When It’s Hard To Jump Into the Jordan

It’s scary to step out and take a risk into the unknown, isn’t it?

When God made a way through the Red Sea for the Israelites, they saw the waters part before they took one step. But crossing the Jordan River was different. The priests carrying the Ark were told to step into the swollen waters. When they took that step of faith, God opened the way to the promised land.

God has been whispering to me to “jump into the Jordan” ever since I read this guest post at Ann Voskamp’s blog.

I identify with the need for being absolutely certain. I recognize that paralyzing fear when it comes to decisions in my life. When I read eloquent posts, I feel insecure and indecisive, and that negative voice whispers, “You’re not good enough.” I question whether or not I should keep writing. Whether or not I should continue this blog. As I wrestled with this again during my summer break, I wanted a clear answer from God. He didn’t give me that. Instead, He gave me a nudge to trust Him, to stop standing on the shore, terrified that I can’t step forward without knowing for sure it’s His way for me. Without knowing what the outcome will be. Even without “feeling” Him beside me. He nudged me to take a step of faith and jump into the Jordan’s unknowns, trusting He’s got me and will never abandon me.

“For we walk by faith,
not by sight.”
2 Corinthians 5:7
“Because of the Lord’s great love
we are not consumed,

 for His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23

Maybe you, too, feel you don’t have a way with words like some writers. Maybe you, too, don’t feel “good enough.” The truth is we don’t need to become more fluent writers to blog. All God asks is that we “jump into the Jordan” with all our inadequacies, trusting His power to part the rivers of our impossibilities with His Almighty strength. Trusting His grace is greater than our fears of not being enough. Trusting His faithful love will guide us and give us the words, whether few or many. Believing He can bless even the sharing of a Bible verse, a song, a nature photo, or an inspirational quote.

Whatever insecurities and impossibilities are overwhelming us right now and paralyzing us from moving forward, God is bigger. In His power, we can step forward into the unknown. The same God who can make a way through the rivers and seas He has created also has the power and the desire to help us jump into the Jordans of our lives and to trust Him to lead us and take care of all our needs.

“And looking at them Jesus said to them,
‘With people this is impossible,
but with God all things are possible.'”
Matthew 19:26

by Jordan Feliz

“There is no ocean that can’t be parted
There is no mountain that can’t be moved
I know there’s help for the heavy hearted
The weak will find their strength renewed

You just gotta have faith
Mmm, you just gotta have faith

It’s light for the shadows, for all your tomorrows
It’s knowing He’s there through the sun and the rain
It’s when you believe it, before you can see it
And you can walk on ’cause he’s making the way…”


  1. So good to read your words again, Trudy. So full of truth and grace. So encouraging as I am about to step out into several new things feeling so scared. This morning as I prayed, God took me back to my old prayer journals where, in His leading, I declared the Word over my every scary situation and so beautifully I can see that I am now beginning to reap the fruit from those Words He sent out before me. He is so faithful to set our feet upon His Rock and part the sea before us. Holding your hand in Spirit as we step out together toward Him.

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    • Thank you, Anna. I’m so glad you are encouraged to step out into new things even though you feel so scared. That is so hard to do, isn’t it? Yes, He is so faithful to set our feet upon His Rock and part the sea before us! Thank you for holding my hand in the Spirit as we step out together, afraid but trusting He will open the way and never leave us. May God guide you and give you His strength to step out into unknown ways!


  2. So glad you are back, Trudy, as your words and thoughts have been sorely missed!
    Yes, we need to step out in faith, trusting that God is making the way for us. We don’t have to be the “best” at what we do to make a difference in this world, and if the Lord is calling us to write, then write, we must! We can cross the Jordan on dry ground.

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    • Awww, thank you for missing me, Martha. And thank you for your encouragement that we don’t have to be the “best” at what we do to make a difference in this world. It can sometimes be hard to get rid of that perfectionist in me. Blessings to you, too! May Jesus ground us in His love and faithfulness as we step out, even when it’s scary!

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  3. It’s lovely to read your words again, Trudy! I have missed you, and I always leave here blessed and encouraged. Know that God is using your words as you continue to step out in faith.
    I relate to the desire for certainty, but it’s true that we often have to step forward in faith, without that certainty but trusting in God’s faithfulness.
    Just last week I experienced this as I spoke with my pastor about the need for a ministry to support those in our community who have been abused and to see if we could look at ways to begin doing this. It took a lot of faith and courage to have the conversation but his response was amazing. We’re still not sure of the next step forward so I’m sure there will be lots more steps of faith to take, but he was very supportive of the idea. I think when we take those faltering steps forward, trusting God, it can open the way for him to use us. It’s both scary and exciting!
    Please keep writing!

