Pouring Out and Leaving Our Worries and Stress at the Feet of the Lord

“Grace” was my Word for the year in 2021. And truly, God’s grace was so generous and free and still is. When I went through dark valleys, I had a difficult time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but God still graciously brought me through. In hindsight, I can now envision Him holding my hand and leading me or carrying me, even when I had no strength to lift my eyes and focus on His love and grace.

Focusing on the depth of meaning in that word did help me to open my eyes more to grace moments I so easily overlook. However, this year I decided not to focus on a specific word but rather on a renewed thought process.

In the past months, when I start thinking I must get this or that done, when I get anxious and overwhelmed about all that’s going on in this world and my heart aches for those who are hurting, I hear God whispering, “Just rest, My child.” I feel He is calling me to put less pressure on myself. To take one day at a time, and even one step at a time, and to keep my focus on Jesus. To lay low and rest in Him and His unchangeable goodness and unfailing love. Just to take a deep breath, confide in Him, and do the next right thing. To stop stressing out if I post less here, am unable to keep up with other things in life, or cannot change situations out of my control. To just “be” who I am in Christ, give all my anxious thoughts over to Him, and to seek to be more like Him in my every thought, word, and action.

“So here’s what I’ve learned through it all:
    Leave all your cares and anxieties
at the feet of the Lord, and
measureless grace will strengthen you.”
Psalm 55:22 TPT

“Pour out all your worries and stress
upon Him and leave them there,
for He always tenderly cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7 TPT

I have read about some chosen words for the year, and I am looking forward to hearing what lessons God has taught you. But whether you have chosen a word or not, my prayer for all of us is that God will anchor us more and more in His unfailing love and bottomless grace for us.

by Hillary Scott

“I believe that You are God alone
But sometimes I still try to take control
Cause I get scared when I can’t see the end
And all You want from me is to let go

You’re parting waters
Making a way for me
You’re moving mountains that I don’t even see
You’ve answered my prayer before I even speak
All You need for me to be is still…”


  1. Rest is so important. It’s a lesson God is still teaching me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love knowing that God is always with us.

    I also love the TPT translation of the verses above—measureless grace. So beautiful!

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    • I love seeing you here again, Mary. My heart was blessed, too, in finding the TPT version of those verses, especially in that wording of “measureless grace.” And in the other verse where it says “and leave them there.” May God teach us more and more of the lesson of resting in Him!


  2. This sounds like a great focus for the year, Trudy! I agree, it’s easy to feel burdened by all the suffering we see around us. It makes such a difference when we manage to hand those cares to God and rest in him. I like the song you shared too!

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    • Yes, it truly “makes a difference when we manage to hand those cares to God and rest in Him.” It’s not always easy, is it? We need that “measureless grace” as in Psalm 55:22! May God give us grace to hand all our worries and anxiety to God and trust He is still in control!

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  3. “But whether you have chosen a word or not, my prayer for all of us is that God will anchor us more and more in His unfailing love and bottomless grace for us.” Amen. I’m hearing that love and care for others can feel overwhelming! So true. May we all learn to let go and not take on the burdens of this world, yet anchor in His truth, pray and “let go, let God.”

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    • I found it confirming that you also mentioned anchoring in your post, Lynn. It’s His anchor of grace and truth that can strengthen us and give us courage to climb that “slippery ice” you talked about in your post. Life can be so much like a slippery slope, can’t it? Thank you for this prayer – “May we all learn to let go and not take on the burdens of this world, yet anchor in His truth, pray and “let go, let God.” Amen! I’m praying with you!


  4. Trudy, such beautiful thoughts and words here. It sounds like you’ll be living into the identity God has given you, focusing on Him that He draws each of us to, and learning how to be and not only do. what a beautiful focus for the year! I look forward to reading what you share this year, my friend. Love and blessings to you!

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  5. In the Jewish calendar this year is the year of Sabbath rest. So: isn’t that just beautiful that God is speaking that rest over you – over us, His Body? Praise Him that what He speaks, He brings into being, with no Word of His ever returning void.

    His grace has flowed out of your posts into our hearts, Trudy. Oh even that song in this post had me weeping and weeping. His peace is such a balm.

    May God continue to reap His harvest in us, sowing His Word richly in our midst. May we be astounded by the leaves of healing and fruit for food He unfurls through the prayers HE puts upon our hearts and lips. May we see His glory unfolding and be so encouraged that He does what He says. Much much love!!!

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    • Interesting, Anna. I know you do a lot of deep studying, so thank you for sharing it. Yes, that is beautiful. And thank you for your kind words. I’m so grateful God has touched your heart with His balming peace. Your prayer here brings tears to my eyes. Yes, may we see His glory unfolding in our hearts and lives! Much much love to you, too!

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  6. Trudy, your words remind me of that old hymn, ‘Jesus, I am resting resting in the joy of what Thou art. I am finding out the greatness of Thy loving heart.’

    And that’s what we’re doing, isn’t it. All will be well. He loves us so.

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    • Oh Linda, thank you so much for bringing that old hymn to my attention. I have never heard of it, so I looked it up and listened. It really resonates in my heart. May we rest and bask in the sunshine of our Father’s face!


  7. Focusing on a renewed thought process sounds delightful too, Trudy! Taking one step and one day at a time is good medicine for each of us. That’s definitely an approach I’m having to take this year myself. Blessings to you, friend!

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    • It’s hard to do, but taking one step and one day at a time truly is good medicine as you mention here, Lisa. I am already loving what you’re learning from your word this year. I’m looking forward to more as I surely need to learn to release more easily. Blessings to you, too! May we slow down and release all our burdens into our Almighty Father’s hands!

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  8. Trudy, I love your intention of focusing on a thought process rather than a specific word. Our thoughts truly affect our actions. Those verses ministered to my soul today, thank you! I look forward to walking with you in 2022 and learning from you!

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  9. Dear Trudy,
    Oh such a precious gift from the Lord to hear Him calling you to focus on Him, one step and one moment at a time. I so often need to remind myself that when He calls us to that stillness, it’s not a burden, but a joy to just look at Him there. Thank you for reminding me here–I needed that today too. I love those verses in the Passiin Translation also! Much love and hugs to you this New Year, dear sister!

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    • I need to remind myself, too, Bettie. I love how you word that – “when He calls us to that stillness, it’s not a burden, but a joy to just look at Him there.” Much love and hugs to you, too! I pray you and Barry may be given that measureless grace to strengthen you for whatever lies ahead. May our God, who so tenderly cares for us, help us to lay all our worries and stress at His feet!


  10. Oh Trudy, you DID have a hard year last year and I’m so thankful God brought you through it. I love that you are focusing on a renewed thought process this year. I’ve found that having truth-filled thoughts at the top of my mind doesn’t mean I never worry, but it lets me know I’m not at the mercy of those worries … that I can switch to something else once I realize what’s happening. May God’s grace continue to carry you one step at a time, all through 2022. Love and hugs to you, my friend!

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    • I’m thankful, too, Lois, also that he brought you through the tough times this past year. I’m grateful, too, that we’re never “at the mercy of those worries.” It can be a tough battle to keep our thoughts filled with truth, but God is faithful. Love and hugs to you, too! And thank you for your prayer. I’m praying the same for you right now. May God help us to keep our thought process focused on Him and His measureless grace!


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