Time to Restore, Replenish, and Refocus

Dear Readers,

When I begin to feel overwhelmed and have to put more pressure on myself to write a weekly blog post, I am learning I need to let go and withdraw into rest in body, mind, and soul. Also that I shouldn’t feel guilty about doing so. So I have decided to take a break from blogging this summer. I need to spend some time allowing God to restore, replenish, and refocus my heart and mind. I’m not sure how long, but for sure the month of June and possibly even July. I am going to try to relax, let go of my grip on my own agenda, and allow God to lead me into His plan.

Meanwhile, you all will remain in my heart and prayers. Even if you are silent readers, I care about you. You are always welcome to email me (email in the right-hand column) if you have a prayer request, need someone to care, or just want to chat.

Above all, God cares about you. He is always available 24/7. He loves you so very much and longs for you to let go and allow Him to love you.

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you all.”
2 Corinthians 13:14

by Rebecca St. James

“This is not a dream that I’m living
This is just a world of Your own
You took me from all that I knew
Shown me how it feels to hope
With You with me, facing tomorrow together
I can learn to fly
Feels like I’m living in a lion’s mouth, but the lion is (an angel)”

May the God of all hope
heal your heart,
free you to fly,
and fill you with His joy!


  1. So inspiring to read how you listen to God’s promptings. It’s not about what we do, but who we are in Christ. And yes, God knows and cares! May your summer be full of breathing spaces of rest, renewal, and restoration.

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    • Thank you so much, Lynn. I’m trying hard to listen to God’s promptings more, but sometimes the noise of my insecurities get so loud… I love your reminder that “It’s not about what we do, but who we are in Christ.” Amen! I still have a hard time remembering that, but I’m learning. May your summer also be full of those breathing spaces!


  2. May God bless your time away, Trudy! I’ll miss you but I know you’re doing the right thing for you. We all have to listen to God’s messages for ourselves and receive the grace that comes with obedience.

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  3. I hope you have a lovely break, Trudy, and feel refreshed and restored. It’s so important to recognise when we need that. I will miss you, but feel free to email me too if there’s anything I can be praying for you!

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  4. Dear Trudy,
    Even though I will miss your beautiful thoughts here, I am so glad that Jesus is calling you to “come away with Him” for a while. When He is the one calling us to rest, it makes all the difference, doesn’t it? There is no guilt when we remember that He himself withdrew for times of resting too! I pray that your days will be blessed with intimate refreshing from His Spirit. Much Love and Hugs to you, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Bettie. I will miss your beautiful thoughts as well. I do so need that “intimate refreshing from His Spirit!” Yes, it helps to know even He withdrew to a quiet place sometimes. Much love and hugs to you, too! May your summer be filled with “golden dewdrop” moments!


    • I will miss you, too, Mary. Thank you for praying for me. You all will still be held in my prayers! I wish you the best with your move. May your summer be blessed with beautiful surprises!


  5. Hi Trudy,
    Enjoy your break and enjoy this wonderful season of summer! I’m letting up on my weekly schedule too and finding maybe posting less often is providing more freedom for other endeavors (working with the travel bloggers I enjoy too!) and letting me create space to renew and replenish, as you’ve so eloquently put it! πŸ™‚ I know where to find you during your break as we’ve emailed in the past so I’ll be checking in with you, but praying you have a simply delightful summer of rejuvenation! Much love! xo

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    • Thank you, Valerie. I have noticed you are posting less, but I certainly understand. Yes, we need space to renew and replenish! I look forward to you checking in on me. πŸ™‚ I certainly will not forget you. May you have a delightful summer of rejuvenation as well! Much love back to you!


  6. Hi Trudy! I will miss you! but am so glad you are getting a chance to rest and refresh! I will be praying that you have a wonderful restful summer!! Thanks for always making me feel loved and cared for even though we haven’t met face to face. I am grateful for the friend I have found in you here! i will look forward to your return and hearing what God has spoken to your beautiful heart! with much love and thanksgiving for you!

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    • Thank you so much for your loving thoughts, Susie. I’m so glad you feel loved and cared for! You are such a special person, and I’m so grateful to have “met” you, too! You know my email, so feel free to keep in touch. πŸ™‚ I pray God will give you a wonderful, restful summer as well!

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    • Thank you, Lois. Much love to you as well! You, your mom, and family have been heavy on my heart and in my prayers. I pray God will send healing to your mom’s body and mind and give your heart (and your mom’s) rest and peace in His plan. He’s got you!


    • Thank you, Anita. I can’t believe how quickly summer is going by! I’m still viewing your photos, even though I don’t comment. They are so refreshing to my soul. πŸ™‚ I hope you’re enjoying the summer as well! May God give us rest in body, mind, and soul!


    • Thank you so much for looking forward to my return, Candace. πŸ™‚ Hopefully soon. This summer is flying by so quickly. Though I don’t always comment, once in a while I read a post I feel nudged towards. I loved your last post about finding meaning and beauty in our everyday routine. I need more of that. I’m so glad God is teaching you all these things. Thank you for sharing them with us. May God help us to allow our hearts to open wide for His restorative healing!


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