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    • Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement, Lesley. Tears again pool in my eyes as I again read your comment about stepping out in faith to speak to your pastor of the need for support for the abused. That took a lot of courage! Thank you for speaking out for those whose voice has been silenced and who find it so hard to speak up for themselves. It encourages me, too, to keep taking those faltering steps forward, trusting God to open the way for Him to use us. Thank you for sharing this with me, and please keep in touch as to what develops. May we cling to God’s constant love and faithfulness to uphold us and lead us into the unknown waters, however scary it may be!

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  4. Dear Trudy,
    I am so glad that you listened to those nudges to write again here! Your words are always filled with such comfort and blessing. I miss you when you are absent from here. And even today, the ways that God led you have hit home so much in my own heart. I don’t know the direction that my healthcare is going, and it’s so easy to just feel like I should give up and stop because of that. And my flesh speaks, how could I ever think that I will have enough strength to keep writing? But our Lord knows and He continues to ask me to follow HIM into what is unknown to me. Thank you for sharing words that were just the encouragement that I needed today. Love and hugs to you Sweet Friend! xo

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    • Thank you so much, Bettie. That you may be comforted and blessed here gladdens my heart. I’m so grateful this has hit home in your own heart. My heart aches for you as I know you are having such a difficult time with pain. I don’t have adequate words for this, but as you go through such a hot, refining fire, I can see God’s glory shining through in your writing. Your words so often speak to my heart and encourage me to cling to God’s faithful love, no matter what happens in this life. Love and hugs to you, too! May we continue to follow HIM in whichever way He leads us, trusting in His all-sufficient grace!


  5. I was so happy to see your post in my inbox, Trudy! I remember that guest piece on Ann’s blog … I’m glad you heeded the nudge to “jump into the Jordan” of blogging again. 🙂 You have a unique writing voice, one that’s needed and exceedingly “enough” to have a place in the blogosphere! Hugs, friend.

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    • Thank you so much for your kind and loving encouragement, Lois. Ann has some great guest posts, doesn’t she? And her own posts are so unique and encouraging. Hugs to you, too! I am still pondering an excerpt from the book you reviewed – “God will bring the sunshine again. Just you wait.” May He give us that grace to wait patiently and not rush the needed time to grieve losses!


  6. Hi Trudy! I’ve been on quite a long break myself. Can I just tell you I hope you never stop blogging?! When I decided to come back online, you were at the top of my list to visit. I’m so glad to see you here and your words are perfect for me today. So encouraging. Thank you, my friend. Let’s jump in that river!! What a perfect little daily mantra :).

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    • Candace! Hi! How are you? I have missed your online presence. I’m so glad you are encouraged. Yes, let’s together jump in that river! So will you be writing blog posts again? I do hope so. 🙂 May God give us the grace and courage to jump into our Jordans, whatever they may be, trusting His everlasting arms are around us and underneath us!


  7. Candace’s words echo mine Trudy! I’ll see your post in my email, and your the first I’ll go visit. Thanks for your words here. May you continue to grow and learn–it’s never a linear journey is it? I’ve been questioning lately and not sure what’s next. Creating the space to just be for awhile!

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    • Oh, thank you, Lynn! For taking thought for me and for your prayer to grow and learn. No, it’s never a linear journey. It strikes me as I read your words that if it was a linear journey, we wouldn’t grow and learn, would we? “Creating the space to just be for a while.” Yes, we surely need those spaces, don’t we? Just to be who God created us to be and not to be focused on “doing.” I pray God will take your hand and lead you to what His plan is for you. Just so you know, though I don’t always comment on your posts when I’m on a break, I do still read them. 🙂 I always find a breathing space at your site. May we both grow and learn together and be led deeper into God’s love for us!

