that is, cut off from vital union with Me]
you can do nothing.”
John 15:5 AMP

If you purchase this book, you will be contributing to a worthy cause – the International Justice Mission, a ministry that protects the poor from violence throughout the developing world. Dolly’s hope is to raise at least $500 out of her royalties for this book.

A Child's Trust

When Dolly needs to remember what is true about God and herself, she listens to songs. One of the songs she listened to during the writing process was “Here’s My Heart” by Casting Crowns.


Dolly Lee believes God’s love can transform a person from the inside-out if one surrenders to his love. She’s thankful God’s grace allows second acts and second chances. She attends Fuller Seminary and writes at her blog Soulstops.com where she invites readers to stop and connect with God. She lives with her family and one lovable dog in California where she loves to hike, read, share meals and laugh with family and friends. Her goal is to collect enough in royalties from the sale of her book, 7 Days of Soul Care, to donate $500 to the work of International Justice Mission.

* The two images were created by Dolly’s daughter.
* I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this book but I was not paid to write this review. This is my honest review, based on information from Dolly and my own opinion.



    • Yes, it is a great read, Lynn. I love books and posts that point us back to our identity in Christ. Probably because I need the reminder so much. 🙂 May God help us to daily remember we are His masterpiece and He has a special purpose for us! Hugs!


    • Yes, it certainly is, Linda. I love your comment in the media kit. It surely is like a spiritual mini-retreat, a nurturing God-centered guidebook. I’m glad you’re getting the word out, too. 🙂 May our relationship with God become ever deeper! Hugs!


    • You’re welcome, Dolly. I am honored that I can join you on your God-adventure. I love the sound of that. 🙂 I pray God is giving you strength and wisdom for the launch day tomorrow. May we daily rest in His unconditional love for us! Hugs!


    • You’re welcome, Tiffany. It blessed me a lot. That quote really touched me, too. Being instead of doing is a journey I’ve been slowly learning, too. I’m still a work in progress. May we learn it ever more deeply! Hugs!


  1. This sounds like such a good book–it’s definitely going on my wish list now! So many great take-aways, but this quote is touching me today: “Remember that the cross and not your circumstances are the measure of His great love for you,” because I need to keep that focus before me daily! I loved the song that you shared from her playlist as well. It’s such a beautiful song to lead us into surrender and worship. Thank you for sharing this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it’s definitely a book with many great take-aways, Bettie. I felt that quote would speak to you, too. It’s something I need to focus on daily as well. May we fix our eyes on the cross, not our circumstances and believe how much He loves us! Hugs!


    • I’m certain it will speak to you in many ways, Lauren. God has blessed me with it. The questions are so soul searching, too. Something we all need to do, right? May we grow ever more closer to God who loves us so very much! Hugs!


    • That quote really impacted me, too, Lois. I have far too often based God’s love for me more on circumstances than on His sacrifice for me. May we together seek to fix our eyes on what He has done for us, not on what troubles discourage us! Hugs!


    • Thank you, Karrilee. I love Dolly, too. And I love that she understands the broken and doesn’t give us platitudes about quick fixes. She knows by experience it is a process. And through the years God has given her such insight into His great love for us. I am grateful I read this book and am even considering going through it again, because there is so much in it that fed my soul. May God give us us an ever deeper relationship with Him and His unconditional love for us! Hugs!


  2. Trudy, this sounds like a wonderful book. I love the takeaways you shared. They’re close to my heart as God teaches me truth and how to live authentically.

    This quote jumped out at me: “I travel away from God whenever I forget I have all I need in him and instead seek my soul’s fulfillment elsewhere.”

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    • It truly is a wonderful book, Jeanne. I am a work in progress, too, as God teaches me truth and how to live authentically. It’s hard sometimes, isn’t it? I love the series you, Mary, and Emily did. I’m so blessed I got to “meet” you. 🙂 Your posts really resonate with me. That quote jumped out at me, too. It’s so easy to seek our fulfillment elsewhere, isn’t it? May we rest in God and His love for us and daily remember He alone can supply all our needs! Hugs!


  3. Hi Trudy,
    I just adore Dolly! I’m so glad you reviewed her book since I just recently reconnected with her again to stay up to date and was thrilled to hear she had a book coming out! Anyone who travels a difficult journey and shares her struggles and victories with us is so intriguing to me. Our stories are so powerful, aren’t they? I’m anxious to read it and loved getting a sneak peek at it with your insightful review! xo

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    • I’m glad you loved getting a sneak peek and that you reconnected with Dolly, Valerie. “Anyone who travels a difficult journey and shares her struggles and victories with us is so intriguing to me.” Me, too! It’s so very important that we come to the place where we can share the victories, too, isn’t it? Without Christ’s story intertwined into our struggles, we have no hope. May we daily cling to the victory we have in Jesus no matter how bad our struggles are! Hugs!


