No Giant Is Too Big For God


Do you sometimes feel like you are battling giants? Like you’re constantly retreating? Like you’re just too weary to fight anymore?

There can be so many giants in our lives, can’t there? I can’t begin to name them all, but two biggies for me this past week were discouragement and fear.

It’s hard not to be discouraged when the continuing battle of chronic illness gets me down. My body attracts bugs so easily, so I often catch the viruses flying around. They usually succeed to wreak havoc in my bronchial tubes. My husband came down with a nasty one the week before, and I begged God to please keep me from getting sick again. He had different plans. But even as I knew it was starting in my body, I felt God whispering, “My child, haven’t you asked me to deepen your trust in Me? Let go and surrender your way into My way of making it happen.” Sometimes God doesn’t give us our way, but He helps us to have peace with the plan He chooses.

Then there’s this year’s presidential election. Discouragement and fear looms in many hearts. Many have been belittled and trampled upon. Deep hurts remain in women, minorities, and the vulnerable like the handicapped, etc. People who need to be loved, respected, and accepted just as they are. People who need grace, support, and healing. People who are just as precious in God’s sight as the next person.

Our hearts may droop in discouragement and freeze with fear. But God is still in control of the giants in our way. We are never alone. We have God on our side, and He will never, ever fail or abandon us! So let’s keep moving forward, one step at a time. Remembering that God cares about each and every one of His unique creations.

What giants are looming over you and intimidating you? Taunting you with lies that victory is impossible? Blocking the way forward in the path God has chosen for you?

“You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in Your bottle.
You have recorded each one in Your book.
My enemies will retreat when I call to You for help.
This I know: God is on my side!”
Psalm 56:8-9

David said to the Philistine,
“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin,
but I come against you in the name of the Almighty,
the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.”
1 Samuel 17:45

“So be strong and courageous!
Do not be afraid and do not panic before them.
For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you.
He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6

Lord, You are Almighty and You are still in control, no matter what happens in our hearts, our lives, our world. But oh, Lord, sometimes we get so discouraged, so worried, so afraid. We cry to You for help, because anything is possible with You. Help us to truly believe You have already gained the victory over the giants of sin and death and Satan, and no giant in our lives is too big for You. You know the giants in each of our hearts, some hidden from human eye, but never from You. Thank You for loving us so much and counting it a delight to care for us. Please remove all uncharitable thoughts from our hearts. Help us to treat others with love and kindness as You have treated us. Help us to trust in Your love and power and grant healing in each of hearts.

“Giants Fall”
by Francisca Battistelli

“Don’t you be afraid
Of giants in your way
With God you know that anything’s possible
So step into the fight
He’s right there by your side
The stones inside your hand might be small
But watch the giants fall

We could really live like this
Can’t you imagine it
So bold, so brave
With childlike faith
Miracles could happen
Mountains would start moving
So whatever you may face…”




  1. Dear Trudy,
    This is so much what I needed to hear today! I find myself all too easily giving into the weariness that says to grit my teeth and just get by. But God really does want to deepen our trust, to see Him as so much greater in our lives than anything we might be facing. Thank you for these beautiful words of encouragement, my friend! Hugs and Blessings to you!

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    • I’m so grateful you were encouraged, Bettie. I know that weariness can weigh heavy in your life, too. When we get so fatigued and deal with pain or sickness, it gets all the harder to trust, doesn’t it? And yet, through it, God is working to deepen our trust in Him. It’s a mystery, isn’t it? May we rest our weary heads on His shoulder and trust His powerful love for us, a love that will get us through anything! Hugs!


  2. Your first 3 questions describe me perfectly today, my friend. Thank you for this encouragement packed with truth, Trudy. I really needed to be reminded of these important scriptures. Much love and many blessings to you!

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    • I’m sorry you’re feeling like those first 3 questions, Candace. It can be so difficult sometimes, can’t it? But I’m so grateful you were encouraged. May we daily remember God collects all our tears, He is on our side, and He will never, ever abandon us! Hugs! Much love and blessings to you, too!


  3. Another great post and song, Trudy. Thank you. Sometimes I wonder if the ‘giants’ can be our own self. I’d call mine self-doubt right now! And think I need to fix it on my own. But maybe it’s about surrendering that too? And just keep taking one step at a time!

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    • Thank you, Lynn. I so identify with our own self being our giant. That self-doubt and self-condemnation can be so strong, can’t it? I know you are weighed down with whys right now, but know God really does have a unique purpose for you, even though it’s unclear to you. I definitely know how much He has used you to bless me. May God give us grace to surrender our all to Him and to patiently wait for His answer and guidance! Hugs!

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  4. I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well, Trudy. A hearty “amen” to this: “Sometimes God doesn’t give us our way, but He helps us to have peace with the plan He chooses.” I hope you feel better soon, my friend!

