New This Month: Links, Quotes, Books & More



“For your royal husband delights in your beauty;
honor Him, for He is your Lord.”
Psalm 45:11


 Jennifer Dukes Lee lists some verses that remind us of
God’s true love and who He says we are.






Loop: What Women Need to Know by Jennifer Camp

loop“We women are busy. Busy trying hard. Busy working to do things right. What would it be like if we heard words, just for us, reminding us what is most true about our identities, about our life, about God? Would life be different then? Would we be different? Can you imagine?

Loop is a one year, twice-a-week, Christian devotional for busy women. It is a collection of whispers to women, encouraging them to lead lives that are less “filled” with things to do and check lists to complete and more “full” of love from God.

Loop is for women who are busy. Women who are weary. Women who are lost. Women who are finally ready to lay down their burdens. Women who are eager to abandon the lies they’ve been believing-about God, about themselves, about how they are made and what they are designed to do.

Loop is written for you.” (Amazon Review)

✎ When a Woman Finds Her Voice: Overcoming Life’s Hurts & Using Your Story to Make a Difference by Jo Ann Fore

voice“What happens when brokenness stains our spirits, when the hurts of life linger?
Secret or unresolved hurts leak into our everyday lives, filtering into everything we think we know about who we are. We tend to question our value and meaning. We feel unimportant, incapable, ”less-than” or ”not good enough.”

So we put on our false faces, the ”life-is-just-fine” masks, while we bury ourselves in family, career, and service to others. And we fall silent. But that’s not God’s plan.

In When A Woman Finds Her Voice, author Jo Ann Fore engages your heart and mind as one who knows your fears and frustrations. As a certified life coach, she unpacks a message of hope and freedom with a gentle boldness that can only come from one who has walked the journey.

With straight talk, insightful biblical truths, and heart-aching stories of hope, Jo Ann leads you on the unparalleled adventure of finding your voice and using it to make a difference. Jo Ann helps you find healing, then leads you to help others do the same. You will learn how to overcome life’s hurts. You will be moved to share the stories you’ve been hesitant to share–those healing stories that have the power to change both your life and the lives of others.” (Amazon Review)


Hope Harbor

Loop Email Devotionals for Women – Devotionals like in the book Loop by Jennifer Camp, but delivered twice a week to your email for free. “We need to hear words, just for us, encouraging us on, reminding us what is most true—about our identities, about our lives, about God.”

Love Notes from God: 10 Ways He Loves You – Debbie shares some beautiful truths here – “Here is how He loves you and me. We are His beloved…His cherished ones regardless of our circumstances. His Word is one long love note to us… “

 Beating Your Past Pain – Kelly Balarie shares some important truths here – “Unveiling your past pains before the Great Healer, allows your past pain to become healed pain.” Includes a list of Scripture verses of what God says to us.

Nature Retreat

 ➺ All About Birds by Cornell Lab of Ornithology – An online guide to birds and bird watching. Includes live bird cams.

 ➺ Insects and Bugs on the Web – “This site aims to help you really see insects for the miniature marvels they represent and to understand how intertwined our cultures have become with these alien creatures.” Includes stunning macrophotography.

 ➺ 100 Fantastic Photos of Reptiles and Amphibians – “Whether these creatures are swimming in ponds or slithering underfoot, numerous talented photographers have found them to be the perfect subjects for many beautiful compositions.”



❤︎ “Who I am does not change who God is; yet my knowing who I am, in God, changes me. It changes me from a false identity to a true one, from a life of slavery to one of freedom.” Jennifer Camp at Gather Ministries

❤︎ “Your Heavenly Daddy loves to be with you. Not because you are doing anything for Him, but simply because you are His.” Renee Swope

❤︎ “It takes more faith to fall apart with Jesus than to stay strong enough to stop it from happening.” Bonnie Gray in Finding Spiritual Whitespace



  1. Hi Trudy! You do such a nice job of finding pearls on the web! I have just met Kelly and her #RaRa Link-up, and I’m finding her writing to be such a joy. I’m still reading Spiritual Whitespace, and I’ve recommended it to a few people too. We have similar tastes in writers I think.

    It always amazes me how much there is in blogging, how rich the content. God has been very generous with his gifts. And I include you in that!




    • Thank you, Ceil. Pearls on the web! I like that! 🙂 I love Kelly’s writing, too. I haven’t known her that long yet either. You are one of God’s generous gifts to me, too! God bless you! Hugs!


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