Opening Our Eyes to the Beauty and Value of Winter When Our Hearts Feel Weary Of It

Is your heart weary of winter? Is your spirit sagging?

Severe cold has filled our February. And the forecast is for more of it this month. It makes us wonder if spring will ever come. On Sunday, I woke to 16 below and 35 below wind chill. It never even got above zero all day!

It’s hard not to get discouraged, isn’t it?

It helps me to intentionally open my eyes and heart to the beauty and value of winter.

Those fluffy flakes gently flowing down are so beautiful. And I’m awed that even in subzero temps, the sun’s power still melts the snow on the roofs enough to form uniquely shaped icicles.

Untrodden snow also amazes me. So white and pure. Sparkling like diamonds when the sun shines. Inspiring a deeper longing to be clean and white in Jesus, to be sparkling with His love and shining it forth to others.

“Purify me from my sins,
and I will be clean;

wash me,
and I will be whiter than snow.”
Psalm 51:7 NLT
“Come, let’s talk this over,
says the Lord;
no matter how deep
the stain of your sins,
I can take it out
and make you as clean
as freshly fallen snow.
Even if you are stained
as red as crimson,
I can make you
white as wool!”
Isaiah 1:18 TLB

I’m grateful I still can take nature photos from inside our warm home! πŸ™‚ We planted this globe evergreen tree in between our neighbor’s and our condos two years ago. We love looking out at the green of it and how the snow forms on it.

This is after a lot of snow. We call it our cake. πŸ™‚

I can never find one icicle identical to another. These are tiny compared to what we saw Sunday on a program in Alaska. Thirty foot icicles that are five feet thick!

This photo isn’t clear, and it certainly doesn’t do justice to what we saw. The sun was reflecting off droplets hanging from this tree, making it look like Christmas lights!

This sun dog was awesome! I wasn’t able to get the other side of it from our bedroom window. My husband saw both sides of it earlier as the sun rose, and he said it was so beautiful.

Winter not only brings beauty. It is also essential to new growth in the spring. Though the tree branches look dead and barren, their roots are growing and gathering nutrients to deliver to and strengthen the new leaves to come.

Winter of the soul can benefit us, too. Those times when losses and trials devastate us. When our hearts feel cold and lifeless. When we wonder – Where are You, God?

Those times can be brutal and debilitating, but they are necessary to deepen and strengthen our roots in Christ Jesus. Roots growing down into Him draw up much-needed nourishment for our spiritual growth.Β 

“And now just as you trusted Christ to save you,
trust Him, too, for each day’s problems;
live in vital union with Him.

Let your roots grow down into Him
and draw up nourishment from Him.
See that you go on growing in the Lord,
and become strong and vigorous
in the truth you were taught.
Let your lives overflow with joy
and thanksgiving for all He has done.”
Colossians 2:6-7 TLB

Though it does help me to open my eyes to the value of winter, I still long for spring. My heart yearns to be able to be out in nature and all its sights, sounds, and smells again. To feel the sun warming and thawing cold bones. As it gets nearer, I anticipate the sighting of a robin like an eager child hankering to open a long-awaited gift. Can I open it NOW?

There is something about spring that refreshes the spirit, isn’t there? To see the promising new life on the trees and perennials pushing through the soil. To watch the newborn calves and lambs kicking up their heels in the pastures. To hear the joyful chorus of birds.

Our spirits may sag when winters seem to drag on, but spring and revival WILL come, all the more refreshing and renewing after a barren winter. That’s a promise. God’s promise.