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    • Thank you for your kindness, Lois. I’m still easily drained and short of breath, but I’m grateful I don’t feel as sick. 🙂 It’s such a great gift when we can surrender our way and have peace with God’s way, isn’t it? May God deepen our trust in Him and His ways that are always meant to prosper us, not to harm us! Hugs!


  5. Hi Trudy! I do like Francesa, and my granddaughter loves to listen to her CD’s in the car. Watch the giants fall…I love that! How can we see God be the king he is if everything is so easy, and we come to think we don’t need him?
    I hope you are feeling better now, getting a ‘bug’ is just no fun. Seems like the older I get, the longer it takes to get back on my feet. Yuk. But God is there for you, as you heard him say yourself. (What a beautiful gift!) May he send his healing quickly and peacefully.

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    • Thank you, Ceil. Yes, God truly did give me a beautiful gift in the midst of illness. The more songs I find from Francesca, the more I like her. That’s cool that your granddaughter listens to her. 🙂 Watch the giants fall really spoke to me. I love your thought of “How can God be the king He is if everything is so easy?” So true. We really wouldn’t need Him if everything went so smoothly in our lives, would we? May He give us grace to rely totally upon Him as King! Hugs!

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  6. Sorry you’ve been ill this week, Trudy. I hope you’re on the mend, and I’m glad you knew God with you giving you peace even though things hadn’t turned out as you hoped. Thank you for this encouragement. The giants can seem so big sometimes but it’s important to remember that God is bigger and more powerful. I love the song too!

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    • Thank you, Lesley. I am on the mend, back to my “normal.” Yes, don’t those giants loom huge sometimes? The way can look so impossible, but thanks be to God, nothing is impossible to Him! May we cling to that truth that He is bigger and more powerful than any trouble or roadblock! Hugs!

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  7. Trudy,
    That is one of my favorite songs by Francesca and I play it over and over to encourage me! But what strikes me about this post is YOU! Even fighting illness and a little discouragement, I sense a renewed and stronger voice behind your words. I see the hope and hear the encouragement as you ask us about our fears. Trudy, I think God is moving in your life and doing a powerful work in you. Just loved this! xoxo

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    • Thank you for your kind and thoughtful observation, Valerie. Sometimes I don’t feel it myself, but you have caused me to reflect. As I think back to the beginning of the year when I picked “open” as my word for the year, I do believe God is breaking down my walls of distrust stone by stone. He has helped me to more often take down the closed sign on my heart and to open it to His love, grace, and healing. The more I allow the liniment of His love to reach those broken places deep in my heart, the more He opens my eyes to His beauty. It’s still a difficult journey as I sway so easily, but He is with me knocking down the giants. 🙂 Yes, it’s such an encouraging song, isn’t it? May God help us not to be afraid of the future of the journey and to trust Him as our Giant-Slayer! Hugs!


  8. Praise You, Lord, for Your strength against our enemies. May You continue each day to deliver us from the evil one.
    “The Prince of Darkness grim,
    we tremble not for him;
    his rage we can endure,
    for lo, his doom is sure;
    one little word shall fell him. ” In the name of JESUS, Amen!
    (from A Mighty Fortress Is Our God)
    For to You, LORD God, belong the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen

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    • Amen! Thank you, Ruth, for this prayer and for reminding me of the lyrics to this wonderful hymn. Yes, one little word will fell that Prince of darkness! He cowers and retreats at the name of JESUS! You have encouraged my heart today. 🙂 May we hide in the Mighty Fortress of our God! Hugs!

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  9. Oh, I’m sorry you caught your husband’s sickness. Sometimes it feels to me that our bodies can be one of the biggest giants we face. 😦 But yes, lots of other reasons for discouragement lately, too, so thanks for these verses. Saying it aloud now, “God is on my side!” And now listening to the song…. Thanks, Trudy.

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    • I smiled when I read you were saying aloud “God is on my side!” I just did it, too, Lisa. Three times. 🙂 I forget that sometimes saying it aloud gives this extra oomph to believe it. I’ll have to practice that more often. Yes, our bodies can be such big giants. Did I read somewhere that you also have some health problems to deal with? May God help us to daily remember He is on our side and any giant must fall before His love and grace! Hugs!


  10. Most of us are guilty of assessing the ability of our ‘giants’ based on our capability to fight them and totally forget to factor in the strength and might of our God! Thank goodness that He is able when I am not!

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    • So true, Karen. Praise God for His strength and might. We are nothing without His strength. And He is so patient with us when we see only the giants and not the Giant-Overcomer. May we daily cling to His sufficient grace! Hugs!