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  8. Trudy, it’s a joy and relief to read your words again! They always speak with such kindness, compassion, encouragement and hope. And I had been looking out for you in my inbox recently with expectation in my heart. This is such a timely post for me as I am still struggling with deep weariness, many health challenges and increasing pain, and wondering just when (if?) I might make a return to a busy online life and blogging again. Although I am still on a break, I couldn’t resist letting you know how much I value your voice and the wisdom in these words. Keep going, my friend! You’re making a difference and touching lives far more than you might realise. Love and hugs! xo ❤

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    • Oh Joy, you have often been in my heart and prayers as I know you are struggling. I’m so sorry the pain is increasing. May God relieve it and lift the weariness from your body and spirit! I do miss your insightful posts, but I don’t want you to pressure yourself too much either. I know how much you long to encourage the hurting and point to Jesus like I do, but you are still making a difference with what you have already written. God can guide anyone to read something that will encourage their hearts. Thank you for your loving and kind encouragement to me! Love and hugs to you, too! May God grant us the serenity and strength to accept the things we cannot change, those things that weigh so heavily on us, and give us to trust His way and keep taking steps forward, however tiny they may be!


      • I really appreciate your prayers, sweet friend. This has certainly been a summer of greater struggle than before, physically and emotionally. I’ve lost count of the questions I have asked of God! But now I am learning to live into the answers to come. Seeking God’s face and resting in His presence has been healing for me, especially when my queries have seemed to fall on deaf ears. Because I know that God loves me, whether I am able to be active or not. And I am more at peace with taking a long time off from the blogs. Serenity and strength build our inner resilience and reveal our ability (or otherwise) to accept how things are even as we long for change. Your closing sentence here has a heartfelt “Amen!” from me! Tiny steps are all I am capable of these days. But it is enough. You and I are already made enough in Christ. Thank you so much for your kind, caring and understanding heart. xo 😊❤

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        • I love that you’re “learning to live into the answers to come”, Joy. Those yet unmet longings and unanswered questions are not easy to deal with. Isn’t it amazing that God never tires of our questions? This morning as I was praying through Psalm 8, I cried, “Who am I that You should bother to care for me?” And it struck me that God is never “bothered” to care for us. His way isn’t always to our liking, but He unreservedly delights to care for us. Yes, He loves us, whether we’re active or not, and we are already enough in Christ! I’m so glad that even though your queries seem to fall on deaf ears, you have been given the grace to seek God’s face and rest in His presence. Hugs!

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  9. I’m glad you’re jumping into the Jordan, Trudy. It’s good to see you here again! I very much relate to you about not liking uncertainty. 😦 I’ve tried in the past few years to make more peace with uncertainty. But it’s not an easy thing for me. I know what is uncertain to me is certain from God’s angle, but that doesn’t always help me either. ha. Either way, I’m thankful for God’s love and protection over us, even when we’re scared to get in the Jordan!

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    • Thank you, Lisa. I let uncertainty too often hold me back from jumping in. I know what you mean that it doesn’t always help us just to know God’s angle is always certain. Yes, God’s love and protection is over us, even when we’re scared to get in the Jordan. Thank you for the encouraging reminder. Even while on break, I did try to follow most of your posts, even though I didn’t comment. Hopefully, I’ll start commenting more again. 🙂 I was especially touched by this last one. Such a great reminder that we ALL are needy, even though it doesn’t look like it outwardly. My heart ached for Ryan. May God help us to take those leaps of faith into the Jordans in our lives, no matter how scared we are and to trust He’s got us, no matter what!


  10. Yes, this surrendering of control is a continuous dance, 3 steps forward, a step back. Repeat.

    It seems to come a bit easier over time. Maybe we finally realize how faithful He’s always been.

    Love that you’re writing again, Trudy.

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    • I love how you describe that surrender of control, Linda. I so identify with it as a “continuous dance, 3 steps forward, a step back. Repeat.” Yes, He has been faithful, and He will continue to be. I need that reminder moment by moment. May we continually fix our eyes on Jesus and His faithful love and care over us, no matter what!


  11. Wow! This is a convicting and thought-provoking post. I read the article at Ann Voskamp’s and am thinking I have missed my just jump into the Jordan moments many times because I want it to be perfect. Thank you for sharing and for challenging me to rethink and just jump.

    It’s wonderful to see you writing. I pray you had a good summer and feel renewed and restored.

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    • Thank you, Mary. I pray the same for you. I missed many jump in the Jordan moments, too. I know that struggle of wanting it to be perfect. It’s hard, isn’t it? May we both learn more and more to “just jump!”

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