“As long as the earth remains,
there will be
springtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
winter and summer,
day and night.”
Genesis 8:22 TLB

Perhaps it’s a different season in your country right now or you live in warmer states or countries where there is no snow or cold. What are your winters like? When you’re weary of winter, what helps you get through it? Whether it’s winter in nature or in your soul? Feel free to share your thoughts!

by Hillsong

“Though the winter is long even richer
The harvest it brings
Though my waiting prolongs even greater
Your promise for me like a seed
I believe that my season will come…”


  1. First of all, Trudy, those photos are amazing! What a load of snow and ice you all have had, not to mention the bone-chilling cold.
    Winter has made a comeback here in Georgia these last several days, and it’s most unwelcome when we’ve already been spoiled by the taste of spring, with daffodils and some trees blooming. But winter is the season to rest and allow our roots to grow deeper in the Lord, preparing us to blossom yet again in His love.

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    • Thank you, Martha. I’m sorry winter has come back in Georgia. It’s really hard after a taste of spring. I hope the daffodils and trees will be ok. Blessings to you, too! May our roots grow ever deeper in the Lord and may we blossom in His love!

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  2. You certainly are having a wild winter, Trudy! I love the wintry images you have shared, especially the “cake” with added frosting. In our part of the UK we’ve barely had a breath of ice or snow. It failed to stay or settle at all. Temperatures are milder than usual and we’re all beginning to wonder if we’ve bypassed winter and gone straight into spring! Yet it’s hard to completely relax because winter could still come and kill off the burgeoning plants.
    Each season of nature or soul life has its own wild beauty and benefits, as well as drawbacks. Though I think spring is mostly full of beauty, hope and joy. This year you will welcome spring more enthusiastically than before, and winter will begin to feel like a distant memory in days to come. May you stay warm and remain hopeful of seeing change. Blessings, love and hugs! xo ❀

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    • It seems we were commenting on each other’s blogs at the same time, Joy. πŸ™‚ I’m glad temperatures have been milder than usual in your winter. Hopefully it will stay that way and no plants will be harmed. Yes, we will cling to hope. We keep telling ourselves we another day closer! Yes, it is true that after long winters, spring is even more welcome. Also concerning those winters of our souls. Blessings, love, and hugs to you, too! May our roots grow ever deeper into Christ, and may His love and nourishment strengthen us and spill over onto those around us!

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    • Thank you, Pam. It fascinated me, too, when I read your post. I love what you say in your reply to my comment – “It causes me to feel that He is wanting many more of us to attend to something He has caused us to write about.” Yes! That encourages me to follow what He has placed in our hearts. Thank you. May we always follow His leading in writing and in life!

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  3. Trudy,
    This was a refreshment to my soul as I read your words and enjoyed your photos. Where we live, it doesn’t snow except in the mountains, but I love how you drew out the parallels to the winter of our soul and how it makes us appreciate spring even more. Love and hugs to you, my friend πŸ™‚

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    • I’m so glad your soul is refreshed, Dolly. Is that photo in your “About” with the lovely view of a lake where you live? What state is that? It sounds awesome! Regardless of where we live, everyone has those winters of the soul, right? I know you have experienced them. Love and hugs to you, too! May our roots into Christ Jesus keep growing stronger!


  4. The winter photos are stunning, Trudy! Although I don’t always like the winter weather there is a beauty in it, and I love the verses likening the white of the snow to the purity God gives us. After an early taste of spring last week it is colder here again, though not nearly as cold as it is for you! I hope it warms up for you soon. Love and hugs to you!

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    • Thank you, Lesley. I was hoping that early taste of spring in Scotland was there to stay! I hope it returns soon! Love and hugs to you, too! Please wash us clean and make us whiter than the snow, Lord!

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  5. LOVE your “cake” snow bush! And the icicles… Wow! I personally have a hard time with the cold too but… I can’t imagine living anywhere else! The snow is our water source for the summer especially if it is a hot/dry summer (so needed to prevent wild fires!) And if we didn’t have snow, I would have to “winter water” all of my trees (we just don’t get enough precipitation here othewise 😦 But most of all on the really cold days, I think of all the “new beginnings” that spring will bring ❀ Because without the winter, there wouldn't be Spring ❀ HUGS to you and… Stay warm (and healthy!!)

