Introvert or Extrovert: Embrace Who You Are


Be YOU tiful Blue Green

So often I have felt there’s something wrong with me. Why do I get so worn out when I socialize? Health limitations don’t help, neither have past hurts, trust issues, and having been the target of slander. But still… there was something deeper. Something about how I was wired.

I know I am an introvert, but I beat myself up over it. I feel like those who socialize more can make more of a positive difference, so I must be failing. But it’s just not me… I still would rather be a small mouse in a corner – observing, listening, analyzing – than to be part of a social gathering. It’s not that I don’t like people. I love them dearly. It’s just that quiet, private spaces are necessary for resuscitation, revival, and renewal.

Last week I read Holley Gerth’s blog post – There’s Something You Should Know About Me. As she confided she is an introvert, a resonant chord twanged in my heart. Tears flowed as I realized it was an answer to prayer. God created this part of me, too, and I shouldn’t resist it. I should accept it as the me God created me to be. I should quit fighting this part of who I am. As Holley wrote, “We honor God when we honor who He created us to be.”

If you’re an introvert like me, it’s ok. Don’t fight against the way your nervous system is wired. I love how Holley explains it:

“Your nervous system is like a net that catches stimulation in your environment–things like noise, lights, words and facial expressions. 

If you’re an extrovert, you’ve got extra large holes in your net. You can handle a lot of stimulation before you get overwhelmed. If you’re in the middle of extrovert-introvert you’ve got average size holes. If you’re an introvert with a highly sensitive nervous system you catch everything. So you’re easily and quickly overstimulated.”
(7 Ways You Can Love an Introvert)


Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

An introvert:

“Basically, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.

Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy. This is true even if they have good social skills. After being with people for any length of time, such as at a party, they need time alone to ‘recharge.'” (Introvert Definition and Characteristics)

An extrovert:

“Basically, an extrovert is a person who is energized by being around other people. This is the opposite of an introvert who is energized by being alone.

Extroverts tend to ‘fade’ when alone and can easily become bored without other people around. When given the chance, an extrovert will talk with someone else rather than sit alone and think.”
(What Is an Extrovert?)


Extrovert or Introvert Quiz

Quiet Quiz: Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert?


Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, that’s how God wired you, so embrace yourself as you are. Trying to be the opposite of how we’re wired is like swimming against a strong current. Exhausting with no progress forward. Just let God use you just as you are wherever you are. Let His love and grace flow through you and spill out to anoint others whether it’s one person at a time or many people at once. Let Him guide you through the gifts He has given you whether it’s through talking or writing. You are marvelously made whichever way it is, and you are enough.



21 Days of Rest: Finding Spiritual Whitespace

A Soft Gentle Voice


  1. Dear Trudy just one more thing we have in common! 🙂 Just knowing that’s how he made us, we should embrace it instead of fighting it.
    What a relief! We are enough! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) 💜


    • It’s hard to believe we’re enough sometimes. I’m bad at comparing with others and always coming up short. But we have to keep trying to embrace who God made us to be. 🙂 Yes! We are enough in Jesus! Hugs to you, too, Krista! ❤️


  2. im an extrovert. my mom is an introvert, it amazes me she can live without other people. actually it makes me crazy at times. a little like being in prison for me. as I LOVE having people around. and what I am learning is I need to get over it. some doors have not been opened to me because they aren’t supposed to be. it also NEVER occurred to me that someone would NOT wanna talk to me. so when I come across people who I am DRAINING I need to realize this is NOT my assignment. And try to let them be who they are so I can be who I am .


    • Yes, J&J, just be who you are. 🙂 I have a daughter who I think of as a social butterfly. Staying at home too much would drive her crazy. It’s not that introverts don’t want to talk to you. They care deeply and may enjoy talking with you, but they need their quiet times to reboot whereas extroverts are energized by talking more to others. It’s amazing how God created each of us so differently, but no matter what, we need to accept ourselves as we are and also allow others to be who they are. You are beautiful just as you are. 🙂


  3. Trudy,
    Thanks for introducing yourself over at my blog…always good to meet another introvert, who was also deeply touched by Holley’s post…I took your test and I guess I also have a little bit of extrovert in me 🙂 Let us walk in the freedom of who God made us to be/how He wired us….that is what I am telling myself today 🙂


    • Thanks for stopping by, Dolly. Yes, Holley’s post helped me to feel it’s ok to be an introvert, that I have to quit striving to be what I am not. Yes! Let us walk in the freedom of how He wired us! 🙂


  4. Trudy, I love your picture! I wore a shirt tonight that says BeYOUtiful and I love it! I took the quiz…because I really can be both, and it said I have both qualities. It helped me to see that in black and white because it really depends. I do believe finding Spiritual Whitespace with you and others over at Faith Barista helped me to nurture the introvert in me <3.


    • Thank you, Michelle. I love the picture, too, but I can’t take credit for it though. If you click on it, it will lead you to who created it as a free printable. Where did you get a shirt with that saying on it? Yes, I do believe finding Spiritual Whitespace has helped me, too, to allow myself to be who I am created to be. Glad I met you! 💗


  5. Coming over from Bonnie’s, I enjoyed your post, Trudy. It’s so true that we honor God by embracing who He created us to be. I love to be alone, but am okay in crowds as well. Perhaps I’m in-between but lean a bit more toward introvert. Remember, you matter and you are loved just the way you are.


    • Thank you for your kind encouragement, Julie. I have to keep reminding myself to embrace who God created me to be. God is so patient with me. 🙂 You matter, too, Julie! May God richly bless you with soul rest! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Trudy, I thought I knew the answer to this but took the (quiet) quiz to find out, and (no surprise really) discovered I am officially confirmed as an introvert! One more thing we have in common. 🙂 Holley’s blog never fails to speak to me and I love the post you’ve profiled in particular. Thank you for being brave and having courage enough to share your thoughts here to help and encourage others as well. I love the images too! They made me smile and think. Blessings, love and prayers to you, soul sister. 🙂 xx


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