  4. Hi Trudy! Thank you for reviewing this book from Dolly. I recognize her name from the blog world, but your introduction to her was a revelation. It’s really something for someone to take their challenges and turn them into a deeper faith and a vehicle to help others. She is a very brave person! Love that she wants to donate so much of her royalties. May God lead many to buy her book.

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    • Yes, Dolly is a very brave person by the grace of God. I’m glad this introduction to her was a revelation to you, Ceil. It’s such a blessing when challenges lead us into a deeper relationship with Jesus, and as you say, “a vehicle to help others.” The message she gave in this book helped me a lot. I love that she wants to donate to a worthy cause, too. May God lead us into deeper faith in Him and makes us vehicles for His glory and for the help of others who are hurting! Hugs!

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  5. Thanks for sharing this review, Trudy. It sounds like a great book. It’s so important to hold to what God says about us and to learn to be ourselves instead of trying to fit into other people’s expectations. I love the Casting Crowns song too- I thought I knew most of their music but somehow I’ve never heard this one before!

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    • You’re welcome, Lesley. It is a great book. It’s so hard sometimes to hold onto who God says we are, isn’t it? We so need the nurturing and refreshing of His Spirit. May He help us to grasp and hold onto our worth in Him! Hugs!

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  6. What a great review, Trudy! Dolly did such a good job on her book. I love the truth of this quote so much: “The more I remind myself of God’s unconditional love for me, the more I walk in freedom from people–pleasing and perfectionism.” That’s one I need to read every day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Dolly. I loved your review, too. Yes, Dolly surely did do a good job. I, too, need to read that quote every day! It’s hard not to slip back into that people-pleasing and perfectionistic mode, isn’t it? May we become ever more aware of God’s unconditional love for us! Hugs!


    • You’re welcome, Susie. I’m happy to “see” you here. I hope you are doing ok? I always worry about you when I don’t see your blog post. Though I miss it, I also don’t want you to feel pressured to write every week. I know I need to allow myself more grace in that area, too. May God bless us and give us strength for each day and light for the way! Hugs!

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      • Thanks for missing me! I got completely overwhelmed with the unexpected and wasn’t able to find a minute to sit down. I always feel bad when I miss a week- but trying to let go of that and let God lead-So hard give myself the same grace He does- Much love to you!!


    • I’m so sorry you’re in a hard season, Barbie. You have a lot going on. Even not having a busy schedule like yours, it’s difficult to keep up with all the good books that come out. May God nurture our spirits and help us to cling to Him for support and strength with whatever comes our way! Hugs!


  7. Wow, what an inspiring book and great review! All the quotes have meaning for me, these words especially: “When I admit and experience my own brokenness and my failure to love well, I see in contrast God’s tender love and grace welcoming me back home. He calls me to rest my weary head on his chest. I don’t need to live by my own limited strength.” Oh how I need to remember those things! Dolly is such a sweet, loving soul whose life beautifully reflects the work God has done in her. I have her book on my Wish List and can’t wait to read it. Thanks for sharing, Trudy. xo

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    • It truly is an inspiring book, Joy. Yes, Dolly surely does beautifully reflect the work God has done in her. Doesn’t that quote hold such powerful encouragement? I so need to remember those things, too! There is so much hope and truth in this book. It has helped me a lot. May we rest our weary heads on Jesus’ chest and trust in His tender love, grace, and strength! Hugs!

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  8. Hi Trudy,
    So I have had this tab open from over a week ago. Wanting to not miss this post from LAST week. I have been so swamped and this morning I got all my kiddos to school, came home with great big plans, but put them all aside and slept for 2 hours! As I finally sat down to begin working for a couple hours, I was feeling a little guilty for my nap. And then I read this! God is so in the timing, isn’t he?! Thanks, friend! You are a blessing!

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    • I know what you mean about feeling guilty, Lori, but I am glad you took that nap. It shows you needed it! 🙂 A nap can refresh body, mind, and spirit. God’s timing is so perfect, isn’t it? I know you have personally experienced deep rejection, and God is continually deepening your relationship with Him. May God daily fill us so full of His love that the lies that beset us will be crowded out! Hugs!


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