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    • Thank you, Jennifer. What a blessing snow must be for you since it’s your water source for the summer! Yes, thinking of all the “new beginnings” spring will bring certainly helps! Hugs to you, too! I just replied to your reply at your site with a link to a live donkey cam. A donkey was born last night, and I thought of you. πŸ™‚ Enjoy! May we always hold close to our hearts the promise of those “new beginnings” in nature and in life!

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      • Yes, I got the link (and will watch because… new life is so precious!! Who can resist a baby!!) Thank you!!

        Both of the new donks (Mario; used to be Wilbe/Wilby) and the baby, Luigi need “more” so the cold temps are NOT welcomed! But the snow… life giving for all! I can’t wait for the crocus’ and other bulbs to start poking their heads through the earth! New beginnings… I’m so ready!! ❀

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        • I’m ready, too, Jennifer! πŸ™‚ I’m sure Mario and Luigi will thrive under your TLC. πŸ™‚ I noticed today that the baby donkey in the video now has a blanket around him, even though there is still a heat lamp. I’m sure he must be very delicate! Blessings to you!

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          • Yes, the rescue sent my Luigi home with a blanket (I’ll return it when he outgrows/the weather gets warmer)! Ahh… another post! LOVED watching the webcam link; we, too, have a webcam in our barn… to keep an eye on how they are doing πŸ˜‰ I don’t have it “live”; is for our eyes only. Maybe I should post/pay for a live link? Hmm…??

            Both Mario and Luigi need a bit “more” right now. They are separated, for the time being, from Jack and Jill to “catch up”. Mario is just underweight and hasn’t been well-cared for til now. And Luigi… he needs a bit of “help” during our cold/wind chill warning days! πŸ˜‰

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  6. Trudy, such beautiful photos, even from inside your house! We have not had much of a winter here in SC, but there has been a lot of rain. Though this week we are supposed to get below freezing at night. When winter gets me down I look forward to spring when everything is new. I love the scriptures you shared. So encouraging! Blessings to you! I”m your neighbor at #TellHisStory.

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    • Thank you, Gayl. I’m grateful the Scriptures encouraged you. I’ve been to SC when our son was stationed in the Air Force there. We loved it, especially the ocean. πŸ™‚ But we weren’t there in the winter. Looking forward to when everything is new is a great way to keep positive, isn’t it? We’re one day closer! Blessings to you, too! May our roots grow ever deeper into Jesus!

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      • I have been to the coast here in SC, but we live in the upstate near the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. But I am familiar with cold because we spent time in SD, NH and NJ, so we’ve had experience with lots of snow! Blessings and love! xo

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        • At the foothills of the mountains must be beautiful country, Gayl. We’re in SD. We’d move where it’s warmer, but we want to stay closer to our kids and grandkids. πŸ™‚ Blessings and love to you, too!

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  7. Dear Trudy,
    Oh thank you for these beautiful thoughts in the dragging days of winter. You are right that there is still beauty even now. What an amazing photo of that “sun dog!” The beautiful sunrises on a cold clear day when the temps are below zero, sure do bring a beauty that is so unique. I try to soak that sun in for as long as I can, in between the dreary days. I am so looking forward to the snow’s melting and those first robins also! Spring is my favorite, but I know that winter is so necessary–both for the earth and for our souls. I had not heard that song yet, it is so beautiful! “Like a seed in the snow, I’ve been buried to grow.” Thank you for your encouragement here. Blessings, hugs, and love to you!

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    • That sundog was so glorious, Bettie. I saw it later, but my husband saw the complete one when the sun rose. It was so bright then. When I called him after I got up, he told me to look out the window. πŸ™‚ Yesterday, even though it was still so cold, he said he could feel the sun’s rays getting warmer. Another day closer! Spring is my favorite, too. I’m glad you found encouragement here in the midst of these dragging days of winter. Blessings, hugs, and love to you, too! May our hearts soak in the beauty of the sun in nature and also in the love of the Sun of Righteousness!

