November Roundup: Links, Quotes, Books & More

The Light of the World
by Lauren Daigle

“The world waits for a miracle
The heart longs for a little bit of hope
Oh come, Oh come Emmanuel…”

ABCs of Jesus’ Love

Visit this page anytime and let me know if you’d like to add to the words describing Jesus’ love along with a verse supporting it. Remember, there is also a print-out of the original list.

 This month I have added another “M” word for Jesus’ Love.

❤  Manifested Love 
“For God expressed His love
for the world in this way:
He gave His only Son
so that whoever believes in Him
will not face everlasting destruction,
but will have everlasting life.

John 3:16 VOICE


I am not always able to keep up with the abundance of books that promote hope, healing, and freedom, so I haven’t always read every one I post here and on the Books Page. Though many are on my long wish list. 🙂  Many will be from recommendations of online friends. If you ever know of a book that is not listed and that supports this website’s mission, please let me know. 🙂

Surrendered Hearts: An Adoption Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Trust by Lori Schumaker

“In a true story of learning that trust means surrendering your version of how the story should unfold, Lori and Bryan finally let go – of their dream, of their daughter, of their fears and frustrations. And in that relinquishment, God began to move.”

“But God…” took on an even more powerful meaning in my heart as I read this story of adoption. I’m awed, not only about how God miraculously brought Selah home to her forever family, but also how God worked in and prepared Lori’s and her husband’s hearts. Even in the hearts of their other two children. I highly recommend it not only for those who have adopted or plan to adopt, but for anyone who desires a closer relationship with God. This is an inspiring story about living surrendered to God’s plan and His perfect timing. We all need to learn more of that, right?


Hope Harbor

💞  Articles/Blog Posts That Inspire Hope and Healing 💞

💞 When Trusting God Takes Courage by Joann Fore – “But this courage God offers is his! When he bids us, “take courage,” it’s as if he stands before us, arms extended wide, offering the very courage we need to face and overcome whatever situation in front of us. This courage, this Truth of his Word, it’s ours for the taking.”

💞 I Have Trust Issues by Lisa TerKeurst – “But life doesn’t add up. People don’t add up. And in the rawest moments of honest hurting, God doesn’t add up. All of which makes us hold our trust ever so close to our chests until it becomes more tied to our fears than to our faith.”

💞 When It Feels Like Your Dreams Are Kinda Dying by Laura Story – “Like Mary and Martha, we can call on Jesus to heal those who are sick. But if Jesus doesn’t show up like we think He should, we can’t conclude that He doesn’t hear us, doesn’t care, or doesn’t love us.”

Nature Retreat

“The greatest cathedral of all is nature itself.
It simultaneously humbles and pulls up giant emotions
that cannot be fully expressed in mere words.”
Rodney Cobb

This summer was more rainy than usual, so the Falls here in our city of Sioux Falls were really roaring at times. It’s fascinating to be still and soak in the sights and sounds of the rush of water. It puts me in awe of the beauty and power of our God. Here are just a few pics I took a couple of days after a big rain.


A female Mallard Duck contemplates crossing. This is below the biggest falls.

Here you can see her crossing and what she could be pulled into.
It was amazing. She made it! God surely has equipped
ducks with strength to paddle against the current.

🐾 Nature Wonders – Lots of breath-taking photos of natural wonders in a variety of countries

🐾 Janette Hill Images – Awesome wildlife and nature galleries

🐾 34 Rare Sea Animals – Oh my! These are animals I’ve never seen before. Imagine what else is in the sea!



New quotes this month are about Gratitude.

❤ The discipline of gratitude is the explicit effort to acknowledge that all I am and have is given to me as a gift of love, a gift to be celebrated with joy.” – Henri Nouwen

“If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” – Rabbi Harold Kushner

“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.” – G.K. Chesterton


Thank You
to anyone and everyone who recommend
links, books, quotes, etc.




  1. This has been a season where I’ve been enjoying Lauren Daigle … to have you share this Christmas piece is a beautiful wake-up this morning, Trudy. I’m blessed by her music … and by your friendship and all the gentle truths you pour into my life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind words, Linda. I truly am blessed by you, too. I love Lauren’s music, too. I was delighted to find this Christmas one by her. May God send much-needed miracles into this world and our hearts!