  11. Trudy,
    I am sorry you’re sick. Your words of faith here are beautiful and true: “Sometimes God doesn’t give us our way, but He helps us to have peace with the plan He chooses.” God is using your words to encourage many. And that song was one God used to encourage me as I tried to figure out all the publishing details, which were new and felt daunting. So thanks for reminding me. Praying God heals your body and continues to strengthen your trust in Him 🙂 ((hugs))

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    • Thank you, Dolly. I can see where that song would be an encouragement as you tried to figure out the publishing details. From what I hear, the publishing and marketing aspects of writing a book sound almost insurmountable. But God! I rejoice that He has conquered those giants in your way. And now He still is as people read your book and are blessed to come into a deeper relationship with Him and His steadfast love for us. That big ol’ giant Satan doesn’t have a chance against the name of Jesus. 🙂 May we daily rest in Him and His all sufficient grace! Hugs!


  12. Beautiful words, Trudy. I’m sorry you’ve been ill. Chronic illness can be wearying to the spirit. Thanks for the reminder of how important it is to keep our eyes on God. To remember He is bigger than anything that comes against us. That He is always by our side. I need that reminder often.

    Thank you!

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    • Thank you, Jeanne. I need that reminder often, too. I am so prone to forget… God is so patient and gracious, isn’t He? I’m so glad He never forgets us! May we cling to His truth that He is always with us and is bigger than any giant we may face! Hugs!


  13. Hi Trudi- I am so so sorry you are sick and have a chronic illness – wondering what kind you have – I know how hard it is and how weary it can make you when you keep getting things. I will be praying for you lots- Thank you for writing this post even though you are sick. This spoke to my heart as just this week I was telling God i thought this ‘giant’ was too big and that it is over taking – Thank you for speaking truth and encouraging my heart tonight. Praying for peace and healing – with much love xoxo

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    • Those giants can be so intimidating, can’t they? I’m so grateful you are encouraged here, Susie. I’m so sorry you deal with health problems. Yes, they can be so wearying. I have sarcoidosis, an inflammatory disease that can affect all parts of the body but mostly affects the lungs. I have the lung problem and sometimes my whole body aches. May we daily remember we are forever loved and cared for in His warm embrace and all giants must fall down at the name of Jesus! Hugs!


      • Hi Trudy- I am so sorry you have to live with chronic illness. That sounds so hard.I will be praying for you and hope you are feeling better tonight! So thankful for our loving Father and for the ways He ministers through you! with much love

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        • Thank you for your caring and encouraging heart, Susie. I often feel our Father’s loving words through your posts, too. May He give us grace to fix our eyes on Him and His empowering love! Hugs!


  14. He speaks peace in this crazed tumult we’re living in. I’ve been turning the TV off more and more, surrounding myself with stillness, quiet, good books and conversations like what you’re offering here, Trudy.

    Blessings to you, friend …

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  15. This: “Sometimes God doesn’t give us our way, but He helps us to have peace with the plan He chooses” is so so true. Grace doesn’t usually mean having a carefree life or a lack of problems, but it always means we have no lack of help and support from God for whatever painful situation we may find ourselves in. Trudy, I love how God was weaving similar thoughts into us this week! Praying for your health in this extra challenging season as you battle your way to wholeness. It definitely makes life extra demanding and difficult, especially for those of us with chronic illness. May peace be ever-present, calm replace churning thoughts and healing be swift. Blessings and hugs! ❤

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    • Thank you, Joy. We so need that calm to replace those churning thoughts. The calm that can only come from Jesus. That warms my heart that God was weaving similar thoughts into our hearts this week. 🙂 Yes, this season is extra challenging, especially with the cold weather. We are today having our first winter storm! Already! But I’m going to try to keep focusing on the beauty even if I can’t go out in the cold. I’m so grateful for a warm house to be in. 🙂 And looking from the inside, the snow is so beautiful. I worry though about those who have to travel on it. Time and again I have to tell myself to let go of all the worries and cares and allow God’s peace to come into my heart. May God help us to daily surrender our way and give us peace in His way! Hugs!

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  16. I understand the looming giant of chronic illness. I am in constant pain and sometimes I just want to lay down and not get up. But I have to keep pressing through. This giant is not to big for the God I serve.

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    • Yes, it’s so hard not to give up, isn’t it? I’m sorry, Barbie. I remember reading that your pain has been intense lately. I hope and pray God will ease your pain and fill you with His peace. May He help us to cling to His truth that no giant is too big for Him! Hugs!


  17. I am joining you in moving forward one step at a time. We can easily get consumed by fear and discouragement. My biggest fear is that of the unknown and it doesn’t take much for it to overwhelm me.

    Beautiful words! Praying you feel better and feel God’s strength when you need it.

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    • Thank you, Mary. That fear of the unknown can be so strong, can’t it? I so easily get overwhelmed, too. I was just reminding myself today and begging God for grace to open my eyes and heart more to the beauty of today that He still surrounds me with instead of fearing and worrying about what is in the future. Yes, one step at a time. May God give us grace to trust Him and His love for us no matter what happens! Hugs!

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