April Hope Whispers

Can you imagine how immeasurable all the grains of sand on earth are? And yet God says His precious thoughts towards each one of us outnumber them!

There are so many in this world who feel unloved and insignificant. Life here is not easy, is it? But no matter what anyone says, each one of us is precious to God. He has the power and the desire to reach into and heal the wounded places of every hurting heart. His arms of endless compassion and unconditional, fathomless love reach out to us, no matter who we are, where we’re from, or where we’ve been.

“We all have an unspoken broken in our lives. It’s that thing in us that we don’t talk about because we don’t know how to put words to it. Some of us create a shiny veneer to cover it and others of us turn the volume of our lives up way high to drown out the silence. But, even if the world misses it, God hears our unspoken broken.” ~ Jennifer Rothschild

“This disconnect between emotional health and Christian theology has been at odds for some time. The common Christian response to uncomfortable emotions is phrases like ‘You just need to pray more’ and ‘trust the Lord in all circumstances,’ which adds to the distortion that our distress impairs our spiritual maturity. I whole-heartedly believe that the spiritual disciplines found in Scripture were never meant to invalidate our pain and problems, but rather invite us into expressing our feelings openly and freely to a loving and caring God. 
Here is the truth: You matter to God, feelings and all.” ~ Carley Marcouillier

The conflicting feelings you feel aren’t the problem. They’re part of the solution.
Every challenge that you face is a lot like a puzzle. And your emotions—even the ones you wish you didn’t feel—are crucial pieces to that puzzle. You can’t throw these pieces out. You need them. Those tiny truth-pieces—when tenderly, painstakingly brought out in front of you and examined—help you find your way out of chaos and into clarity.” ~ Dr. Alison Cook

🦋 Dr. Alison Cook’s Resource Page

“Brain health issues are not a spiritual flaw, they are a medical condition that must be addressed.  If you’ve been experiencing depression or anxiety, please call your physician.  Or call 911 if you’re in crisis.  There is no shame in reaching out for help, in fact it is vital.  The building of a sound mind allows us to live out our God-given empowerment and call to love with healthy bodies and eager hearts.” ~ Linda Stoll

🦋 Linda’s Wellness Resources

Arizona Spring Wildflowers
Lady Banks Roses in John & MJ’s Backyard
A beautiful bedewed rose – photo John took years ago


  1. That video was so whimsical and cute, Trudy, and certainly, along with all the lovely photos shared, spring has definitely arrived! May this season find you blessed in all things. Thanks so much for your prayers for Danny, too. My blogging friends are the best!

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    • I’m glad you enjoyed them, Martha. The new life in spring gives such hope, doesn’t it? May this season find you blessed in all things, too! And may God fill you and Danny with the peace only He can give in this difficult time!

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  2. oh Trudy, it’s so amazing how our posts flow together this week! What a special gift from the Lord. This quote echoed in my heart so much: “But, even if the world misses it, God hears our unspoken broken. Thank you so much for sharing all these precious words. And thank you for the lovely photos! They are always so full of cheer. Love and hugs and blessings dear friend! ❤️

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    • I was awed by that, too, Bettie, when I read your post. Your post really resonated in my heart. By the way, for some reason, my computer won’t let me like your comment there. Just know that I do read your answering comments. I love that same quote that echoed in your heart. It’s such a deep comfort that God always hears our unspoken broken. It’s so amazing that He ALWAYS understands the deepest part of our hearts. Love, hugs, and blessings to you, dear friend! May we keep opening our hearts to our loving and caring Savior who understands our pain like no one else!

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  3. Oh my gosh, that “Spring is Here” video made me laugh out loud! Love it! The squirrels around our place stored over 66 golf balls in our trees. They stole them from the golf ball bucket and the golf range my husband created on the acreage. I wish I caught them in the act, as it would have made a “laugh out loud” video moment, too! 🙂 My husband has now put a lid on the golf ball bucket. I loved your flower photos (especially since I am looking at grey skies with the chance of more rain/snow falling today). And a beautiful message of God’s love that sees us and renews us.

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    • Oh Lynn, I would have loved to see those squirrels scampering about with those golf balls. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this funny story. We need those light moments in the midst of all the heavy moments in this life, don’t we? “…God’s love that sees us and renews us.” Beautifully said. May our hearts remember He is always with us and may we open our eyes to see those whispers of His love sprinkled in our lives!


  4. I love the spring photos, Trudy! It is my favourite season. I love to see the days get longer and brighter again. I appreciate the quotes too. It is reassuring to remember that God cares about our feelings and doesn’t just dismiss them.

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    • Spring is my favorite season, too, Lesley. 🙂 All the new life gives such hope, doesn’t it? May God give us grace to remember each day how much He truly cares about our feelings and will never dismiss them!


  5. It makes me so sad to think there are people who genuinely feel unloved and insignificant. I know we all can struggle with it from time to time and to varying degrees, but everyone deserves to know they have value and worth. Thanks for your love to all, Trudy! And these beautiful flower photos. I always enjoy them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, it makes me so sad, too, Lisa. And yes, we all struggle in varying degrees. Thank you for your kind words. May we cling to our value and worth in Jesus!


    • Thank you for your kind words, Linda. Your words and resources remind us how much we matter to God, feelings and all, my friend, and I so appreciate you and your online home. May we together cling to and pass onto others how much Jesus cares!


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