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  8. I love that ‘cake’ tree! What a blessing to come here and see all the winter blessings you’ve posted. It’s been a cold winter too–colder than normal–up here in Alberta, Canada. I am looking forward to seeing grass again. Spring will come and unthaw the land, just like God also does within our hearts.

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    • Thank you, Lynn. I love seeing all the green grass, too. I love your reminder that spring will come and unthaw the land just like God does with our hearts. His love is so amazing! Thank you. May we truly embrace the magnificent power of His love!


  9. Trudy, so weary! Yet, we were warned by the forecasters that winter would be longer than normal! We humans are warned about so many things – yet there are times we totally ignore it. Hmm. This topic might preach.

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  10. I love your photos, Trudy, and the thoughts you’ve shared about winter. πŸ™‚ I especially like your point about winter being essential to new growth in the spring. Last winter was really dry here, and my flowerbeds suffered from it the following spring and summer. With all the snow we’ve had this year, I’m hoping for a much better gardening season this year! The song you shared is a favorite too. Hugs, friend!

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    • Thank you, Lois. I do remember your flowers struggling last year. I hope they will thrive this year from all the snow’s moisture and nitrogen! πŸ™‚ And I hope I get to see some photos. πŸ™‚ That song truly is comforting, isn’t it? Hugs to you, too! May our roots keep growing deeper into Jesus and His love!


  11. Trudy, what a hope-filling post. Winter does wear us down and make us long for something different. I’m finding that I am so busy in this season of my life that I haven’t had time to take pictures. And that also wearies my spirit. Sometimes the winters of our lives are hose seasons that just wear us out with so.much.happening. We end up depleted and yearning for rest.

    At least that’s where I feel I am right now. I appreciate your beauty found, even in the below-zero temps. Thank you for sharing your sweet perspective! Love and blessings to you, friend!

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    • Thank you, Jeanne. I’m so glad this filled you with hope. I’m sorry you’ve been too busy to take more pictures. I know being in nature and taking photos always refreshes your spirit. Oh yes, those winters in our lives truly do leave us depleted and yearning for rest. I’m so sorry you’re there right now. Love and blessings to you, too! Whatever winters we have in our lives, may God strengthen and sustain us through them and may we remember He is with us always!


  12. I feel the weariness and am looking forward to winter finally leaving. But the lessons we find when we open ourselves to seeing the beauty in winter are many. Thank you for your pictures. They are lovely and your words lead me to the hope and promises of God.

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    • Thank you, Mary. I’m so glad you were led to the hope and promises of God. A winter storm is predicted for here again starting tonight. 😦 But we will keep hoping! May we keep opening our eyes and hearts to beauty, regardless of the season!

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    • I keep trying to remind myself, too, Lynn. πŸ™‚ We’ll keep hoping for spring, right? May our hearts be open to the beauty in each season! I hope you are doing well, and you’re having lots of enjoyment in your beautiful painting to God’s glory!


  13. Beautiful pictures that calm an anxious heart about the perils of too much winter. My daughter and family live in northern Mn. and experience bouts of shut in depression. Today the sun finally came out but they are expecting more snow this week. She is trying to lose weight which is hard in the winter when all you want to do is stay in and bake. We live in Southern California where we have had lots of rain which we need and cooler nights. I think the only season I am not ready to get out of is the fall. I love all the colors and cool crisp evenings. But am thankful for change in the season for we lived for years in Papua New Guinea on the equator where the weather is always humid, if it gets down to the 70 we would be cold, so I like the change. Great post.

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    • I like the change in seasons, too, Betty. Even though I do prefer the warmer seasons. I’m sorry about your daughter and family feeling shut-in depression. I think they have lots more snow there than we got here in SD. I hope spring comes soon for all of us! May the warmth of Jesus’ love fill our hearts with hope!


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