  2. Rodney Cobb’s quote is so good! He put into words so eloquently what I feel about nature! I could almost hear the roaring of those falls through those photos Trudy! Wow. And those ‘skinny’ legs navigating those rushing waters…yes, God equips us for all that He wants us to navigate through!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I feel the same way about his quote, Lynn. Those falls are breath-taking, bringing up all those emotions that can’t be described in words. I have a video that shows a wider sweep and the sound of them, but I couldn’t figure out how to share it here. I’m glad you could imagine the roaring. 🙂 I love that sound of rushing water. What a powerful God we have! And yes, watching that duck struck me with awe, too. May we rely on our God who “equips us for all that He wants us to navigate through!” (Love how you word that!)


  3. Thank you, Trudy, for these fabulous photos, great recommendations, and the quotes about gratitude, which especially touched my heart today. We woke up to a dead furnace, and it could be a day or two before we can have the system replaced – and it is FREEZING outside! Having a warm house is something most of us take for granted, not giving thanks for what is actually a luxury. I’m contemplating writing a blog about the situation, and wanted to ask if you’d mind me borrowing the quotes you shared here. Is that okay? Thanks, and have a blessed day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh dear. I’m so sorry your furnace broke down, Martha. I hope you have electric heaters you can use? There are so many things we take for granted, aren’t there? I hope you all can keep warm enough and your furnace will soon be installed! I’m so glad the gratitude quotes touched your heart today. I especially love Henri Nouwen’s. Of course, you may use these quotes. They’re not mine to lend. 🙂 May we daily acknowledge that all we are and have are gifts of love from our God!

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  4. Trust can be challenging when we’ve had it broken in childhood, because we become insecure in our early years and learn a pattern of self-protectiveness. But looking at the tiny mallard duck you’ve captured here, confidently negotiating such a large, treacherous stretch of water, with the power of it pounding in her ears, is a salutary reminder to step forward and trust we will arrive safely because God is watching over us with every small step of faith we take.
    Yes, there will be uncomfortable territory to traverse and our hearts will fail us more than once. Though once we are able to walk by faith instead of sight and train ourselves to hold on to what we know to be true when life goes awry, then we might begin to mirror this duck in wading out beyond our usual safe waters.
    Thank you, Trudy, for this faith filled and gratitude stirring post. I love it all: the nature photos – especially your own – 🙂 the quotes, links, book suggestion and Lauren Daigle song. As always, you have excelled yourself, dear friend! Love and hugs! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for always being such an encouragement to me, Joy. Both in writing and in life, especially dealing with chronic illness and the after-effects of abuse. I appreciate it so much. Yes, broken trust can be so hard to overcome. I love your thoughts concerning the duck as a “reminder to step forward and trust we will arrive safely because God is watching over us with every small step we take.” I think I need to look more at the bank on the other side instead of the rushing turbulence on the way there. 🙂 May we learn more and more to walk by faith and not by sight and to hold on to what we know is true!

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  5. Dear Trudy,
    Thank you for the beautiful compilation of quotes, Scriptures, books, music, and photos again. Somehow you always manage to find something so special for each person who would read! I love Henri Nouwen, so his quote touched me especially. But the photo series at the falls with the duck–wow! It astounded me that she would even attempt to swim across when she has wings and could have easily flown over! It brought such a comfort to me, thinking of how God leads us. Surely He could take us by the easy route, but He so often leads us over the rapids and waves, developing our trust and strength along the way. His ways are so high! Thank you for sharing from your heart here with us! Blessings, love, and hugs to you my friend! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Bettie. Blessings, love, and hugs to you, too! I always hope there’s something that will give each reader hope in this difficult journey of life. 🙂 I love Henri Nouwen’s quote, too. I long to more deeply acknowledge that all that I am and have are gifts of love. Looking through the eyes of our loving Creator puts an entirely different perspective on our struggles, doesn’t it? I love your view on the duck! It encourages me to remember that in the midst of the rapids and waves of life, God is working to develop our trust and strength. Thank you for sharing this insight! May we cling to our God whose ways are higher than ours and who is always working towards our good!

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    • You’re so welcome, Lori. It impacted my heart for good. 🙂 Visiting the falls really refreshes my spirit. I never get tired of it. 🙂 My brother lives in Arizona, and I know how much they welcome the monsoons. On the bright side, it isn’t so cold down there! Blessings to you, too! May we daily fully surrender our hearts and lives to Jesus!


  6. The photos of the falls are spectacular, and once again you have put together a great collection of links and quotes. I enjoyed the Lauren Daigle song. I like a lot of her music but I hadn’t heard that one before! Love and hugs to you!

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    • Thank you, Mary. Nature certainly displays the glory and power of its Creator, doesn’t it? I really love Lauren Daigle, too, both her voice and her songs. Advent blessings to you, too! May we have many quiet reflections on the marvel of how love and hope came down to us!

      Liked by 1 person

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